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                              Crystal Clear

Welcome RPG Maker fans to one of the most spectacular RPG Making groups around!

Crystal Blue has been designed for you to make your own RPG Maker classics into an amazing adventure-filled RPG!

As a group, Crystal Blue has taken on a great game making system, RPG Maker, and has been learning how to control this program. Over the period, I, James Sismanes, hve been going around the internet looking for useful things to provide in my game. I have found Music, Sounds, ChipSets, CharSets, FaceSets, Pictures, Panoramas and many, many more interesting things to help me in my games to come. Now that I have nearly learnt all of the program, I'm ready to take all my ideas into action, and start making games to provide you with more knowledge!

One more thing, anyone who creates anything for RM2K or RM2K3, whether it be CharSets, ChipSets, anything, please go to the

"Join Crystal Blue" Section to either join us in our quest to become the most well-known RPG Maker Site on the web, or even just post in some interesting Designs of your own to help everybody and also, Crystal Blue!


Crystal Blue Manager,

James Sismanes.


Crystal Blue CompanyTM - James Sismanes