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Candy's Thoughts
Friday, 2 July 2004
Tired = Cranky
Well today has been an interesting day! I could tell I was tired today because I was getting a little cranky, though I hope not too bad. lol I only had all together about an hour, maybe an hour and a half of sleep.

Well, I'll update this later, I'm too tired right now. Good night all.

Posted by pro/cheetah at 9:52 PM PDT
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Thursday, 1 July 2004
Well last night's play practice went AWESOME! Reggie is such a great and fun friend when he wants to be. Grant is hilarious and such a goof, and once you get the two together, watch out for the laughs to hit! Jessica is such a sweetheart! I love her to death! I hope we can spend some more time together because she is just an amazing person and so much fun to be around! John S. was doing great on his part in the play! He's so convincing when he has the lines down. Same with Reggie, you can totally see him as his part in the play. Jessica too. Nellie wasn't feeling good tonight, unfortunately, so I'll be praying for her tonight. I know how it feels, since I wasn't feeling well the last practice and couldn't make it, but she's convincing in her part, as well.

Justin is doing really great with his part, if only he'd have more confidence in himself. But then again, maybe I should take my own advice here and get a little more confidence in myself! lol But he really is doing a great job! Grant is going to be so awesome once he gets his part down! I mean, it's really powerful. And tonight we got to hear the song that Sheri is going to sing at the end and it's extremely powerful! I'm sorry I can't reveal more about the play yet, but I promise to as soon as we've performed it! I don't want to give out what it's about because I don't want those that plan to see it to lose out on the impact of it! But wow, it's going to be SO POWERFUL! I'm excited for evening service Sunday when we get to perform it! I'm actually starting to get excited about it.

It was a night of fun and laughing and working on our individual characters and getting used to the microphones. I'm actually excited about it now, so I know that God is really working in me and that it was really His plan for me to be a part of this! That's so exciting!

God is awesome! He's really working on me lately, helping me deal with my past and future, and delivering me from things I've needed to be delivered from but that I never wanted to face! It's really incredible!

But anyway, I have to go now! It's about 12:44 a.m., and I need to get to bed! I'll most likely write more later today! But until then, God Bless! I hope you all have sweet Holy Ghost dreams!

Love always,

Posted by pro/cheetah at 12:47 AM PDT
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Re-Posted: My first journal entry, before the blog...
Originally posted on: Tuesday, May 29th, 2004

Hello. How are you? Great, I hope. Here is my journal, and welcome to my first entry. I am starting this journal for people to get to know me better should they so choose. I'm not that great at being open and honest and forthright when I don't know someone that well. So I figured this is a way for me to open up to people and let them see the real me, and from here they can choose to be friends with me or not. At least this way they can get to know the real me before making a decision.

I am going to try to start being more friendly and open with everyone. I want to step out in faith and allow others to love me openly. I am very shy and reserved with most people, and I think that prevents me from having more friends. I want to break out of that cycle. It will be hard, but I'm determined to try. For instance, I would really like to become friends with the youth group and their leaders. I barely know Reggie, Nate, Grant, Jessica, Danielle, and etc. They seem like they are a lot of fun, and I think I've been missing out on a lot by not befriending them and working on making new friendships and relationships. Hopefully they will be as receptive to making new friends with myself. We'll see what happens. I leave it to God. But I will step out in faith and try to talk to them more. Starting thursday at church. And I do plan to go to Youth Group this friday.

I'm currently going through this book called, LORD, I WANT TO BE WHOLE by Stormie Omartian. Sara and I are working on it together. It really seems to be helping me to go further in my walk with God. The plateau I've reached seems to be fading away as I am making steps toward going further with God. In fact, I have big things in the works for (and with) God coming up that I'm really excited about and will talk about more later on. But I do recommend this book to anyone that feels stuck in their walk and wants to move forward.

Other than that, I'm just learning to love God more and to lean on Him, instead of trying to do it all myself. God really is my love and I'm so excited to be going forward with Him and making things happen. I am no longer being a victim to life and this world, but I am choosing to work toward my goals and not allowing anything to hold me back especially the devil. I'm learning to live totally sold-out for Jesus. Please pray for me that I can continue on this incredible path and that I can learn something every step of the way to help me in this life until I can go home to the Lord (which I hope isn't for a long time, so that I may do many things for the Lord on this earth before I leave.)

I will write again soon. Until then, may God bless each and every one of you every day and may you stay close to Him on your walk! If I can do anything to encourage you or if you just need someone to talk to, please feel free to email me anytime!

Love always,
Candy Harris

Posted by pro/cheetah at 12:38 AM PDT
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Wednesday, 30 June 2004
What a day!
Well, this is my first official blog! I'm going to delete my journal, and start using this instead. It's so much easier for me! Y'all should really look into getting one of these! It's free through angelfire! :)

Well, today is an interesting day! Tonight at 6 p.m. is play practice. I'm involved in a play that Marion F. is putting on at our church in front of the entire congregation! It's my first play and I'm TERRIFIED! They all say that I'm doing well, but that doesn't make me any less scared. Though I do appreciate the kind words. I don't know what possessed me to get involved in this! I mean, when Marion told me about it I was excited to be involved and I could see her vision, that's why I think it's all God. But now that we're getting close to performing it, I don't wanna do it! lol

I'm not going to back out! I'm doing this for God, first of all. (and most importantly!) So I will not back out, but I can tell you that I can't wait until we get it done and over with so that I'm no longer stressing about it! lol

It's going to be an amazing play! It's about what the fourth of July means to Christians. It's so powerful! It's set in a classroom, and that's all I shall tell about it until after we perform it!!! It's going to be so awesome and it will really minister to some people's lives! So all that can attend, I strongly encourage it! (I can't believe I'm encouraging more people to come LOL It MUST be God, cause no offense but I don't want anyone there LOL tee hee hee! I'd rather it just be me. lol No embarrassment that way lol) But seriously, all that can attend, please do! It'll help you in your walk with God, I truly believe that.

Well, I must go now, and get ready for practice. I need to take my mind off of the practice before I seriously go crazy. Have a wonderful night everyone and God Bless!

Love always,

Posted by pro/cheetah at 3:41 PM PDT
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