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The scene opens not to some flashy senario, nor to the boring state of "nothingness", but what it does open to, is the sight of Kole Chambers.

He stands in an empty room, with all four walls decorated in white paint. The flooring of this room is of a rather dullish colored white that looks to have been scuffled by the rubber of someone's shoes.

Kole stands, wearing his trademark black t-shirt, demin jeans and his wolverine boots. He looks around the empty room and over to the small camera that rests on the floor, pointing in an upright postition.

Jaiden Do'Meirst..Such a nice place I have here, don't you think? he smiles It's quiet, dull and about as boring as your last taping. Kole slowly walks around the room, as the camera can now only pick up the sound of Kole's voice.

You think you're pretty funny don't you Do'Meirst? You think you got the upper hand on me Sunday night... he pauses Well son, you most certainly did. You were the better man in that ring Sunday night, Jaiden. You and both your bitches.

The camera picks up the sound of footprints as they pace the flooring of this tiny room.

Thats right Do'Meirst, I said "your bitches", and do you know why... he pauses because any man who HAS to send in his posse of freaks to do something he can't do alone needs bitches to fall back on.

The only thing you have proven to be Do'Meirst, is a coward. You may hold the belt that earns you the right to a contenders match against me, but you don't hold the balls big guy.

Kole now walks back within the camera's view as he kneels down, looking directly into the lens.

You see, it does not matter to me how hard you worked for your shiny piece of metal. I don't care who's ass you had to pin to get it. The fact is, I was placed in that match, against 3 other "top" competitors and came out the winner, not you!

Yes, you are right about one thing Jaiden, he pauses You have beaten me once...ONCE I remind you..and to use your own words Do'Meirst..." I beat him, finally, after losing to him the first time." There won't be a second.

Kole now walks around the room, tapping the walls and glaring into the camera.

You like this place, Jaiden? he starts to laugh It will be your new home after Sunday night Jaiden...because once my hand is raised in victory over your broken body, you're going to need a little rehabilitation.

Marv knew what he was doing when he banned your group of bitches from ringside. He knew that after that cowardly attack it was only fair. he laughs in a sinister way

Tho not fair for me, Jaiden, but for Nixon. he pauses How? you may be asking..Well, it's only fair to Marv because he knows the outcome of what would take place if his United States Champion was to be burried 6ft deep underneath the decaying bodies of this stablemates and everything else in some darkend alley. Because I sware to you Do'Meirst, IT WILL happen.

The camera catches Kole walking in its direction, he picks it up and glares deeply into the lens.

You want to know what "haunts" me at night Do'Meirst... the room goes silent for several seconds The image that keeps me up at night isn't of you pinning me Jaiden, he laughs Oh No... it's of what I am going to do to you once you step inside that ring. The camera zooms out a bit as Kole holds it away from his face.

I'll demonstrate a little for you Jaiden, I know things tend be a little mislead from time to time. Just know this Do'Meirst..Come Sunday Night, it's your fault... not mine.

The camera blurs by as it smashes into the wall of the room.
