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)Bp(- Platoon 1

- )Bp(-PrOoF
- )Bp(-
- )Bp(-
- )Bp(-
- )Bp(-
- )Bp(-
- )Bp(-

)Bp(-Platoon 2

- )Bp(-MaGiCk
- )Bp(-
- )Bp(-
- )Bp(-
- )Bp(-
- )Bp(-
- )Bp(-

Socom Links

- Socom Battles
- Socom Clans
- Socom Warzone
- SB League

< - - - ..:.:BuLLeT PrOoF:.:.. - - ->

)Bp(- News and Updates :

* This clan is not out yet, currently we are in different clans. When socom 2 comes out we will open this clan. *

)Bp(- Rules

* Always listen to your leaders. *

* Try to be nice to you teammates, no fighting. *

* Be a team player by helping your teammates and watching their backs. *

Copyright 2002 BuLLeT PrOoF. Site Designed by All Rights Reserved.

Clan MVP

* )Bp(- PrOoF *

)Bp(- Stats

- Clan made:
- Clan record: 0-0
- Clan server:
- Clan allie:
- Clan enemy:

Socom battles

- )BuLLeT PrOoF(:

- PrOoF & MaGiCk