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AvP: Extinction Bestiary

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Marine Bestiary

Reinforcements And Upgrades
The USCM orders reinforcements and field upgrades via the CommTech Marine. He does this by calling a dropship down on whatever visited dropship beacon is nearest his current location. Naturally, there is a small amount of transit time before reinforcements arrive.
Earning Credits
Marines can earn credits in two ways: 1) they can repair Atmos with a CommTech and receive a continuous stream of credits while the Atmo remains operational, and 2) they can receive a small bounty for each slain enemy. There are a limited number of Atmos available during each mission, each of which provides a fixed sum over its lifespan. Accordingly, Marine detachments must ensure they maintain sufficient force levels to secure subsequent Atmos and complete their mission.
Healing And Repairing
Marines can heal their organic forces with the Medic. They can use the CommTech to repair robotic and mechanical troops and equipment, including the Synthetic, Sentry Gun, ExoSuit, and the all-important Atmo. Healing and repairing are free, but a given Medic or CommTech can only heal or repair one target at a time, making the process somewhat time-consuming.
Detecting Enemies
The USCM can detect cloaked Predators with the Synthetic or the Sentry Gun, both of which are equipped with cloak-defeating sensors. The Synthetic can additionally detect and highlight moving objects outside of its standard visual range, and the upgraded Sentry Gun has the ability to respond to ranged enemies attacking from beyond its field of view.
Robotic Support Platforms
Marines have a variety of robotic and mechanical troops and equipment, including the Synthetic, Sentry Gun, ExoSuit, and the Atmo. These forces are immune to a number of side effects, including radiation, acid scarring, virulence, spores, cysts, and bleeder spears.
Marines can deliver the most concentrated firepower of any of the species. Every Marine combatant is capable of attacking at range, and many of their weapons can damage small groups of enemies simultaneously. Marines are not as numerous as Aliens, but they are typically far more numerous than Predators.
Marines are the most physically frail of the species and are therefore the easiest to kill. They are under constant pressure to secure the next Atmo, in order to preserve a continual flow of revenue. The USCM must also ensure that it has an ample number of CommTechs on the ground, since they are their detachment's critical link to the dropship and its ability to deliver reinforcements. CommTechs are inexpensive and numerous, but they are also relatively easy to kill.

Health: 250
Population: 1
Light Kinetic Damage
Light Kinetic Armor
Attack Rate: Fast
Attack Range: 12
Speed: 2.5
Visual Range: 8
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 250
Population: 1
Light Kinetic Damage
Heavy Fire Damage
Medium Kinetic Armor
Attack Rate: Fast / Very Slow
Attack Range: 12 / 24
Speed: 2.5
Visual Range: 8
The CommTech (USCM slang for Communications Officer/Technician) is the support core of every USCM deployment force. His responsibilities include calling in dropships and repairing field equipment and robotic support systems - including those that provide alternate revenue streams for the USCM. Because he is the primary communications link with the dropship attached to the platoon, he controls its ability to order reinforcements and battlefields system upgrades.
Default Weapon - MP9
The default weapon of the CommTech is the MP9 close assault machine gun. While a reasonable weapon against soft targets, it does not have the stopping power to defend the CommTech against heavier enemies.
Characteristics - Dropship Uplink
The CommTech performs the crucial role of calling in dropships filled with reinforcements. He also orders field upgrades, enabling commanders to make mid-mission decisions about weapon system updates. The CommTech has a policy of calling the current dropship to the closest visited dropship beacon. For obvious reasons, dropship beacons never exist indoors, so a CommTech inside a building or cave must consider additional transit time for reinforcements.
Characteristics - Field Repairs
The CommTech has sufficient training and technical expertise to repair a wide range of battlefield systems and colonial support equipment, including Synthetics, Sentry Guns, ExoSuits, and Atmospheric Processors. It is the ability to repair Atmospheric Processors that gives the USCM its primary source of field revenue. As a group, CommTechs tend to be fairly energetic, so they often proactively start repairs on nearby damage in the absence of more pressing tasks.
Upgrade - AURORA Control
Veteran CommTechs often have clearance to give the "killword" to the AURORA, a space-based, high-energy assassination system found aboard many orbital cruisers. While the AURORA is capable of autonomously destroying enemies, current safety procedures demand that a CommTech first confirm any targets. There is only one AURORA, so multiple CommTechs must share it, effectively serializing its attacks.
The CommTech performs several critical support roles. First, he is necessary to repair Atmospheric Processors and thereby secure "field funding" for the USCM. Second, he is the only trooper capable of ordering upgrades and reinforcements. Third, he is uniquely able to repair mechanical equipment. Fourth, the upgraded CommTech is capable of enemy force degradation at extreme range. Given their criticality, veteran commanders typically have at least two CommTechs in the field at all times.
While armed, the CommTech is ill-equipped for heavy fighting. He relies on other forces in the platoon for protection as he easily falls to most enemies. If a platoon ever loses all of its CommTechs, it is cut off from its dropship and therefore likely to be written off as an operational casualty. Also, it remains all too common for CommTechs to forget at critical moments that the AURORA is blocked from firing on indoor targets.

