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                                        BARK LIKE A DOG

 click                                 SEE THE RED ROTTWEILER


                                 Rottweiler facts(History of the name)
    The area of germany where the Rottweilers story begins is in the southwestern around the productive farm area of rottweil.Around 260 AD the Romans were ousted from this area.Left behind were some of their dogs for which work was provided since cattle raising and agriculture remain the prime occupations. It was about other700AD that a Christian church was built there formerly had stood the Romans Baths. As excavation began, the red tiles of former Roman villas came to  light, and thus the city was named Rottweil. Later???(This was not nearly enough, however to carry on the breedand incredible as iti seems there came a time in the early time in the early 1900's when only one member of the breed, a BITCH, could be located anywhere in the entire district of rottweil.

    Purebred dogs are measured against a breed standard of perfection, a written description of what the ideal specimen should look like.  Each dog-registering organization has its own set of standards, one for each of the breeds it recognizes; however, these standards may vary, in the way they are worded, from registry to registry and from country to country.

  His almond-shaped eyes are moderately deeply set and the iris is of uniform color, from medium to dark brown.  His bridge is straight and broad at the base with slight tapering towards the tip.  His topline is firm and level, extending in a straight line from the arch and without loose skin.  His legs are strongly developed with straight heavy bone.His head is of medium length and is broad between the ears.

The Rottweiler should possess a fearless expression with a self-assured aloofness that does not lend itself to immediate and indiscriminate friendships.  He has an inherent desire to protect home and family, and is an intelligent dog of extreme hardness and adaptability with a strong willingness to work.

The Rottweiler should possess a fearless expression with a self-assured aloofness that does not lend itself to immediate and indiscriminate friendships.  He has an inherent desire to protect home and family, and is an intelligent dog of extreme hardness and adaptability with a strong willingness to work.

The ideal Rottweiler is a large, robust and powerful dog, black with clearly defined rust markings.  His compact build denotes great strength, agility, and endurance.  Males are characteristically larger, heavier boned, and more masculine in appearance.


            The Chihuahua is the smallest dog ever known to man. They have small apple-domed head and a tiny pointed nose.  The body is mainly stout (shorter than it is long) and the tail looks like a rod, bent over the back or maybe even to the side.  There are two varieties of the Chihuahua: longhaired and short haired.  The longhaired breed usually has a darker coat than the short haired Chihuahuas, but it is still extremely common for a short haired Chihuahua to have dark hair.  The most common coat colors are red, light brown, black, and tan.  They can be anywhere from 6 to 9 inches tall when fully grown and can weigh between 2 and 6 pounds! They also have very large circular, almost black eyes.  Sometimes an occasional light brown or maybe even blue eyes may be seen. The trademark of these tiny dogs are their large erect ears.  Most of the time, their ears will remain standing up unless a deformaty before birth occurs.  Chihuahua puppies have a soft spot at the top of their heads called a "molera."  A bone in their skull usually closes over the molera as they mature and eventually reach adulthood.

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