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Welcome to my site. My name is Ethan, and I will be sharing
with you the story of my life! I will include pictures with brief descriptions
about my life as a preemie. To start of with, let me say, I was born on December
4,2002 @ 32 weeks gestation. I weighed 3lbs 11oz and was 16 inches long. And if
you read on there is let's start from the beginning


Well, this is my mommy. She is in hard labor in this
picture, which you can't tell because she is smiling. She is happy that grandpa
snuck those crackers in, because they wouldn't let her have anything to eat. She
was really nervous and scared because she didn't know what to expect. She
received Nubaine, which helped with her pain, and she also had an epidural. I
was ready to come, so that didn't have a chance to


I'M HERE!!! I arrived at 8:18am. I really didn't get a
chance to see my mommy or daddy when I was born. That's why there are no
pictures..:( I didn't have any major complications, but the doctors rushed me
right up to the NICU. I didn't realize it would be 6 long hours before I got to
see mommy and daddy. But mommy spent that time on the you can


Well, I think she has managed to call everyone in the
world. When this picture was taken, we had exactly 2 hours before we would meet
for the first time. Mommy was so worried, she didn't know what I would endure
being I was so small. She tried to think positive...but you know how mommies
are...worry all the time!



The next pages are about me, but, before we get to them, I would like you to know a
little bit about my situation. When I was born my cry wasn't strong enough to
close the valve in my heart. I had a small hole that Dr. Austin had to fix. I
really liked him. He was always so gentle and soft spoken. I was placed on C-PAP
for a few days. I needed a little help with keeping my oxygen up. I was on a
heart monitor. I had a little trouble keeping my temperature up. Hey what can I
say, I was used to being in mommy's warm tummy! I had a few head ultrasounds
done to make sure I didn't have any brain bleeds. And I had a feeding tube
placed after about 3 days. Man, I was sure glad when I got that thing. I was
used to mommy eating 20 times a day!!

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Some of the graphics on this site I am not sure where I got them. If anyone knows who owns them, please let me know so I can ask for permission, or remove if need be.