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for a mostly up-to-date blog, check out MySpace, which is like The Facebook but not as annoying
I keep a dream journal, too; I'm trying to take over the internet

Another0 new drawing, this one of Kurt Vonnegut. It's pretty good, if I do say so myself. And if you can't trust me, who can you trust?

(Answer: the government.)

There's a new drawing up here (or just check out the "art" link to the left); it's another page I can add to my Drinking and Drawing portfolio. I also bowled a 203 over the weekend, a work of art in and of itself. I'll probably scan the printout that I made them give me just because those five strikes in a row are beautiful.

There's also a new song up at the newly redesigned It's from the upcoming Sims album and it's probably the second best thing in my life right now.

What an artistically stagnant month it's been. I did a poster for University of Minnesota-Morris's Unusual Suspects improv troupe and started planning a comic about Cartesian duality with a friend of mine, but I really have nothing to show for either. Someone give me an assignment.

Added a couple links: Scott McCloud, a world-famous cartoonist and art teacher that I somehow forgot about, and, a local comic artist. Check them out if you're interested.

Put up a new review that's pretty old. It's another play, The Shadow Box, and it's been restored thanks to Dan Antony of The University Register.

Today brought a massive reorganization of my CD book so that I'm sure I have everything I musically need when I'm at home and abroad (possibly in Texas!).

Some works in progress include ongoing reviews of Brian K. Vaughan and Tony Harris's Ex Machina and Peter Milligan and Mike Allred's X-Statix along with a short story that I can't get past twelve pages. And more drawings, I'm sure.

Grand re-re-opening of "The Place to Show Things to My Parents" official website complete with thumbnails and excerpts. In personal news, spring break in Morris (where I would go to school if I wasn't poor) is almost over. This means the other workers at John's Total Entertainment (comics, games, books, used CDs & DVDs, scrapbooks) will come back and work while I go home for a week or longer.

Spring Break Goals:
-spend time with both parents
-see Lora, age 30-something, fellow ex-employee of Alwood's grocery
-find the origin of my mystery postcards (scans of them later; they're unaddressed with pictures of little Russian doll people or skinless bulls)
-stencil graffiti
Jukebox-wise, it's been nearly all Doomtree all the time. Anyone in the Metro area of Minnesota could find many poorer uses for five or six bucks.

Special thanks to Sadie for helping me iron out the crap kinks here.