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6/2/03-Hey, he did it!!!
I finally got around to it and wrote you a reveiw. It's on Outlaw Golf. Great game, go read and come back next week for my reveiw on Genma Onimusha(Or TimeSplitters 2, whatever I feel like...).
5/20/03-Cat food makes a good snack...
No reveiw, it probably won't happen to the weekend, and instead of Raven Shield, I'll be doing TimeSplitters 2(I still need to play a bit more to be able to write a reveiw.). I have been setting up pages, but they're not ready for public veiwing yet, and I've come with a few things. I'll have a stratagey section and I might come up with a new comic. So... stay tuned and expect an update by Sunday.
~Dan Out
5/19/03-We're online.
I've got the main page set up quite nicely, and tommorow I'll be working on setting up an archive section and write my first reveiw (on Rainbow Six 3:Raven Shield).

For now, check out the picks of the month to the right. Those will be the picks until June when I have the site set up and finalized.

Enter the Matrix
The Matrix Reloaded
Masters of Doom
Contact me on AIM.