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Rosie's Mini Biography
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     My name's Rosie Jones.  I was born on May 16, 1986 in the state of Arizona.  In a small ghetto ass town called Yuma.  I've lived in  Hawaii for 4.5 years, Japan for 4 years and in many spots in California.  Both Japan and Hawaii are worth checking out.  I love music its the best thing in the world.  I am a 16 year old girl that is in love with an 18 year old boy that'll never love me back.  My life is going places, I promise.  No, no I don't promise.  That'd be a lie.  I don't know where I'm going or what I'm doing.  I'm just living and making all the wrong decisions.  I live in Temecula, CA now.  It's just north of Hell.  There's absolutely nothing to do here.  People may say and think that about their towns but most of those people really have no idea!  The best thing that's come out of this town would have to be a little band called Finch.  Okay I guess this concludes my information on myself, for now.  Adios.

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