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Objectives of the Institution

The Institution has been established for the following ten-fold objectives in mind: 

(1).To promote and advance the science, practice and application of geomatics for the advancement of mankind and community, and to further foster the regional and international cooperation and the transfer of technology;

(2).To encourage communication between persons charged with the technical responsibility for the planning, design and execution of the practice of geomatics;

(3).To obtain and disseminate among the members, information on geomatics and related matters affecting the profession, and to print, sell, publish, issue and circulate the records of transactions of the Institution or any papers, periodicals, books, circulars and other literacy undertakings or any extracts there from as may seem conducive to any of these objectives;

(4).To educate and seek to improve, extend and elevate the technical and general knowledge of members and persons concerned with the geomatics; 

(5).To serve as a focal point for the exchange of ideas related to geomatics;

(6).To conduct, encourage and collate research in geomatics;

(7).To establish, form and maintain in index of available or existing literature and articles on interests in connection with geomatics;

(8).To cooperate, as may seem conducive to any of these objectives, with national and international organisations and to support and supplement their work;

(9).To promote the general interests of the profession and to maintain and extend its usefulness for the public advantage; and

(10).To conduct professional development programmes by organising training, seminar and conference locally  or internationally.


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This site was last updated 03/20/03

Email address : Brunei Institution of Geomatics