Statistics / Upgrade Statistics
Health: 200
Population: 1
Light Kinetic Damage
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 12
Speed: 2.5
Visual Range: 8
One or more USCM Medics are typically attached to each platoon as a way of ensuring that Colonial Marines get prompt medical attention during engagements. A given Medic can tend to the wounds of a single soldier at a time.
Default Weapon - M4A3 Pistol
The default weapon of the Medic is the M4A3 pistol. It is something of a weapon of last resort, as it is largely ineffective at stopping most Aliens and Predators.
Characteristics - Triage
The Medic is the only Marine that can heal that all-important organic component of the USCM - the soldiers themselves. He can be commanded to heal a specific soldier directly, or he can be left to prioritize triage tasks on nearby troops himself.
Upgrade - Counterxenology
The veteran Medic receives counterxenology training, which improves his overall restorative skills and gives him the ability to counteract many of the hideous side effects experienced by human soldiers fighting inhuman enemies. An upgraded Medic can cure a soldier of the semi-permanent wounds caused by acid scarring, the cystic tumors caused by Drones, the body-wrenching nausea caused by Runners, and the repeat hemorrhaging caused by the Stalker's bleeder spears.
Without the Medic, the Marines have no ability to heal the wounds they sustain during engagements. The upgraded Medic is often particularly necessary for surviving combat with the Aliens, as their otherwise untreatable acid burns become a critical mechanism by which Aliens wear down their opponents. Against Predators, the upgraded Medic is often necessary to save Marine detachments from the severe blood loss that accompanies a Predator Stalker ambush.
The Medic is a support soldier, not a primary combatant. As such, he requires the protection of other troop types and cannot be counted on to engage enemies successfully on his own. Also, a Medic cannot typically heal his own wounds, so it is usually wise to have at least two or more on any drop.

