ETERNAL SALVATION ...welcome to my little spot on the web for Jesus....

Jesus is the answer for all the world today

Thank-you for visiting my site are some stories I have written, and a links page at the bottom, that will take you to many other places.....Enjoy!!!

a story about the cross
from the foot of the cross to heaven
Sin, just how bad are we????
THE END.......of what?
What is your choice??
my nephews page....his thoughts on praying
Links, and more links.....God bless you all on your journey....

To accept the gift of salvation... Begin by asking Jesus into your heart... Ask Him to forgive you your sins... And be ready to make Him Lord of your life... God bless you all!!!... If you would like there is a guestbook you may sign...

View Sign View View My Guestbook

never follow a man farther than he will follow Jesus.. .... because this page changes stop back as soon as possible...
