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The Rise of Huitzilopochtli This is a two stage multicache involving a solar puzzle. The first stage of this cache is in a green plastic dry box. The second stage is a large recycled military surplus container. (ammo box) Please replace the contents of the first container as you found them. The above coordinates will direct you to the first stage, the rest is up to you. It is important to bring an accurate compass to this cache. You will also need a sunny day. The distance between the two stages is less than a mile. I've constructed a bowstring equatorial sundial out of brass, and painted glyphs on the dial that correspond to sets of coordinates. These coordinates will be in the first stage container along with the sundial. In order to get the right coords, you need to place the sundial on a level surface with the gnomon (bowstring) parallel to the earth's axis. You will need a compass to do this correctly. The vertical angle of the gnomon is already preset to 30 degrees which is appropriate for the approximate lattitude at which the cache is placed. The elevated end of the gnomon must be pointed at true North. There will be a couple of "temporal windows of opportunity" wherein the shadow on the dial indicates the glyph which corresponds to the correct coordinates. These windows are approximately ten minutes long. The optimal times to observe the coordinates are: 10:00am, 12:00pm, 2:00pm, and 4:00pm Daylight Standard Time. IMPORTANT Leave yourself a time buffer to find the first stage. You will need to have the sundial set up within +/- five minutes of the listed times. Don't forget that sundials will not correct for daylight saving time. The times I have provided are daylight standard time. (-6 hours UTM) You will need to arrive an hour later than the posted times during daylight saving time. Make sure the surface you place the dial on is level, and correct for magnetic declination when you align the dial. I hope you enjoy this cache as much as I have enjoyed creating it. Have fun!