I am writing this to you all, all of my friends. I am seeking your understanding before you make a judgement call, before you are quick to judge.I am referring to the recent arrest/charge of Derek Post of the first-degree murder of Breann Voth (19 of Port Coquitlam), PLEASE NOTE MY PLEA. I have known Derek for 12 years, Derek is my daughter's uncle. I had the pleasure of being Derek's sister-in-law for 10 years. He has made mistakes in his past but never to this extent. This is not in his nature. He is a devoted family man and has a heart of gold. He was polite and would win over any disgruntled heart. This is a sensitive issue and needs to be handled in a careful manner. Charges have been laid yes, but we need to wait for all the evidence to play out. We need be patient with the media as they only have one side of the story, and their side isn't always the truth. As I am extremely close to this investigation and to the accused (and his family) I can tell you that all is not what it seems. There are holes in this investigation and the police are being quite coniving with the family in the form of information. The information seems to vary with whomever they speak with. Innocent until (or if) proven otherwise.I am unable to fathom his involvement in this case,we need to just wait. Please be open minded and know that accused is someone who was loved, someone who put his neice first and his family. He was a man I would trust with my own life. I am keeping all this from my daughter as she is only 4 and need not be involved. I chose to voice my opinion @ www.tricityevents.com/messageboard.html Please feel free to circulate this email, as in the preservation of Breann's memory we need still remember that the real killer may or may not be out there. We must keep a broad perspective. Whomever committed this heinous crime shall be caught and be appropriately punished be it now or later. We must be patient. Please respect both families at this time, allow for both families to grieve. My thoughts and love goes out to all that have been directly and indirectly affected by this. This is a nightmare for all, and will only worsen in the weeks to come. Please send this email on, as Breann's story has been told, Derek too has the right to have a voice. Let this be his voice for the time being. With love and respect, Carmen
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