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It doesn't rid you of calories...BUT it does rid you of fatty tissue.

You can't purge up everything you have eaten. Some will always remain.

It can and will damage your teeth. That sucks for those of us who fear the dentist :(

You will develop red bumps on your first 2 fingers if you do it often.

it can get bloody.

To help get most things up, eat foods of different colors. For instance: doritos, angel food cake, chocolate and twizzlers. Everything should come up in reverse order..Red, brown/black, white/yellow and then bright orange.

When i first got into bulimia, i had trouble purging. I sprayed windex down my throat the first couple times, forcing me to throw up while also sticking my fingers down my throat. It's disgusting, but you have to do what you have to do, right?

If your not in favor of my windex treatment, i have read to use a tooth brush. but that seems more painful to me. lol

brush your teath before you purge and then15 minutes after. not right after, you could rub the stomach acids into your enamel, making tooth decay worse.




It's only water weight. Instead of using them, just don't eat at all.

They hurt like a bitch. But hey, if you're obsessed with the scale..then be my guess

they keep you up allllll night.

I lost 7 pounds in 2 nights overdosing on them. Water weight, but i was satisfied.