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Bungaraya Tours and Travel

European - Asian Culture Exchange

("Holidays with Asian Families")

last changed: 13.04.2003

The aim of our institution, which is located in Germany is to make South-East-Asian lifestyle and culture familiar to western tourists.

Most western tourists of course like to spend their holidays with full comfort. They are living in western-like hotels, they are eating western food, they are travelling in comfortable busses hired by their travel agencies and when returning home, they don't know anything about culture and lifestyle of their hosting country. But there are few tourists who want more! They want to experience the culture and lifestyle of their hosting country. They would like to have the opportunity to live in a local home, to eat local food and to use local transportation and are eager to be guided around by residents.

For those western tourists our institution offers stays in South East Asia on the basis of "bed and breakfast". But it should be more than this: Beyond it our customers also are interested to have full local meals and to be guided by residents to the most remarkable places. Therefore we are looking continuously for families or single persons in South-East-Asia who would like to rent (for a valuable consideration of course!) a room within their home or separately to western tourists.

You never did before??

No problem at all:

You just need

- a room with atleast one bed which You can make vacant for a couple of days

- AND of course the willing to be an open minded host to western people

- AND also a bit idealism to make the lifestyle of Your country closer and more undestandable to them.

- AND a residence located in one of the following areas interesting for western tourists:

MALAYSIA: Pulau Langkawi, Pulau Penang, Ipoh, Pulau Pangkor,

Cameron Highlands, Kuala Lumpur, Melaka and

beaches near Kota Bharu, Kuala Terengganu, Kuantan and Mersing

Kuching, Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan

BRUNEI: Bandar Seri Begawan

Depending on the comfort of the room You can offer You will get between 8 and 12 US$ per night! Additional fees for meals, transportation and guided tours can be achieved. Interested furthermore?! So please

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