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Most of these definitions were abridged to one line.

1. AGE OF COMMON MAN - Jackson; Self-Suffiency

2. DARMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD - seperated business and state

3. ABIGAIL ADAM - John Adam's Wife; wrote memoirs

4. TOWN MEETING - NE; met yearly on to elect, tax, and pass laws

5. LEWIS & CLARK - sent by Jefferson; went all the way to the pacific

6. CLAY’S AMERICAN SYSTEM - internal improvement, tariffs, national bank

7. WAR OF 1812 - due to britian's impressment of US sailors and aiding indians

8. JOHN ZENGER - case brought freedom of speech; new yorker

9. MONROE DOCTORINE - told EU to stop messing around

10. MIDDLE COLONY - "bread colony"; grew barley, oats, and wheat

11. MERCANTILISM - colonies are only for the profits

12. LEGISLATURE - House of Reps and Senates

13. INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION - hand manufacturing to machine

14. GREAT PLAINS - richest fertile region; appalachans to the rockies

15. FEDERALIST - led by Alexander Hamilton; were in powr until the 1800s

16. EXECUTIVE BRANCH - enforce law; foreign policy; commander and chief

17. COTTON GIN - by Eli Whitney, establish interchangeable part

18. CORPORATIONS - company sells stock

19. COMMERICAL COMPROMISE - tax goods entering not leaving

20. COLONIAL GOVERNORS - chosen by legislation or by monarch

21. BOSTON MASSACRE - british shoots people; it brings hatred

22. VICE PRESIDENT BURR - dem.-rep; tied with Jeff. but Jeff. won

23. KING COTTON - southern expression; indicate economic dominance

24. PANIC OF 1873 - overspeculation of railroads

25. WAR HAWKS - clay and calhoun; war with britian to obtain territory shoot indians

26. NON-INTERCOURSE ACT - americans can’t trade with France or Britian

27. EMBARGO ACT - US can't trade with any foreign country

28. GIBBONS V. OGDEN - federal government authority of interstate commerce

29. COMPROMISE OF 1877 - hayes ended reconstruction for dem. accepting electon

30. TECUMSEH - shawnee chief, worked to unite northwest indian tribes

31. TARIFF OF 1816 - raised british manufactured goods

32. JACKSON’S VICTORY AT NEW ORLEANS - repelled a large british force

33. FUNDAMENTAL ORDERS OF CONNETICUT - leg. & Gov.; first constitution

34. HENRY CLAY - heal the North/South rift by the compromise of 1850

35. PRESIDENT JEFFERSON - dem-rep; reduce spending & govt. interference

36. MAYSVILLE ROAD VETO - veto by jackson, wanted to built a road in kentucky

37. ANTIFEDERALIST - those who opposed the ratification of the constitution

38. NAVIGATION ACTS - all ships in US was be british owned with 3/4 crew british

29. SARATOGA - horatio gates surrounded british army hudson valley.

30. ANNE HUTCHINSON - god communicate directly to individuals

31. DANIEL WEBSTER - major rep of the north; great speaker

32. SAMUEL SLATER - first factory in the US

33. TALLMADGE ADMENDMENT - Missouri slave state free slave child at 25 years

34. RUSH-BAGOT TREATY - mutual disarment of the two countries

35. TREATY OF GHENT - ended war 1812; territory returned to orginal owner

36. VIRGINIA AND KENTUCKY RESOLUTION - if laws are unconst. they can nullify

37. FEDERALIST PAPERS - John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison

38. TARIFF OF ABOMINATIONS - tax on imported good; good - north, bad -south

39. WHIGS - originated from Federalist; support industry, clay american system,

40. THREE-FIFTHS COMPROMISE - slave would count 3/5 of a white vote

41. PANIC OF 1819 - europe lack of imports; overproduction; national bank

42. SECOND BANK - bank loans finance American industrial revolution

43. MCCULLOCH V. MARYLAND - state can't tax a federal agency

44. NAT TURNER’S INSURRECTION - he killed 60 whites; blacks had less rights after

45. FLETCHER V. PECK - government can't interfer with private property

46. SON’S OF LIBERTY - opposition to british policy especially the stamp act

47. HOUSE OF BURGESSES - first legislative body in colonial America

48. REVOLUTION OF 1800 - Jefferson election making trans from fed to dem-rep

49. SIR EDMOND ANDROS - Governor of the Dominion of NE; force out to England

50. DOMINION OF NE - comination of mass, rhode island, New Hampshire, and Con.

51. COTTON MATHERS - tried to persuade WIll and Mary to get rid of Dominion of NE

52. QUAKERS - conscience, relevation, or saving grace flowed in everyone

53. WILLIAM PENN - land from King Charles I haven for Quakers

54. SAM ADAMS - Mass. politician; lead boston tea party

55. JOHN DICKENSON - "Letters from Penn. Farmer" protest against townshed acts

56. LOUISIANA PURCHASE - 15 dollars; from Napoleon; New Orleans and Miss. Val

57. CHAMPLAIN - found quebec; first permanent settlement

58. GEORGE WHITEFIELD - leader of "New Lights" started the great awakening

59. JOHNATHAN EDWARDS - Sinners i the hands of angry god; gripping sermons

60. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN - printer, inventor, diplomat, statesman, and founding father

