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League Rules




  1. The Season
    1. Pre-season
    2. Regular Season Starts
    3. All Star Game
    4. Trading Deadline
    5. Season Ends
    6. Playoffs Begin/End


  1. The Off-Season
    1. Rosters Re-Rated by Sim
    2. Player Retirements
    3. Resigning period
    4. Awards given
    5. Player Re-Rates Start
    6. DTPHL Entry Draft is held
    7. Free Agency Begins/Ends
    8. Season Begins

The Season:

Hold-outs: Players will also be able to hold/out, if a young player who played excellent the year before and may only have a year left on his contract. May hold out for a bigger and longer contract. Or demand to be traded. Players will only ask to be traded if they haven't been resigned during the pre-season and the season begin's with them still holding out. So be prepared for this to happen at the start of a season and don't spend all your cash on Free Agents and have no money left to sign a hold-out.

Pre-season: Before games for the regular season start, there will be a 10 game preseason. This time is to be used to figure out line combinations and to see how your currents players perform.

Regular Season: The Regular season will consist of 82 games. There will be three daily games played per weekday and five daily games sim per weekend day.

Prospects: You will be allowed to create up to three prospects during the regular season and three more during the off-season. It will cost you 500K to bring up a prospect, I will need a email with contract for the prospect as well. Higher Contract for better 'spects. Ratings: Prospects will be rated based on a HF ladder.


6.5 = 69OV

7.0 = 70OV

7.5 = 71OV

8.0 = 72OV

8.5 = 73OV

9.0 = 74OV


6.5 = 70OV

7.0 = 71OV

7.5 = 72OV

8.0 = 73OV

8.5 = 74OV

9.0 = 75OV

Now due to letter grades based upon the letter grade of the players, prospects will be given extra creation points. A = 3 Extra Points, B = 2 Extra, C = 1 Extra Now you may only use 1 point per catagory, so for A rated players, the points need to get broken up into 3 different attributes. B playes would require one point for two different attributes and so on. Ds and Fs don't get any bonus points at all. Prospect Contracts:

Prospects under the age of 21, will recieve and 4 year deal, while any prospect 21 or over will recieve a 3 year deal. Now when prospects recieve a contract, they will be given an amount based upon a simple formula. Here's how the system will work.

Base Salary = 750 * 1/2 HF Rating / 3

Example: Kari Lehtonen = 750K * 4.5 (9 HF Rating) / 3

Kari would be making 1.125 Million his first three years.

All-star Game: An all-star game will be held at about mid-way through the season. All Gms will be required to vote for who they feel should be the representatives from the east and the west. More details will come at a later date.

The Trade Deadline: This is the last date a team can trade during the season. It will be held at the 80 % mark of the season.

Playoffs: This is when the real season starts. The top 8 teams from each conference will face off against each other in the battle for the ultimate goal The DTPHL Cup.

Off season:

Rosters Re-Rated by Sim: The FhlSim will re-rate players every Odd Year.

Player Retirements: Retirements will be Random. Some players will annouce that they are going to retire at the start of season, because of there age. Other players may retire at the end of the year because of diminishing skills or a season ending injury.

Resigning period: During this period, Manager's will be able to offer there RFA's contract's that they feel the player is worthy of. You are also allowed to send a contract offer to one impending UFA of yours. The RFA's will sign for the contract you give them, but if they feel it's too short or two low in cash, they will hold out to begin the year. Unless the RFA is given a contract offer more to there liking from another they team. They may choose to leave, but Teams will be given compenstation for the loss of a RFA. The UFA will sign based on his loyalty to the team and his goals. If you are a contender and just fell short of the cup, he's likely to stay. But if we wasn't being used as he thinks he should be, he will not sign and listen to the other team's offers.

Awards Given: Right before the Free Agent signing players will be given awards for personal achivements that they accomplished during the playoffs and regular season. Below is a list of the awards.

