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((The HCW show comes back from commerical and Dragon is seen backstage))

Dragon: I can't believe this guy is already talking crap about me, He hasn't even seen me in action yet!

((Dragon then walks out of the view of the camera and the scene switches to a Jobber match thats already started. The match last for about five minutes then throughout the arena the fans here Awnaw over the PA system. Dragon walks out on to the stage and starts to tuant the crowd. Dragon then proceeds to walk down the ramp to the ring. Dragon climbs into the ring and the jobbers stand threre as Dragon walks over to the opposite side of the ring and demands a mic. Dragon takes a look at one of the jobbers,then Begins to speak.))

Dragon: Hey there!

Jobber: H..H..Hi ??

Dragon: I'm going to ask you a question

Jobber: O.Ok?

Dragon: What would you do if some little jobber was standing in the ring while you were trying to tell all your Dragon-ites something?

Jobber: I..I don't Know? ((While shrugging shoulders))
Dragon: I'll tell you what I would do. "Dragon Pauses" Better Yet I'll show you.

((Dragon then drops the mic and starts throwing punches at the jobber. The Jobber gets his ass handed to him. for a little bit then starts hitting back at Dragon. Dragon then knees the Jobber in the stomach. Dragon then Gives the jobber a jawbreaker. The jobber is on the ground holding his mouth and Dragon goes to the outside of the ring and starts digging under the ring. He pulls out a ladder and a table and throws them both into the ring. Dragon sets up the Ladder and the table in the center of the ring. Dragon picks up the jobber and then knees him in the stomach again.Dragon then lays the jobber on the on the table. Dragon then climbs the ladder and Delivers a Swanton Bomb on the Jobber. The Jobber lays in the ring almost life less.As the EMTs come down to the ring and escort the jobber out of the ring. Dragon picks up the mic again and begins to speak))

Dragon: Now with that little piece of crap out of my ring I can get on to more important things.
((Crowd gives Dragon a lot of heat))
Dragon: Now it seems that before I even stepped foot in the HCW ring I already have people noticing me. Listen Cyrus, you might have a lot of records and the longest title regin in HCW history and you seem like a really tough guy but theres one thing that I saw you lacking BALLS. You come out here and you said a nice little speech. Hell I almost fell asleep went you were out here. I mean come on you came out here and said the same stuff everyone else says. I'm big and bad, I can kick your ass, your nothing. Dude get some better material. And where the hell did you get the name "CYRUS" do you watch to much matrix? Oh wait I get it you listen to Billy Ray Cyrus. Well if that's the case then I have a song for you. Don't talk that crap, that really stupid crap, you know you sound like everyone else. And if you say that crap , that really stupid crap I might come from behind and take you out, WWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! HaHa now on to a more serious matter. I have a match in two weeks against Johnny Vodka on Karnage in the HCW Undisputed Title Tournament. Now Johnny I don't know much about you and I don't know what your style is. The one thing I do know is that your a little bigger then me. so I'm gonna make this short and sweet. I'm not the kind of person to take a shot and lie down the only way your gonna when is by beating me to within an Inch of my life. And I don't think that's gonna Happen! So with that said I'm gonna leave my Dragon-ites and go bak to the boring life back stage. C YYAAAAA!!!!!

(( Dragon then Drops the mic and heads to the back))

(( Scene Fades))