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Deb's Drivin' Dreammakers

Hi You Fabulous Drivin’ Dreammakers! “State of the Unit” Volume XII “Crackers or Feast” WOW! Spring is in the air. Are your goals in the air or firm? Is it just a dream or is it a goal? A dream has not definite time period. A goal has a vision, passion and a date! Those with goals written down make it. Congrats! If you are one of those women! If not, it’s time to begin. I need YOU and YOUR activity this month AND June to hit our dream-big goals. Let’s prove it can be done. If you haven’t ordered last month, then order NOW. You know you’ll sell it. Don’t be a flash in the past. Let’s make your work consistent. Consistency and Attitude bring everything in this business. Who can you share this awesome opportunity with? I’ve been traveling back and forth to Phoenix to help my mom and dad since my dad’s stroke. And now, I’m on the East Coast. And, thank God I had built my business to the level it is because monetarily-wise I have been untouched and can count on my Mary Kay. Can you imagine $2000, $3000, $4000 checks because you paid the price in your first year to five years? Definition of Paid the Price – is – working diligently every week without missing holding 1 – 3 appointments every single week (except 2 weeks vacation). Can’t you figure how to offer 6-8 hours per week for your future. If your present employer offered you and extra $600 per week for an additional 1 ½ hours overtime everyday, for 5 days, you’d jump on it. So what are you waiting for? Have you figured out why you keep excusing yourself? If not, then STOP figuring. Just go and do it. I believe the world has a specified number of leaders to set the pace for others to follow. Are you one? If not, then play the role of a leader. People gather to those who are making it happen. Wouldn’t you like to be one of those women? Don’t settle for “crackers” at the Banquet Table of Life. The whole “feast” is yours. (A La Debism) For us to be a National Area in the next couple of years, we need to get moving. I want to focus on YOU. Call me with your first starting step at this very moment you have finished reading this. Starting is half the battle. So when you call or email me, isn’t it satifying to know half the battle is fought? So dust off those beauty cases, put that charmin’ Mary Kay fact on, put on that power suit and out the door you go. Show the world, and MOST importantly, show yourself no more drifting, only decisions. I’m so pumped I’m heading out the door to recruit some beautiful, sharp business associates. I’m going to “save” them. Who can you “save?” As Mary Kay herself told me, “Pass it on.” See you at The Banquet Table, (No crackers for me!) Love/Hug$, Deborah 573-346-1857