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The scene picks up from the outside parking deck of the Candelwood Suite, in Downtown Miami. A long black limo pulls up to the front as the doorman carries the luggage of the APWO's World Champion, Kole Chambers. The trunk of the limo pops open and the doorman places the baggage inside.

From the camera's view Kole wears a black Armani suit, complete with tie and shoes. His glasses remain of an Oakley design as he stands awaiting for the Limo driver to open the door.

The driver exits the front and moves to the back of the car, opening the door for the champ as he walks towards it and slips inside. From what the camera views is a lovely blonde sitting ajacent to Kole in the back of the limo. Not much can be made out, of this woman, but the voice seems vaguely familiar.

Armani looks quite well on you Kole.

The camera shifts over toward the champ as he sits looking rather uncomfortable as he pulls upon the front of his tie.

What is so damn important that gives you the right to send me this monkey suit expected for me to wear?

You're going to an autograph signing.

Kole's eyes widen as a strange look appears upon his face. WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY?

The limo continues to drive along the streets of Miami. Kole, now more irate, leans foward from his seat, looking directly at the woman, who sits across from him.

Listen, I don't give a shit what the hell you promised, or who you promised it to, but I aint signing no damn autographs for nobody. Kole begins to loosen the tie around his neck and starts to slowly un button the Armani jacket.

I wouldn't be doing that if I were you. The left hand from the woman sitting across from Kole was now visibly shown reaching towards his neckline, stopping him in his tracks.

The hand was elegantly dressed with a huge 1.5kt. diamond draped in a 24kt. gold cluster band. The nails were of a ruby red and beautifuly shaped to perfection.

First off, get your petit little hands off me; secondly.. Don't think that because I am inside this long oversized Yugo, that it gives you the right to make demands. I don't have to ride this piece of scrap metal and I sure as hell won't have any bitch tell me what I should and should not do.

Kole leans foward with in his seat; he slightly taps the woman's hands from off his as he leans back and continues to unbutton his jacket.

The camera now switches to the arm of the woman as its drawn back to its position, it zooms in on the long blonde hair, the black leather jacket, that covers over a white, half-waisted Italian silk blouse, a matching black leather mini skirt and black leather calf-high boots. The woman wears a distinquished designer set of black Oakley glasses. As her hand retrieves them from her face, the camera zooms in.

Let me make this clear to you Mr. Chambers; You WILL do as I tell you, and you will grow to love it. You will not in any way, shape, form or fashion, ever speak to me in the tone of voice as you would some street whore. I will put my hands where ever, when ever, and how ever I choose upon you, and you, Mr. Chambers, will not do a damn thing about it. The stern look of Summer Kensington-Hurst pierced through the stern glare of Kole Chambers as the camera zooms into focus upon the two inside the limo. may be wondering Mr. Chambers, she pauses I will tell you why... Summer moves closely to Kole's face, nearly touching the tips of their noses together. because I own you. I own that Title Belt you have inside this trunk. I own the clothes you're wearing and I own the contract the APWO has on you. Kole's eyes squint with anger as Summer's sardonic grin forms along her cherry colored lips.

You, Mr. Champion, owe your soul to me...and I'm here making sure I get my pay.

Summer lifts her chin up slightly into the Champ's face, as she takes her forehead and nudges the bottom of Kole's chin, nipping at his lips as she leans back into her seat, crossing her legs and placing the glasses back upon her face. Smiling cunnishly, she takes a champaign glass, filling it mid way and taking a rather seductive sip, never once taking her eyes off of Kole.

So, you think you own me do you? You own shit about me. All I hear from you and everyone else is how you people think you can do this, do that, take this, and take that from me. You people think I actually give a fuck about that.

Kole now gets a little aggrevated, he has loosend his tie completely, unbuttoned the jacket and is now sliding it from off his back, tossing it to the center of the limo's back seat. His face appears to be redish as he now works upon the white buttoned Armani shirt.

Jaiden thought he was funny, sending his "boys" in after the match. He saw an opportunity to stike a man, with a disadvantage. he pauses Sure that reflects upon what I done to Carnage, but it took 1 man.. Kole holds up his index finger 1 man, not 3, like it took those Sovereign Dynasty bitches.

Summer, still leaning back in her seat, smiles and continues on with her glass of champaign.

That bitch of Jaiden's is a smart one. She stayed clear of the mishap inside the ring, so that spares her life for the time being. But like you, she needs to keep her ass in her own business. I don't need any help from a bitch.

The limo slows down and comes to a stop. The window to the back seat lowers on Kole's side revealing a small boat dock with one boat and a set of rowing oars. The limo driver steps out and opens the back door. Kole looks stunned, and rather confused.

What the hell is going on Summer? This is no autograph signing.

Summer leans foward, she smiles glaring at Kole with her blue eyes over looking the rim of her glasses.

Why...Kole, What ever do you mean? This is just your stop hunny; you see, this is where you get off. Kole looks at her with an evil glare.

See, you're autograph signing is not until your next match at Power Outage which takes place in Canada, where you have to once again be face to face with one of the Sovereign Dynasty Bitches, Mr. Jaiden Do'Meirst himself, for the APWO World Championship. Kole's eyes widen as a sick smile forms along his face.

You see Chambers, I do own you.. and not only am I going to get my pay, You are going to repay me, by signing autographs with the blood of Mr. Do'Meirst. Do I make myself quite clear?

Kole looks around the outside of the limo and notices the small boat.

What am I supposed to do Summer, row that piece of tin upstream to where I'm supposed to be going?

Summer leans back in her seat, sipping upon her champaign, smiling devilishly at Chambers as he steps outside of the limo, as the driver unloads his luggage.

That's for you to figure out Mr. Chambers, remember... you don't need any help from a "Bitch". she lowers her glasses and winks to Kole. And I am the biggest "bitch" you will EVER come to meet, Kole Chambers.

The scene fades to the window of the limo rolling up, slowly driving off, leaving Kole and his baggage standing infront of the small wooden dock.

Do'Meirst I will shed your blood all over the damn Canadian Border!!