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                 BackLash News Archive                


This Page contains old news from the early days of Backlash.



News April 6 2003

 Band Practice brought about some real talent today! A new instrumental track 'The Harmonica Song' was worked on. The band can have brought 'Grow' up to gig standard. Silver Skies is also taking shape, with Mark now joining in on vocals for a 3-part harmony and Paul tapping out an indie rhythm. We have been working on a new track as well; It is in the style of The Datsuns.

The Band quickly covered Can’t Stop by the Red Hot Chili Peppers  and Times Like These By the Foo Fighters. Overall a very creative and productive practice. (The Harmonica Song RoCkS!)
News April 4 2003
It’s the weekend at last, time to put you feet up and have long lie in? Sadly not for Backlash, we are going to be working hard almost all weekend. There’s going to be work commencing on the Debut Album - Criticism. We will be constructing the instrumental parts of the songs, which will form the basic foundations of the CD. 
            There is going to be yet more additions to the already feature packed BackLash website. Things to come are; mailing lists and an exclusive download page. Also coming to your computer very soon, an exclusive 'members' area of the Official BackLash website. This will access you to 'members only' facilities. Such as the very latest News and exclusive mp3's, photos and gossip - only available for members.            
            If all goes to plan and the release of the EP is on time (Summer 2003) then the shop will be also be put online, allowing guests and members to purchase Cd's off the  Official BackLash site and Merchandise from our site. 
            Remember if you have any questions or queries about anything to do with BackLash then post them onto the Official BackLash message board. A reply should usually arrive within 48 hours. 

News 2 April 2003
Come on everyone lets have a big cheer for Rooney!!! Last night's band practice achieved nothing more than a ridiculous cover version of Nirvana's "polly" in a ska punk style!  Made by John and Darren purely to blaspheme against Marks religion (Cobain-ism) the track is exclusively available to download to members of our Yahoo! group (see links page) which is free to join and well worth it just for John's jokes and the demos of new songs that can't be found anywhere else! "Silver Skies" is getting better and better and hopefully will grow to become one of the band's most prominent tracks, a new version of "No Way" is in the offing, with better lyrics and an extra vocal line.  Adios everybody, and...peace!


News 1 April 2003
Hello there! and Happy April Fools Day! There has been yet more things going in the life of BackLash. Firstly, we have updated the links page and you can now post your own website onto our site. We have also added a link to the official BackLash Yahoo Group.

News 30 March 2003
Hello People! Did you remember to move your clocks forward?? Well it's been a busy couple of weeks for Darren, John, Mark and Paul with new material coming thick and fast and plenty of administration to keep us going.  We've been making guitar and vocal tracks to over 10 new songs around which the framework for the whole band will be placed.  We've also decided on the title for our EP when it was suggested by a friend of the band called Kyle, The Criticism EP will be recorded throughout the coming months and should be available during the summer.  New songs added to our set list and for consideration for the EP include, "Glare," " Grow," "Noodles (don't ask!)", "Now or Never," "Silver Skies" and a couple more surprises up our sleeves. Those of you who are lucky enough to have access to our exclusive demo page will be able to hear previews of these songs in the next few days.  Welcome to summer! -Backlash
BackLash is Back!
Injury News; Darren (Vocals) is back from hospital! he's survived his operation after he was badly injured after being showered with razor sharp glass! and is back on his feet again. BackLash is now back and ready to go. EP work continues, the new track 'Without You' is ready to be practiced, hopefully to be recorded and uploaded to the 'Music' page as soon as possible.
What's happening on the next website update? You'll yet more from the site very soon, we will have our very own Official BackLash Yahoo Group, so you can all share your thoughts and feeling in the forum, as well as ask any questions you feel need answering. Also a mailing list will be added to this site in the coming weeks. 

  News 18 March 2003
NOTICE: Darren (vocals) will be out of action for a couple of weeks due to an injury he suffered last night to his arm.  In a fit of rage he accidentally put his hand through a glass pane and took about 40 stitches in his left arm.  We will post further updates when the band start playing again.

Website Update; User Interaction - We like to interact with our fans and listeners so we have added a poll, it allows you to vote on which is favourite track that we have produced, as well as live results graphs. Please vote when you get the opportunity the voting applet is located at the bottom left hand side of this page.

News 16 March 2003
New Site Up and running (at last!)

News 9 March
Band practice took place - some new pics on the
pics page go and take a look

News 8 March

New venue has been announced - Tara Leisure, this is quite a small venue situated on Beal Lane, and it is within walking distance of the train station at Shaw & Crompton. Details of gigs here will be posted when they become available.

News 7 March
NO WAY EP UPDATE -The design for the front cover of the EP is now complete go and check it out on our
pics page, more detailed versions and more information about this EP will be posted on our webpage in coming weeks.
News 6 March
We are still working on the new track 'Without You' and we have recorded a rough demo of it to MP3

News 5 March
A "The Band" page has been added to the website with a some information and a picture of each of the band members! Go and take a look at the new page
News 4 March
We had a burst of inspiration and have begun work on yet another track for the EP, it is called 'Without you'  The track is quite a contrast to our usual stuff but hopefully you'll like it.  "Without You" was written very quickly and the band haven't recorded the song altogether yet, however the Lyrics and basic tune have been recorded and a very early demonstration of this song is available here, although the addition of other instruments has not been confirmed as yet, BOOKMARK US and we shall keep you posted

News 3 March 2003
We have added a shows page to the website, here you can see the latest tour dates and venues as they are announced

News 2 March
The New Official BackLash Site has been launched with a new "Music" page that links to our section of On this page you can listen to live 24hr streams of out latest tracks, and hear the EP in its making.  There are also seperate streams for those of you with a broadband internet connection and those of you with a standard dialup (narrow band) connection of varying qualities. You may also want to download these tracks onto your hard drive so you can put them in your music folder and listen to them again and again (well...maybe!)  We would also be grateful if you took our poll that will be released in the coming weeks, and tell us which of the tracks you like best, The site is not just music though, you can download the latest lyrics, song art and see tour dates.

News Febuary 2003
This month was spent rehearsing the tracks tracks for the EP... fun!

***Below News is from the Old Website and documents the early days of BackLash***

News: 27, jan, 2003
    Band practice was held once again on Sunday, and proved to be another raging success.  A new track "What I Know" was written and a rough copy recorded all in the space of a few hours. The band are looking stronger than ever and in a few weeks will record official demo versions of both "Come Back" and "No Way" as well as new tracks "Inside your world" and "What  I Know."  As soon as these tracks are recorded using a 24track they will be immediately uploaded to the site and made available to a world wide audience. Expect more soon!!
