This website is being rebuilt. It will be online again in a matter of weeks, so be paitent. I'm trying to find out how I can use Microsoft office or another page builder to build my sites, this is so I can be lazy, which it's turning out I havta do more work then I want to, but that's okay. I have nothing better to do when I get home half the time, other then tease the cat or headed out to kims or going to krystle and allen's or biking around with Mike. Not that those aren't great, I just have this addiction. :p hehe . If you have any questions or comments, complaints or suggestions, please feel free to email me at

Also, if you would like to have some interaction with my website, I have created a new board for you all to post on. The address as is follows:
ChaimMailFrog's Boards

Oh, I just remembered why I can't find my other boards.. it's THIS link. :D Have fun scanning that too I suppose, I'll decide which one I want to keep or make another new one depending on all the aspects I"m going to add to the 'improved' site.. k, it's not really improved, just gonna be different.. We'll see.

Thank you for your paitence in awaiting the launch of my new site! If you would like to be informed of when it is launched, please email me at the above listed address. If I don't get to you after my site is back up, it probably shows how much I really don't care! :D

I want to add my own ad to my page. I gotta think of summin funny for it. Hmmm
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