Health: 300
Population: 1
Motion Detector
Light Kinetic Damage
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 12
Speed: 4
Visual Range: 10 / 20
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 300
Population: 1
Motion Detector
Medium Kinetic Damage
Medium Kinetic Armor
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 10
Speed: 5
Visual Range: 12 / 22
A Synthetic accompanies each USCM platoon to provide combat support for its fellow soldiers. Current combat doctrine has the Synthetic carrying the detachment's motion tracker, since it defeats cloaking fields, and Predators seem less interested in killing artificial life forms. The Synthetic is also equipped with industrial muscular systems, so it can offload "heavy lifting" tasks from other Marines. These same systems enable the Synthetic to run faster than humans and therefore excel at battlefield recon.
Default Weapon - M4A3 Pistol
The default weapon of the Synthetic is the M4A3 pistol. It is something of a weapon of last resort, as it is largely ineffective at stopping most Aliens and Predators.
Characteristics - Augmented Detection
The Synthetic carries an advanced motion detector that relays its feedback directly into the Synthetic's occular system. This device provides two functions: 1) it serves as an early warning system by highlighting enemy movements far beyond normal visual range and 2) it defeats the cloaking field used by Predators, enabling Marine forces to pinpoint and target otherwise cloaked Predators.
Characteristics - "Pack Mule" Bionics
The Synthetic is the only Marine combatant strong enough to carry the current generation of redeployable Sentry Guns without severe performance degredation. This ability to "do the heavy lifting" often comes in hand in a variety of operational situations, as various mission frequently demand any number of difficult-to-carry objects be delivered to and from contentious areas.
Upgrade - Combat Modifications
Given its various better-than-human abilities, the Synthetic's combat suitability is not lost on the USCM. Unfortunately, bureaucratic inertia and cultural factors have so far limited combat modified Synthetics to serving as hardened scouts. As such, the Combat Synthetic has enhanced locomotion subsystems, better ocular implants, and subcutaneous armor. Moreover, its modular construction often enables an upgraded Synthetic to be "brought back from the dead" if repaired in time.
The Synthetic is best utilized as a scout and an anti-stealth operative. Its cloak detection capabilities, speed, visual range, and toughness allow it to survive dangerous scouting missions against non-human species. And its upgrade often enables the Synthetic to be recovered after fatal recon missions - even if the Synthetic has been beheaded. Seasoned commanders also rely on its robotic construction, which renders it immune to many effects that would cripple of kill organics.
Though its upgrade gives it a combat shotgun capable of knocking back lighter enemies, the Synthetic is not capable of inflicting enough damage overall to make it a serious danger. Also, attacks that destroy their targets completely (typically via flame or acid), prevent a downed Combat Synthetic from being able to be restored to an operational state.

Health: 200
Population: 1
Light Raw Damage
Light Kinetic Armor
Attack Rate: Fast / Normal
Attack Range: 2 / 12
Speed: 2.5
Visual Range: 8
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 200
Population: 1
Medium Raw Damage
Medium Kinetic Armor
Light Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Fast / Normal / Very Slow
Attack Range: 2 / 12 / 10
Speed: 2.5
Visual Range: 8
Equipped with the standard issue M41 pulse rifle and M3 personal armor, the Infantry Marine is the basic foot soldier of the USCM. He is typically seen in larger numbers than other Marines and often forms the backbone of most platoons. His weapon fires armor-piercing rounds which makes him a good all-around fighter, able to attack lighter and heavier enemies alike.
Default Weapon - M41 Pulse Rifle
The default weapon of the Infantry Marine is the M41 pulse rifle. This weapon fires bursts of light armor-piercing rounds at targets, making it an excellent performer in a variety of circumstances.
Characteristics - Close Assault
When enemies are far away, the Infantry Marine takes aimed shots. When enemies are close, he has the opportunity to "let loose" on full auto, effectively doubling his overall attack damage. This makes the Infantry Marine more effective than most other troops when enemy melee attacks are loose among the ranks.
Upgrade - Heavy Assault Kit
When upgraded, the Infantry Marine replaces the M41 pulse rifle with the M41A and M3 personal armor with M4X armor. The M41A possesses an underslung grenade launcher capable of damaging multiple opponents simultaneously. While still undergoing field testing, M4X armor has improved ability to stop kinetic and acid attacks. The armor is attached to a lightweight body frame that assists the Infantry Marine in staying on his feet when struck by the powerful attacks of inhuman enemies.
Infantry are useful in almost any situation, particularly in numbers. Their armor piercing rounds are successful against heavily armored enemies and their grenade launcher is useful for damaging multiple targets simultaneously. They have excellent staying power, as far as human soldiers go, and this, combined with their close assault ability, makes them adept at defending their compatriots when the enemy has gotten a little too close....
While Infantry are useful in almost all situations, they are a victim of the old adage, "a jack of all trades and master of none". Flamethrower Marines are better at attacking multiple enemies, Smartgunners are better at attacking lightly armored targets, and Snipers and SADAR Troopers are better at attacking hard targets.