61. JAMES OTIS - colonial lawyer, accused of smuggling

62. PROCLAMATION OF 1763 - forbade colonist to live west of appalachian.

63. PONTIAC’S REBELLION - led by Pontiac destroyed british forts

64. ATTORNEY GENERAL RANDOLPH - submitted the virginian plan to congress

65. SEC. OF WAR KNOX - henry knox, war hero, secretary of war

66. QUEBEC ACT - recognize the roman catholic church in Quebec

67. MASSACHUSETTS GOVERNMENT ACT - king elects the assembly

68. BOSTON TEA PARTY, 1773 - dump the tea fearing Gov. Huchinson would unload

69. TEA ACT - made illegal to buy non-british tea

70. LORD NORTH - PM; went along with King George III, resigned after cornwallis

71. GASPEE INCIDENT - colonist burned the ship;customs ship; response to taxes

72. SEC. OF TREASURY HAMILTON - fed; supported national bank, tariffs, wisky tax

73. SUGAR ACT - created vice admirately courts

74. STAMP ACT - documents must be of stamped british paper; caused angry mobs

75. STAMP ACT CONGRESS - 27 delegates from 9 colonies; discuss all the taxes

76. JUDICIARY ACT - allow Pres to create fed courts and appoint judge

77. CONNECTICUT PLAN - for a 2 house congress, both representation

78. TREATY OF 1818 - limited louisiana II; improves ameri-canada fishing rights

79. STRICT CONSTRUCTIONISM - anti-fed; gave states more rights; no elastic clause

80. UNIVERSAL MALE SUFFRAGE - vote at age 18; alabama first state

81. PROCLAMATION OF NEUTRALITY 1793 - french revolution not picking side

82. QUIDS - faction inwhich Aron Burr made up; crit. war of 1812; not classical repub.

83. PECULIAR INSITUTION - term used to describe cruelty of slavery

84. URBAN LIFE - immigrants, high pop., poor sanitation, diseases, and crime

85. INDUSTRIALIZATION - law on backs; skilled crafts displace, take over agriculture

86. NAVITISM - response to catholic irish and germans; anti-foreigners feeling

87. MARBURY V. MADISON - established supreme court right to judicial review

88. JAMES MADISON - "Father of Constitution" fueled Virginia plan, frame of Constit.

89. ANNAPOLIS CONVENTION - precursor to constitution convention; plans on fed.

90. PANIC OF 1837 - Jackson's Pet Banks; Specie Circular; collapse of state banks

91. PICKNEY TREATY - free navigation of mississipi from Spain; recognized bndries

92. MT. VERNON CONFERENCE - called by Washington to discuss Pontiac River

93. EXCISE TAXES - taxes placed on manufactured products

94. WHISKEY REBELLION - against tax on corn; end by army; showed const. control

95. JOHN ADAMS - diplomate; vice pres; pres; refuse the XYZ bribe;

96. ELECTION OF 1800 - Jeff. won against adams by HOR vote; led to 12th admend.

97. HEADRIGHT SYSTEM - obtain title by paying fee and later rent the land

98. NEW QUARTERING ACT - auth. troops in homes instead of barracks


            - Brits: leave US, end hurting US econ, gave trade Priv. to England

            - US: pay debt to Brits, open missi. river to both nations, establish boundaries

100. SIGNIFICANCE OF JAY'S TREATY -prevented war with England

101. ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS - 2 terms Monroe; nationalism, econ, fed. party gone

102. INTOLERABLE ACTS - resp. BTP; no boston assm.; quarter act; adm. of just. act

103. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE ACT - colony cannot arrest royal officer

