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~Cool Kid's Hut~

Yo Dudes( I normaly don't talk like that but im bored) Guess what I have really bad grammer and spelling online so guess what! Deal with it. Well this is my website not much going on. But i dont expect anything to its not like im not a loser or having a big party or have lots of friends...... Anyway, Yea Enough ranting! (oh my josh, that was a big word)This is my main page but there is nothing really going on on this page so i guess i don't need this page but i guess i will have it anyway it is not like its deadly or anything. Oh did i mention i like run on sentences? well i do. Ok well tootaloo. You know, I have never acually used that word before, i don't even know how to spell it but i guess its not hurting anyone but if it is you could tell me but i don't think i would change it but i probably wont use it again anytime soon so you don't have to worry about it.:)


6/25: Hi Guys I have nothing to write about help me!E-mail me some hints thanks

6/28:Wow last night i did an all nighter and then i slept all day today! cool (im tired)lol

My Favorite Things (Mostly Animals)

Some Websites I find myself going to more then usual

Harry Potter
My Friends Website
Horseland but I don't go there i just put it there it is really kind of boring