Health: 300
Population: 1
Medium Fire Damage
Medium Kinetic Armor
Heavy Fire Armor
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 6
Speed: 2.5
Visual Range: 8
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 300
Population: 1
Medium Raw Damage
Medium Fire Damage
Medium Kinetic Armor
Heavy Fire Armor
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 6
Speed: 2.5
Visual Range: 8
The Flamethrower Marine is a close assault trooper that excels at attacking multiple enemies simultaneously at short range. His unique "ape suit" provides excellent protection against heat and acid-based attacks and partial immunity to facehugging.
Default Weapon - M240B Flamethrower
Offering fire control superior to that of its predecessor, the Flamethrower Marine's next-generation flamethrower excels at simultaneously searing multiple enemies in its fiery blast cone. The weapon performs better against closer targets, since its flame is more concentrated at the launch nozzle. The weapon's fuel is somewhat adhesive and therefore continues to heat even non-flammable targets after the flamethrower itself has ceased firing.
Characteristics - Ape Suit
The Flamethrower Marine's hi-tech "ape suit" provides protection from extreme heat (particularly from the backdrafts of his own weapon) and from hazardous materials - even Alien acid. The suit's unique design includes a molded helmet Facehuggers find almost impossible to grasp, let alone burn through, given its acid resistance. As such, the Flamethrower Marine cannot be facehugged unless he is first rendered unconscious, thus giving a Facehugger time to pry off his helmet.
Upgrade - Cobalt Thermogel
Most Terran governments consider "dirty" weapons acceptable for use against Predators and Aliens - species that hunt humans for sport or exterminate them through parasitization do not deserve the protections of the Geneva Convention. Cobalt thermogel is a dirty, slow burn flamethrower fuel that releases incandescent filaments of radioactive cobalt-60 into the air. These filaments severely poison nearby living things, causing substantial and continuous long-term damage.
The Flamethrower Marine is excellent against melee attackers, since they must close to attack, and closing means exposure to the flamethrower's area of effect. Flame is useful against Aliens, since it prevents several Alien species from exploding on death or recovering from grievous wounds. The ape suit protects the Flamethrower Marine from thermal attacks, making him an ideal spotter against enemies that employ them. Finally, he excels at hive assaults, given his semi-immunity to Facehuggers.
Several enemies are quite resistant to heat attacks, including Predaliens, Spear Masters, and military Predators. Accordingly, these enemies are to be avoided by the Flamethrower Marine. The Alien Runner's tendency to explode in a hail of organic shrapnel when ignited makes it a particularly dangerous enemy to attack as well.

Health: 200
Population: 1
Heavy Kinetic Damage
Attack Rate: Very Fast
Attack Range: 12
Speed: 2.5
Visual Range: 10
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 200
Population: 1
Medium Raw Damage
Heavy Kinetic Damage
Medium Kinetic Armor
Attack Rate: Very Fast
Attack Range: 12
Speed: 2.5
Visual Range: 10
The Smartgunner sacrifices penetrating power for extraordinary fire rates and exceptional accuracy. His weapon is capable of inflicting more damage per unit time against unarmored of lightly armored opponents than most other weapons systems in the USCM arsenal.
Default Weapon - M57 Smartgun
The M57 is the "sequel" to the M56 Smartgun used for the better part of the last two decades. Unlike the M56, the M57's gun barrel does not autonomously track targets; instead, the gun coordinates multiple guided projectiles. This increases fire rate significantly, reduces operator combat fatigue, and sidesteps lengthy training requirements. It also means than an M57 round can dynamically retarget mid-flight, should the firing M57 determine that the round's initial target has already been defeated.
Upgrade - M57D "Dirty" Smartgun
The M57D is an utterly vicious weapon that is sanctioned for extreme circumstances only. It fires rounds that shatter into hundreds of radioactive splinters inside their target, causing human survivors of this weapon to develop all manner of debilitating long-term health problems. It can create truly astounding radiation levels in larger targets, forcing these enemies to lose health for extended periods of time. Naturally, the upgraded Smartgunner wears radiation shielder armor as a safety precaution.
The Smartgunner is best used against large numbers of unarmored targets - particularly Facehuggers. When upgraded, the Smartgunner improves at damaging heavier targets and the radiation levels it causes can often kill enemies long after a battle is over. Radiation also prevents the "roaming regeneration" possessed by some Aliens. It also prevents Predators from cloaking effectively by making them detectable with the radiation monitor included in the standard USCM battlefield safety kit.
The Smartgunner's shots cannot penetrate tougher armors particularly well. As such, heavily armored opponents such as Praetorians and Vanguards tend to make short work on the Smartgunner if he is not protected by troops with better penetrating power. Also, the Smartgunner is fairly expensive to deploy, so he is best kept to the rear of any combat detachment, where he can be shielded from melee attackers.

