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Posted By: DeAtH-StRyKe
Date: 6/29/03
Well, I've been talking with Cadian, and we've decided..that we will split our clan up into seperate divisions, that will compete against each other, to see who does best against other clans in scrims, then at the end of each month, we will check out each result.. we will probably be having 3 different divisions. In other words, we are thinking of expanding -)CS(-, to have lots of members, and if the expansion is successful, we will be renting a server... probably a 10 person public one..well..wish us luck in all this trouble! BTW.. once all this planning is done, the tags will be as follows: each tag will start as the usual -)CS(-NAME.. but due to divisions, we will add to the end... a 1-3 letter division name, headed by a trustworthy leader, an example of the new names will be: -)CS(-Cadian <pg division>

We still start with one see how it goes, Cadian will be heading this division, it is called pg.. which stands for Pro Gamers. Any one of you are free to start a division of your own...and recruit your own guys... the requirement to have your division counted is to have a minimum of 5 players, and a maximum of 7 player. Just let us know if you start one!

Posted By: DeAtH-StRyKe
Date: 6/22/03
Good job on the site, Cadian, it's almost complete :) Looks real good..... gOOD JOB everyone on the scrim yesterday, we kept up and we are still undefeated :) We have a scrum tonite, but i dont think it is 4 vs 4, it is probably 2 v 2 or 3 v 3,,, and i think it is in Dust, so... we'll figure it out later. Today, I will try to get all of you to come to a pistol practice, hopefully before the scrim today. :)

Posted By: DeAtH-StRyKe
Date: 6/22/03
Subject:We need to Practice
ok guys, we need to start thinking strategically and also have more practices. I think that pistol rounds are the most important rounds of a scrim. The very first round (pistol round) can determine teh winner of the next 2-3 rounds. So.. I've decided that sometime this week, we will be having a pistol practice. So that we can pick up our pistolling :)

Posted By: DeAtH-StRyKe
Date: 6/21/03
Subject:Well, We're off to a start...
OK, so now we've started our site, and we've got a server for scrimmages and practices, and other personal stuff. That's a pretty good start :p Good job guys, we've won 3 scrims in a row! Keep it Up! BTW, were signing up for CAL-0 for next season .. heh.. Special Thanks to Cadian for setting up tha site :p

Posted By: Cadian
Date: 6/21/03
Subject: Opening
Hey everybody. It looks like I'm our new webmaster. So far I'm finishing up the first page and plan on finishing the rest within this week. Thanks for being patient.

© Clan -)CS(-. All rights reserved.

Contact: DeAtH-StRyKe
Contact: Carbon
Contact: Cadian