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Kristen & Ashley's Fitness/ Health Home Page

Principles Of Fitness

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Recipe For Success: 1.)Set goals; Write them down Have small step- short term goal 2.)Weight Resistance Training; (Proper Freguency- each muscle group 1-2 times a week, Intensity- # of Reps, work to failure, Time- # of sets) 3.)Cardiovascular Exercise; (Proper F- 3-6 times a week, I- in training zone 60-90%, T- 20-60 minutes) 4.)Core Training (Abdominal and Low back) 5.)Water (8-12 glasses of 8 ounces) Per Day 6.)Six meals(Feedings) Per Day (Never go three hours without eating) Don't skip breakfast Eat healthy, whole food Balance Carbohydrates and Protein in each meal Think METABOLISM Cheat one day a week- by eating your favorite bad for you food. 7.)7-8 hours of sleep a night 8.)Supplements; Examples, Calcium for women, Iron for menstrual cycle, multi vitamin for all. etc..... 9.)Be constant 10.)No Drugs Alcohol, Marijuana, cigarettes, ecstasy, etc...They will pollute your body. If being healthy is more pleasure/important than being cool/accepted this will be easy.