104. BACON’S REBELLION - protest against Berkley not protecting against Indians

105. HARTFORD CONVENTION - NE rich; wanted to sucede; embargos during 1812

106. SPECIE CIRCULAR - tried to stop land spec. by req. gold and silver; spark panic

107. WAR OF 1812 - dev. national pride; embargo helped self suffiency

108. ROBERT FULTON - designed first steamboat named Clermont

109. ROBERT B. TANEY - chief justice; red Scott Case, power of states, fugitive act

110. QUARTERING ACT 1765 - by grnville; allow supplies from col. & stay pub. places

111. CREEK NATION - War on Tippercanoe; killed 800 indians; cede 22 million acres

112. ELECTORAL COLLEGE SYSTEM - rep. and sen. choose the pres.

113. LETTERS FROM FARMER - by Jhn Dickenson; lashed at Parlim. taxes duties

114. LETTERS FROM AMERICAN FARMER - crevecoverl reflect post revolution

115. JUDICIAL REVIEW - supreme court has the power against congress

116. NE COLONIES -Rocky soil; manufacturing became chief industry

117. NATIONAL DEBT - paying debt to france bought US to higher standards

118. OLD NORTHWEST - New Hamp; Vermont; West NY;Ohio; Penn; Kentucky; Tenn

119. NATIONAL BANK - provided internal circulating credit, bank notes helped prop

120. MOUNTAIN PEOPLE - lived in west as fur traders; interacted with Indian culture

121. MIDDLE PASSAGE - transportation of slaves from Africa

122. PUBLIC LAND ACT OF 1796 - price raise to $2 per acre in lots of 640

123. BOSTON PORT ACT - Coercive acts; shut down Boston harbor until it pays EIC

124. NULLIFICATION ACT -SC forbid tariffs collection after tarrif of 1828 became 1823

125. CALHOUN - SC senator; spokes person for south rights; jackson’s vice pres

126. SHAY’S REBELLION - against putting people in debt to prison; show weakness

127. NORTHWEST ORDINANCE 1787 - nw terr. divide 3 to 5; no slave; 60,000 pop

128. ARTICLES OF CONF. - (st) tax, regulate trade, draft; (fed) war, and foreign policy

129. TRTY OF PARIS 1783 - recognize indepd.; canada, florida, and west of miss. out

130. TRTY OF PARIS 1763 - ended the french indian war; before rev. war land distr.

131. PATRICK HENRY - "Give me liberty or death"; Govt. of Virginia; opp. constitution

132. SPOILS SYSTEM - winner of election power to do anything with staff

133. ERIE CANAL - from NY to great lakes; Governor Dewitt Clinton precided project

134. BOSTON ASSOCIATES - built the first power loom

135. LOWELL - factor made cloth so cheaply that women bought instead making them

136. COTTON GIN - Eli Whitney: machine that seperate seeds for cotton

137. MISSOURI COMPROMISE - slave st.; main free st.; north of 30deg.30 free state

138. TOWNSHED ACT - tax luxury items from Britian; started movement boycotting.

139. PEGGY EATON AFFAIR - sec. of war John eaton had affair with Peggy; Jackson

140. SEPERATION OF POWER - three branches

141. WILLIAM BERKLEY - govt. of Viriginia during Bacon's rebellion

142. WAMPANOAGS - offer food, taught grow maize to pilgrims, tribe squanto belong

143. ADAM-ONIS TREATY - fla goes to US/ southwest and texas to Mexico

144. FEDERALISM - strong central govt;investors, merchants manufacturer,until 1800

145. EVENTS 1812 - washington d.c. burned; naval victory on Erie; led by O. Perry

146. INDIAN REMOVAL ACT - jackson; remove chief black hawk, sauk, and fox

147. ANTI-MASONIC PARTY - help jackson by prevented votes from whigs; not elite

148. FALLEN TIMBER - Athny. Wayne defeated little turtle provoke treaty of greenville.

149. LAND ORD. 1785 - 36 section; 640 acres; 1 sec. school; $1 acre; 4 acre public

150. RAILROAD - gauge diff.;dev. slow; govt. paid, north dev. fast so adv. in civ. war

151. REST. CLNY-(1)NY, W&E NJ, Penn, Del (2)Vir., N&S Car; charles II rest. stuart

152. METACOM - wampanoag leader that led NE bloodiest war; Indians lost

153. ACT OF TOLERATION - maryland; lord baltimore; freedom to all christians

153. ANTINOMIANISM - Anne Hutchinson; God talks directly to peep; New Hampshire

154. TECUMSEH - Shawnee chief; worked to unite northwestern tribes; lost in Tipper

155. KITCHEN CABINET - small group of jackson's friends and advisors; lower term

156. FRAME OF GOVERNMENT - charter of liberties set up the gov. for Penn. colony

157. WORCHESTER V. GEORGIA - goergia has no juridiction over cherokee

158. NATION V. GEORGIA - indians are domestic nations; regulated by fed. govern

159. CITIZEN GENET - french diplomat get support for fren. rev.; allow citizenship

160. SONS OF LIBERTY - organization in response of the Stamp Act

161. CRISPUS ATTUCKS - slave that became a martyr in the Boston Massacre

162. CUMBERLAND ROAD - first highway built by the fed. govt. Penn to Ilinoise

163. FRANCIS SCOTT KEY - wrote "Star Spangled Banner"; flag flying fort in morning

164. INDENTURED SERVANTS - person would serve for a time and be freed

165. JAY-GARDOQUI TREATY - US - spanish port; Spain - missisipi river; never sign

166. JOHN LOCKE - 2nd Treatise of Govt; social contract : people and government

167. MAYSVILLE ROAD VETO - wanted to built with Fed expense; Jackson veto

168. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN - dem-rep oppose Jackson; include Adams, Clay, Web