Statistics / Upgrade Statistics
Health: 200
Population: 1
Heavy Raw Damage
Attack Rate: Very Slow
Attack Range: 20
Speed: 2.5
Visual Range: 12
The Sniper hits targets at extreme range with powerful armor-piercing rounds.
Default Weapon - M42C Sniper Rifle
The M42C sniper rifle has almost double the range of standard USCM weaponry. It also has the power to penetrate even armored vehicles; it can put a three inch hole in APC armor from several miles away. Unsurprisingly, there are no Predators or Aliens with armor sufficient to stop this weapon's rounds. With this power comes a price, however - the weapon has a poor rate of fire and is almost useless in close combat situations.
Upgrade - The Sledgehammer
The M44 Sledgehammer represents the current pinnacle of human achievement with respect to infantry-scale weapons technology. It is a personal rail gun that fires hyperkinetic slugs that use a controlled fusion reaction to melt a channel through obstacles. The result is a weapon that can strike enemies through walls of almost arbitrary thickness or penetrate multiple enemies one after the other. Solid materials slow the slug down, however, causing it to inflict less damage on subsequent targets.
The Sniper is best used to degrade heavily armored targets from a distance. This way, her tremendous range and excellent hitting power can be used to maximum effect. When upgraded, the Sniper ironically becomes an excellent tunnel fighter, since the Sledgehammer enables her to strike at targets from behind walls and deny the enemy the ability to retaliate. She is also useful for attacking targets that exploit terrain features to shield themselves from attackers at lower altitudes.
The Sniper has a slow firing rate, since she must precisely aim each one of her shots. As such, she is almost helpless when facing nearby melee attackers. The Sniper is about striking enemies from standoff range or from behind a protective screen of tougher troops, not engaging targets up close. Her complete lack of armor only underscores this fact.

Health: 250
Population: 1
Heavy Raw Damage
Light Kinetic Armor
Attack Rate: Very Slow
Attack Range: 14
Speed: 2.5
Visual Range: 12
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 250
Population: 1
Heavy Raw Damage
Heavy Fire Damage
Light Kinetic Armor
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 14
Speed: 2.5
Visual Range: 12
The SADAR Trooper is the heavy artillery of the USCM. He fires a guided missile capable of heavily damaging whatever it hits and sending anything light nearby hurtling into the air. Given the tremendous collateral damage this weapon can cause, the SADAR Trooper is trained to fire only at targets beyond a minimum safety distance.
Default Weapon - M83 SADAR
The M83 SADAR (Shoulder-launched Active-homing Disposable Anti-tank Rocket) is the premier anti-armor weapon available to a USCM light platoon. It has a long range and a reasonable firing rate, especially considering the damage the weapon can inflict. It can lock on to most targets and seek them unerringly, making it a devastating weapon when repeatedly fired from a protected position.
Upgrade - M83AM SADAR AMAG
Once is became clear that individually armored tank crews could survive a SADAR his, the USCM redesigned the weapon to ensure the destruction of both tank AND crew. The result is the SADAR AMAG (Aerosol MAGnesium), a weapon that penetrates heavy armor and discharges multiple megathermal payloads in its interior. Naturally, it works quite well against Predators and Aliens, since it delivers a high impact detonation that exposes numerous targets to blast furnace temperatures.
The SADAR Trooper is an excellent support choice. When properly protected, he can cause massive damage and significant disruption among the ranks of the enemy, preventing many from even being able to counterattack. The SADAR AMAG is even more powerful, since it also saturates its targets with white-hot fires. This makes the SADAR Trooper the premier counter to purebreed Aliens, provided he is protected long enough to deliver multiple payloads.
The SADAR Trooper has light armor and a fairly long minimum range. As a result, any enemy that closes on him has the ability to inflict severe damage without fear of retribution. The SADAR should be particularly wary of the Spear Master and Runner. The Spear Master shrugs off flame-based damage and is agile enough to remain standing in the face of such firepower, while the Runner is fast enough to close before the SADAR Trooper can even fire.

