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Boy Touching Rules, OK!

technically speaking, is no longer. the pictures have gone and the only thing you'll be able to find here, are links to fiction archives, a list of films that contain boy touching, and some links.

if you want to see pictures, go to one of the communities, especially the one on livejournal; it get multiple posts every day, with lovely pictures - putting them on a site takes up a lot of time, and it's impossible to find a free server that lets you use up enough space to host all the pictures. so we'll do it like that.

for the pictures, go to one of the communities (on livejournal, ujournal and blurty). for everything else...

disclaimer: this is all just a bit of fun, as far as we know, no one mentioned on this site is actually gay - we're not "stripping musicians down to their body parts like fifteen year old girls" as someone so eloquently put it in our guestbook - i mean, yeah, it is about the music, man - but other people dedicate sites to how cute justin timberlake's *toosh* is, so, y'know.

i realise not *everyone* is interested in boy touching/slash/whatever you want to call it. i realise some people even find it repulsive, but no one is making you enter the site. so if you don't like... go away now - no hard feelings.

do you want to enter


go somewhere else instead?

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