Art Ross Trophy - point-scoring leader

Rocket Richard Trophy - goal-scoring leader

William Jennings Trophy - lowest GAA

Hart Trophy - Most Valuable Player (A League Vote will be Taken)

Norris Trophy - Best Defenceman (A League Vote will be Taken)

Vezina Trophy - Best Goaltender (A League Vote will be Taken)

Calder Trophy - Best Rookie

Selke Trophy - Best Defensive Forward

Conn Smythe Trophy - Playoff MVP

GM Trophy - Best General Manager

All player award winners; teams will be given 1 million dollars. The GM award winner will recieve the chance to talk to 2 UFA's from there team (other than just 1).

Player Re-Rates: Two Sim performance Re-Rates will be given to the GM to use on players on his team. These Re-Rates may not be traded. The more info given about why you are Re-Rating the player, the better it is likely to be.

DTPHL Draft:

The DTPHL draft will consist of 3 rounds. Each team will have a pick in each of the three rounds at the start of the season. The draft will be held and will be done with NHL type style rules, with the last place team getting the 1st pick overall and the best placed team getting the 30th overall. If a GM can not attend the draft, he must send in a list telling us who he would like to draft. Should you not attended the draft, all eligable draftees will have a number that represents them and a player will be chosen for you randomly, so if you could infact get the worse player in the draft with the first pick if you fail to show or send a list. Or you could catch a break and get a talented player, all the luck of the roll. So SHOW UP

Free Agency:

UFA age is 30. The impending free agent list will be posted at sometime during the Off-Season. A little after the entry draft occurs, the free agency period will begin. Each day for 5 days, GMs will send in their blind bids, where they will be reviewed by both commissioners. At the end of each day, signings will be announced on the webpage. Players may choose to take the first offer they get one day one, or wait out five days. A UFA will tell the team he left from, if they have the best chance at getting them. 4 Facts will be given for each player. After day one, One fact per day. The 4 facts will go as listed on the message board.

Day 2. Odds of Retiring at the end of next year

Day 3. If he wants a short or long contract

Day 4. If he's looking for a contender or Cash

Day 5. What team he wants to go too.

*Note that younger players will like the money more then the team offering. Older players will pick the team that they want and or a contender and wont use money as motivation.*

RFA Compensation: (Picks must be set for the next year, if you fail to have compensation, GM's can agree to another package, but if a deal fails to be in place at the deadline, the RFA offer is void.)

18-21 85-99OV: 5 1st round picks, 2nd pick and $4,000,000

18-21 80-84OV: 4 1st round picks and 3,000,000

18-21 76-79OV: 2 1st round picks and 2,000,000

18-21 70-75OV: 2nd round pick + 3rd round pick

18-21 65-69OV: 3rd round pick

18-21 60-64OV: 750k

18-21 10-59OV: 500k

22-30 85-99OV: 4-1st round picks, 2nd pick and $2,000,000

22-30 80-84OV: 3-1st round picks

22-30 76-79OV: 1st round pick and 2nd round pick 1,000,000

22-30 70-75OV: 2nd rounder

22-30 65-69OV: 3rd rounder

22-30 60-64OV: 500,000

22-30 10-59Ov: 250k

All Compensations can be negotiated between the 2 GMs. You will have 48 hours to either match or to come up with a compensation package. You can also include players or whatever else you want in the deal (can be decided through arbitrator).

Miscellaneous rules:

GM Responsibilities: Check mIRC regularly and keep informed. This encourages trading and it makes it easier for us to correspond if we encounter any problems. At least 7 hours per week on MIRC are expected.

GM's will be required to send lines in at least once a week or more if necessary. The lines must be sent as a .lns file from GM Editor. If you are going on vacation or just not going to be around for a 3 days or more, just inform either of the commishes.

