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Hey everyone, it's Jonna. This is my newest site.
Umm I like the layout a lot so I think I'm
gonna keep this page around for a while!
So please check it out and sign the Guestbook:)



._About*Me-it's just some random junk about me. not my lifestory or anything but i will try to keep it short. also some contact info on there:D

_Shout*Outs-if your not on there, and you should be, lemme know. and if i dont like you, you still might be on there with a few random words. dont you feel especially hated?

_Pics-Hmm most likely pics of me, my friends, and cars. If you have any pics you want me to add, just send 'em to me. my email is on the about*me page.

_To*James-12/01/02 one of the most important days in my life so far, i love you james!

_Some*Links-Links to my friends' sites, funny sites, car sites, useless sites and more