Web Design
Web Design is used by companies to promote business with easier access to information about products or services. Through web design companies can increase their profits on the Internet. The more appealing the company’s design appears, the more likely it is for customers to be interested. There are many different ways to bring this information on to the Internet:





Each of these formats are put together by special codes. These codes are made of different letters, special characters and numbers. For this site CSS/StyleSheets was used because it looks best and although there are many more codes, it is the easiest. For this project we will use HTML because it is more common.

Backgrounds are important to add interest. We just used white for these pages because it is better if anything is printed off. Click Here for HTML codes for backgrounds

We did a 'Hula' or Hawaiian theme just for fun. Whatever type of company the web site is for, the images in the design should relate to it.Click Here for HTML codes for images

Text should be the largest portion of the Web Site. There should be varied fonts, sizes and colours, but no more than four on one page to avoid confusion. Click Here for HTML codes for text

If you need more help with HTML codes or want to find out other stuff you can do, go to the link below.

Lissa Explains it All
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