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-|[ Disclaimer ]|-  This layout is to be used for the Roleplays of "Pain and Glory" in the XWA.All other use is unauthorized

8 PAIN 7
8 AND 7

OOC:Brett is used in this rp with permission from his handler.

**The scene opens up at a small time bar.There are many guys sitting at the bar ordering and drinking beer.On the floor of the bar are a few old style pool tables for the lone rangers and cowboys that like to play some 9ball or old fashion 8 ball.Against the left wall is a small selection of arcade games.The arcade games are getting little to no attention,infact there is only one man or kid depending on how you look at it,playing a single game.The man is about twenty-one years old and is about five foot eleven.He is wearing red pants with a matching red headband and a pair of black boots with red flame trimming to match his black t-shirt with the picture of a dragon torching a small town.The camera zooms in on the back of the t-shirt to see the name "Dragon" on the back**

Dragon:Alright!One more level!

**One of the cowboys playing pool stops before making a shot and looks over to the arcade machine**

Cowboy:Hey!Keep it down!This is a money game you punk!

Dragon:Yeah?Well this is a high score game,loudmouth!

**The cowboy takes a shot and misses the ball.Dragon laughs,looking over his shoulder**

Dragon:You really got a hold of that one,GRANDPA!

**The cowboy stomps his foot and turns toward the guy at the arcade machines**

Cowboy:Lets show this yankee that we mean business.

**The cowboy and his men walk to the arcade machines and he raises the cue up into the air to strike Dragon.A glass beer mug comes flying through the air.The cowboy ducks just before it hits him**

Cowboy:Who did that?

Dragon:You done it now.Hes pissed.

**The man sitting on a far off bar stool gets up,and flips his long dirty blonde hair back behind his head.He stands at a monsterous 6'3,wearing jeans and a BADASS t-shirt with snakeskin boots**

Cowboy:Who in the hell is that?

Dragon:They call me the left hand of satan.The man over there is my best friend.The right hand of satan.

**The man walks over to the cowboys and stands next to his friend**

Cowboy:The boy cost me game.I don't know you,and this fight isn't with you.

Dragon:I can take care of this!!Doc this is the ruthless bunch of Lone Ranger wannnabes that want to kick me ass.Wannabes...this is my friend Doc.Now you know each other.

**Doc clotheslines one of the guys as Dragon superkicks the cowboy with the poolstick.The poolstick flys into the air and Dragon catches it.He spins it around like a ninja,scaring the rest off**

Dragon:And don't come back neither you wimps!

**Doc looks at Dragon,shakes his head and walks out to the parking lot.Dragon starts to follow him**

Owner:Hey!You have to pay for the damage!

Dragon:Damage?!What Damage?The mug wouldn't have broke if they wouldn't have ducked.Its their fault.Talk to them.Not me.

**Dragon grins looking at the fallen cowboy and walks out,finding his friend in the big black pickup.Dragon jumps in the back of the pickup,gets into a confortable laying position and chills out while Doc drives out of the parking lot and through town.The window in the truck is open so they can talk to each other**

Doc:Do you have to do that?


Doc:Get into a fight at every bar we go to?

Dragon:Its not my fault.

Doc:Sure.Anyways.I got us a job!

**Dragon gets up and sticks his head into the window.Scaring the hell out of Doc**


Doc:Yeah really.

Dragon:What is it?


Dragon:You mean wrestling,like Chris Jericho,Kevin Nash,Edge,Stone Cold,The Rock,Kurt Angle,Brock Lesnar,Christian,Kane,Booker T,Scott Steiner..

Doc:YES!!!!!!!That kind of wrestling.Jesus do you really have to go through the entire roster?!

Dragon:Well excuse me for living! missed the greatest superstar of all time...SHAWN MICHAELS.

Dragon:The Heart Break Kid!The Icon!The Show stoppa!The Main Eventer!The Spot Light Stealer....The...

**Doc turns up the radio and blasts "WHEN WORLDS COLIDE" ,and Dragon takes the hint and stands up in the back of the truck**


Doc:You are insane!!!!!

**Doc laughs,turns into the parking lot of the XWA arena,goes really fast and then stops short.Dragon goes flying out the back of the truck**


**Dragon pushes himself up and looks at the arena**

Dragon:Holy Shit.This place is bigger than where we wrestled in Japan!Hell this place is bigger than Japan itself is!

**They walk into the arena and look around**

Doc:I'm going to have a look around.Look for some women.Maybe you should do the same.See ya later.

**They split up and Dragon walks to the office.There is a cute receptionist inside,typing at her computer,and Brett "The Hitman" Hart is standing in front of her**

Dragon:I don't believe this!Brett!

**Brett turns around and looks at Dragon like he is on drugs**

Dragon:You probably don't remember me.I am Dragon.I was trained by your father in the basement!

Brett:First of all,it was called the Dungeon.Second of all,I have never seen you before in my whole life.

Dragon:Yeah,come to think of it,this is my first time meeting you,but your dad is cool.He taught me everything I know.Him and Brandon Lee.Anyways,I'm new here in XWA.And I hope we can get to be friends.Who is the tag champions by the way?



**Dragon leaves and the camera switches over to Doc.Who by now has 3 women sitting on the couch with him,all snuggled up.The tv is on and they are watching tom billard the interviewer looking for people to interview**

Doc:I wonder what kind of a moron he will get to answer his dumb questions next.

**Dragon walks next to the announcer and Doc sits up straight,and then puts his hand over his eyes**

Doc:Oh god no.Don't tell me.

tom:I am here with one of the new superstars just signed,they call him Dragon!What have you got to say?

Dragon:Thats right I am here and I am telling everyone to place your bets!Nightdyne is going down!The tag champs are going down!Tell your friends,call the mayor!Have them place their bets too!Nightdyne is going down!I swear it!

Doc:Stay here girls.If I'm not back in 15 minutes,they arrested me for murder.

**Doc gets up and kicks open his door and walks down the hall in a pissed off manner.He finds Dragon and smacks him in the back of the head**

Doc:What is your problem!We have been here 10 minutes and you challenge the tag champions?!We can't beat the tag team champions yet!We aren't in their league!I'll tell you what.There is a room full of girls down the hall.Its called "THE DIVA LOCKER ROOM" go inside and talk to some of the girls.I am going to go back to the locker room where I have 3 girls waiting for me.It wouldnt surprise me if these NightDyne guys come hunting us after that shit you pulled.

Dragon:It was just a message.

Doc:A message?

Dragon:Thats right a message!I just sent one.

Doc:Your damn right you did.You sent a message that said "We are new!Come kick our asses!"!!

**Doc shakes his head in disbelief and walks back to his girls as Dragon takes his advice and heads to the Diva Locker Room**