169. TOUSSAINT L'OVERTURE - led slave rebellion in Haiti; encourage sale of Louis

170. WASHINGTON FAREWELL ADDRESS; warn against sectionalism and alliances

171. XYZ AFFAIR - Adams sent delegates to france; France only accept with bribe

172. PROPRIETARY COL. - founded by proprietary company controlled by propiertor

173. CHARTER COL. - found by gov. charter granted to company or group

174. ROYAL COL. - founded by king; govt. had total control over them

175. SENATE - upper house; appointed by state legislature; state has 2 colonies

176. TRIANGULAR TRADE - NE - g-rum-africa-g-slaves-carr-g-sugar & molasses-NE

177. ROGER WILLIAMS - left Mass. col. started col. of RD Island; religious freedom

178. HOLY EXPERIMENT - Wm. Penn's term as gov.; serve everyone provide rel. free

179. ENLIGHTENMENT - favored reason; sceintific method; and deism

180. DECLATORY ACT - parl. has ability to tax and power over colonial legislature

181. MASS. CIRCULAR LETTER - started in boston; call for boycotting; resp. townshed


                        - (exec) veto & choose judge

                        - (leg) 2/3 vote override

                        - (jud) declare law unconstitutional

183. CONNECTICUT PLAN - two-house congress

184. TARIFF - tax designed to raise revenue for the fed. government

185. BARBARY PIRATES - algeria & tripoli demanded tribute or they will be attacked

186. CORRUPT BARGAIN - charge by Jacksonians on clayÕs rupport of adams

187. TRAIL OF TEARS - Gen. Scott force them from Georgia to Oklahoma Indian Resv.

188. LOG CABIN & HARD CIDER - depiction on Wm. Harrison; in election of 1840

189. UNIONS - goals: shorten work hour; universal edu.; free land; no monopolies

190. PET BANKS - the banks in which Taney (sec. of tresure) advice jackson to put $

194. JAMES MADISON - 1 of authors of fed. papers; strict constrnist; father; 1812 war

195. NEUTRALITY - defined US foreign policy from 1800-1890; called by Washington

196. TRIANGULAR TRADE - bringing slaves from africa; terrible condition;

205. WORCHESTER V. GEORGIA - georgia can't enforce state laws against indians

223. CITIZEN GENET - tried to rally the US to support the French revolution

224. CRISPUS ATTUCKS - african that died from bo

225. POOR RICHARD ALMANAC - Benjamin Franklin; source of pithy aphorism

226. PROPHET - refer to (shawnee) Tenskwatawa; gave spiritual inspiration

227. L’OUVERTURE - led slave rebellion in San Domingo; french troops failed

228. VAN BUREN - took over during Panic of 1837; followed jacksonÕs policy; bad dec.

229. WASH. FARE ADDRESS - warned against sect. and foreign involvement

230. WM. HENRY HARRISON - battle of tippercanoe; won by whigs; tyler replaced him

231. BATTLE OF TIPP. - battle against Tecumseh; Harrison claimed victory

232. BATLE OF THAMES RIVER - tecumseh died; US Naval burned and lotted toronto

233. ROYAL COLONY (define) - colonies that was taken by the king

234. ROYAL COLONY - Vir; New Hamp; Mass; North Car.;NY; NJ; Carolina; Georgia

235. BATTLE OF YORK TOWN - led cornwallis to surrender the british army; wash.

236. CABINET - Jeff. - sec. of state; Hamilton - treasurer; Knox; war; randolf - general

237. FRAME OF GOVERNMENT - Wm. Penn; all christians can vote; no tax 4 church

238. CHEROKEE NATION V. GEORGIA - Indians are domestic dependent nations

239. COMMITEE OF CORRESPONDENCE - vir. assembly start to warn about British

240. SUPREME COURT-interprets laws and const.; judges are by pres. app. by senate

241. SENATE - 6 year term; aprove law for the house of rep; it confirms app. & treatise

242. PROTECTIVE TARIFF - tax to protect northern factors; proposed by Hamilton


            - rep. govt. cannot be have laws done by people

            - rights might be narrow that it can limit freedom


            - reduce federal relation with state relations

            - help other branches check legislative

245. NATIONIST - one who is excessive devoted to national interest and prestige