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Last update : 02/08/03

Welcome to my website.

This website was built specially for you to consider that I am capable to publish an information in the internet with combination of certain software such as MS Publisher, MS FrontPage and Corel Draw.

I spent 4 years to find a great deal experience at well established Tours & Travel and an International Primary School in Bali, now I’d like to look for something offering more challenge.

I have a good IT knowledge, I can built a MIS (Management Information System) for small to medium organization size both as analyst and programmer, make a CD-Interactive for promotional company needs, built a website, and manage a standard computerized system (email, internet connection, software & hardware installation and maintenance).

I believe my ability is appropriate to support a company who actually need a 24 hours system running and decrease some expenses for maintaining and promotional needs.

Should you need a CD-Interactive consist of my qualification in full CD version (include picture, animation, audio and video) please feel free to let me know and I will send directly to you.

Please understand that this website a little bit slow to download  as I use a free web hosting and domain, please also visit (no ads).

The last but not least, hope this website could be an advantage to whom it may concern.