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Esquire was first introduced at Willowridge by Nahuma R. Holiday in 1991, a transfer from the Mu Phi Sigma Chapter at Madison High School. He then inspired students attending Willowridge to Charter a line.

The First Nineteen

At midnight on January 8, 1993 Yul W., Jonathon B., Princeton H., Carlos P., Warner X., Renie H., Jermaine B., Kevin S., Kevin B., Robert M., Kwasi O., Del S., Steve H., Sean D., Arthur B., King W. Crossed the ice cold flames into the fraternity Epsilon Sigma Omega. Curl D., Ernest C., and Gary O., later crossed the ice cold flames on January 22,1993. These nineteen brothers were originally crossed under the chapter name of Epsilon Sigma Omega, but because of hard times and overwhelming problems this chapter at Willowridge High School was terminated.

On a Friday afternoon brothers Princeton H., Jonathan B., Carlos P., Renie H., Steve H., Ernest C., and sisters Chantal K., Dana K., Cogan G., and Latisha E. Began devising a new chapter of Esquire. These brothers and sisters along with brothers Yul W., Kevin S., Curl D., Kwasi O., and Gary O. are considered the founders. To acomplish the resurrection of a new chapter several things had to be done.

First any past officers or members charged with crimes agaisnt the fraternity were excommunicated.

Next, since this was a new chapter a new chapter name had to be chosen. The name selected was Epsilon Phi Psi. The chosen colors were Black, White, & Blue.

The new officers were chosen. The officers and their respective offices were as follows: President- Jonathan B., Vice President and Tail Dog-Yul W., Dean of Pledgees- Carlos P., Stepmaster Kevin S., Assistant Stepmaster and Lead Dog-PrincetonH., Treasurer-Renie H., Secretary-Ernest C., Sergeant at Arms-Kwasi O. Later in the year Feast B. was assigned to Chaplin and Reginald H. was assigned to Assistant Dean and Freak Dog.

Finally, a "bridge" had to be established between the remaining chapters of Esquire and Epsilon Phi Psi. This "bridge"was attained through correspondence and cooperation with the Epsilon Sigma Omega of Worthing High School and the Omega Alpha Psi chapter of Westbury High School. A later "bridge"was established with the Mu Phi Sigma chapter of Madison High School, which were the founders of Epsilon Sigma Omega at Willowridge High School.

Genesis Line

The first brothers to cross Epsilon Phi Psi , also known as the genesis line were: Dwayne S., Feast B., Trevis S., and Worris W. The first of these brothers crossed at midnight on May 25, 1994.