Trades: All trades must be agreed upon by both GM's and posted on the message board. If the trade seem's lopsided it will be for the trade committee to review. All trades made by the Owners will be posted on the board for the Commitee to review to avoid cheating. Prospects, Cash (Including payment of salary), Players and Picks are eligable for trade.

*Any attempt to impersonate another GM will result in immediate expulsion.*

Position Changes: Players can have their position changed, as long as you provide a link proving that they have played there in the past.

Coaches: Coaches may be fired and hired as you wish. If you wish to fire a coach you must buy out his contract first. A team may only have one coach at a time. Coaches will be Re-Rated at the end of the season by the FHL simulator. They will also recieve yearly bonus's depending on how well your team does with that talent they have or how far they make it during the season.

Releasing Players: A player can be released at any time provide that you buy out a portion of their pro salary. Players who are classified as UFA's will want 50% of their due pay, while players classified as RFA's will want 35%.

Any player who has been released will appear on the unassigned list. Unassigned players will remain in the free agent pool until they have been given a contract offer by a team. Once the offer is posted, other teams will have 48 hours to top the offer, or he will sign with the best offer he has. After every topped offer, the 48 hours will begin again. If a GM is found to abuse this by putting in late bids all the time to frustrate owners, his bid will be removed and action will be taken.

Farm Contracts: No player maybe sent to the farms if they have a contract over 2 Million. If they player is placed in the farms, the GM will have one sim to correct his mistake, and he fails, his Top FWD and Goalie will be suspended until the situation is fixed.

Finances: The cap for the first season will be 52.5 mil. Teams will have until the 10 game mark of the first season to get under the cap. The cap will be changed every year to help out with escalading contracts. Teams will have to watch out when signing free agents to make sure they stay under the cap. The new cap will be announced prior to free agency. If a team fails to get under the cap, for the first week they will have there best overall player suspended. After two weeks they will lose there starting goalie, and after three weeks three more players will be suspended. If it takes longer than three weeks to get under the cap, the owner will be fired and the head office will make the moves needed to get the team under cap.

Waivers: Any player placed on the waiver wire can be nabbed so be CAREFUL when making you lines, that you do not send a player to the Waiver Wire. NO EXCEPTIONS, Mistake or not, if you screw up, your stuck!

Ticket Price: A team has to choose a ticket price. The ticket price may only be changed 2 times during a season.

Stadium: Stadium Capacity starts at 18,500. Playoff team's will be granted an Extra 100 Seats at the end of year, For the team that makes the DTPHL and falls short, they will be given an extra 250 seats into there stadium and the DTPHL cup winners will be given an extra 500 seats for there stadium. You can change the name of your Arena and add and extra 500 seats for 5 Million dollar's per name change.

Captains And Assistants Captains: At the beginning of each season you will be asked who your Captain and your Assistants will be. You get to name 1 Captain and 2 Assistants. The reason for this is because if you manage to keep your Captain for the whole season (including playoffs) he will get 5 stat points where he can use 2 points Max per category, while the assistants will get 3 stat points that they can use 1 point in 3 different stat categories (1 point will automatically be given to EX and LD).

No goalies are allowed to be Captains or Assistants.

To be awarded the extra points, the captains must play 72 games on your team, While Assistant's must play more than 60 games for your team. Once you trade a Captain or an Assistant, you lose all stat chances, so it's in your best interest to try and keep these players. Your Captain must be at least 27 years of age. Assistants must be must be at least 22 and no older than 31. You may not hold a player longer than 2 years at Captain, unless they have an LD over 90, which then they can serve for another season. Assistants may serve 3 years. If they serve two, they are only eligable of 1 year of Captain Status, if they serve 3, they cannot become a Captain. Players may also not be over 83 overall. (These limitations are placed to prevent teams from stacking a player with Captain bonuses.)

*disclaimer* No set of rules, no matter how well thought out or complete can possibly cover every circumstance, therefore, when loopholes occur, it rests upon the judgment of the President to judge how best to handle it.