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Fuckin' A it's been a long time. I suck for not updating this shit but does anyone really read it? if there's no news, there's no news. there is some now. new shirts, stickers, buttons and cool weather goods are in the pipeline. a new lease on life. I got a new bike. I love riding bikes man, I swear. I have kind of re-organized the "team". I hate the word "team". teams are for baseball and soccer and "ball sports". it takes balls for our sports but not that kind and I'd like to think of BMX and skateboarding not as sports. Check the new section that is entitled "FOD". Those letters stand for something somewhere but here they stand for "Friends Of Deliverance". You gotta stand for something or you're gonna fall for everything. Want to know a secret? I built a chopper bicycle and it's in my shed. No other human besides my retired neighbors have even seen it. it rides good, but I don't know where to ride it. I found a big pair of ape-hangers in someone's trash and that's all it took. I finished it almost a month ago and I'm embarrassed to tell anyone about it. The secret's out. I also did a 'zine about me and my old guy friends. Word of the Cobras Local 77, Book 2, is out now and available soon through HYPERLINK shit, this news is all about me so far. fuck. Sean Rakos moved to Texas and I got to visit him for a couple days. We went to the Terrible One/Federal video premier at T1, rode the 5 hips ditch and the T1 ramp and ate good Austin food. Austin is awesome. They should just change the name to Awesome, Texas. So awesome that Deliverants Josh Steir and FOD Matt Morren are heading there for the winter. After that I went to Interbike for my real job and there were lots of bikes and talking about bikes and shit. Vegas sucks but Interbike is good for seeing new parts and old friends.

FOD Davey Cooperwasser kicked ass at the Rochester, NY La Revolution and won the Am class. Matt M. took second. Wow. Both those guys kicked ass at the K-zoo SkateZoo BMX jam that took place in September as well. Check out HYPERLINK and click on the "contests" to read more about that. That event was sponsored by Deliverance. What else? We have been working on the trails at Solan's parent's house. They are coming along, but mother nature has had enough of our good times and has been putting the screws down. There is a new cement park in Charlotte, Michigan (SW of Lansing by about 15 mins) that is awesome. Bike friendly, but crowded with kooky little kids on bikes. Oh, the irony. Go in the morning and you can't go wrong. The park's existence is due in part to FOD Luke McGary and Kzoo contest winner Dave Moon. it is really, really good. Chris Hatfield has been riding strong and crashing hard, but taking it. FOD Dan is ruling it and the new shirt is in his honor. Pat Schreader is kind of in Cleveland but really doing shows in North Carolina. Solan Foster, as I mentioned, has been actively building trails with yours truly and ripping at the parks. He also made the open class main at the NBL grands BMX race, which is fucking insane. You have no idea how hard that is to do. Shane Anderson is MIA but probably skateboarding right now or perhaps growing his own vegetables. Brian Rensberry for sure skateboarded today. Matt Sivalleli was at the corporate skatepark the other day dressed as a gym teacher but riding really well. I'm really on an anti-corporation rampage lately. I found myself at Starbucks the other day and got pissed at myself. I drank my soy milk latte and then pissed on myself. I don't go to Home Depot anymore, I go to the hardware store on the corner. I don't go to 7-11, I go to the liquor store around the way. What about Deliverance though? What about it? I'm trying. We're trying. Sean comes up with lots of good stuff and I have tons of ideas, but sometimes money is tight. We're going to make it work though, you'll see. Stay true and e-mail me straight up at HYPERLINK aight?

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