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A-Phi Gift Guide
Created by: Leah Bennett, Epsilon Xi Chapter

Since I get a lot of questions about budgeting and gift ideas each year, I made this guide to help those giving our new girls gifts. The idea behind this is to help everyone welcome our new girls as cheaply as possible, with as little skills required as possible, and to provide help and instruction in making your own speical gifts. I hope this guide inspires you! If you have any suggestions, additions, ideas, concerns, disagreements, or even if you see any errors--please e-mail me. Since this guide is meant to be a collaborative effort, I welcome all suggestions and ideas!

Thanks for visiting! I hope this helps!

Use these DROP DOWN menus located on each page to help you navigate!

***Update: October 24, 2003--Click here to view my WEBMISTRESS PICK!! New BAGS are available ONLINE!!

***Update: January 21, 2004--NEED A NICE PADDLE?? NOT CRAFTY?? NO PROBLEM!! Click here to view the newest WEBMISTRESS PICK!!