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Well a bless a my soul.

 What's wrong with Lisa Marie

 Now we got a pervert up

 the family tree.



I'm spinning in my grave, and I'm about to throw-up, I'd kick his a$$, if I could get dug up. Uh huh ewwww yaaa hey!



Well my legs are rotted and my arms fell off 


So cold in the grave, I got a nasty cough.


The King of Pop


Is poppin' my buttercup


I'd bust his  a$$ 




If I could get dug up .
 Uh huh ewwww yaaa hey!

Well I'd break his jaw and give him two black eyes          

His nose would swell to its original size.

I'd bleach his skin till he's all gone

I'd bend him over while the chimp looks on

So do me a favor if you love me,

Bring a backhoe to the cemetery 

There's a lama lovin' pedophile I gotta beat up 


But I can't....... unless I get dug up

Uh huh ewwww yaaa hey!!

Somebody Dig Me Up!!

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