Health: 900
Population: 4
Medium Kinetic Damage
Heavy Kinetic Armor
Heavy Fire Armor
Attack Rate: Variable
Attack Range: 10
Speed: 1.5
Visual Range: 10
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 900
Population: 4
Heavy Kinetic Damage
Heavy Kinetic Armor
Heavy Fire Armor
Attack Rate: Extreme
Attack Range: 10
Speed: 1.5
Visual Range: 10
The ExoSuit is a "micro-scale" heavy armor solution, bringing the offensive and defensive benefits of larger combat vehicles to the individual soldier. It is designed for heavy assault in difficult enviroments by combining staggering firepower with a range of integrated protective systems.
Default Weapon - Twin M103 Torrent Cannons
By default, the ExoSuit comes equipped with an M103 torrent cannon attached to each arm. These weapons are linked and work together to saturate a broad firing arc with projectiles. When a torrent cannon attacks, it initially fires at a moderate rate and covers a small arc, but "spins up" until it absolutely blankets a large arc with its firepower. Those enemies nor amply protected often lose their full freedome of movement as they struggle to survive the onslaught.
Characteristics - Compound Armor System
The ExoSuit protects its operator with a suite of integrated systems. First, it has compound multi-layered armor that enables it to deflect lighter projectiles outright. Second, its integrated anti-NBC (nuclear, biological, and chemical) systems permanently protect its wearer from a range of Alien afflictions, including spores, cysts, virulence, acid scarring, and facehugging. Third, the system is largely impervious to radiation and fire.
Upgrade - Solid State Cannons
The ExoSuit's upgrade replaces the mechanical torrent cannon with an electronically triggered projectile array known affectionately as the "bullet box" - a grid of railguns that come pre-filled with bullets. These railguns can fire simultaneously, and with sufficient frequency to launch multiple projectiles before their predecessors have even left the barrel. The result is a weapon that fires nearly 1,000 rounds a second (rps), a volume of ordinance sufficient to liquefy most targets within seconds.
The ExoSuit's fire rate enables it to suppress and shred large numbers of enemies, making it particularly useful against melee attackers, since they have a hard time closing inside the weapon's attack cone. While it does not fire armor-piercing rounds, the ExoSuit's fire rate is so great that even heavily armored targets can succumb to it, given enough time. Finally, the suit's compound protective systems make it ideal against attackers that otherwise cause side effects on organic troops.
The ExoSuit's biggest weaknesses are its limited speed and maneuverability, byproducts of its heavy protective systems. Also, while the ExoSuit's rate of fire makes the issue less significant than it might be, the suit's bullet's have neither great penetrating power nor long range. A number of enemies are specialized for attacking heavier opponents and can exploit these weaknesses. Also, the ExoSuit's designers have yet to intergrate the ape suit's recent advances towards full acid resistance.

Sentry Gun
Health: 500
Population: 2
Motion Detector
Medium Kinetic Damage
Medium Kinetic Armor
Medium Fire Armor
Attack Rate: Very Fast
Attack Range: 12
Speed: 0
Visual Range: 12
The Sentry Gun is the standard USCM defensive emplacement. It has ample armor and no meaningful weak points, enabling it to last longer than its human counterparts. An autocannon with a high fire rate complements its toughness, making it an excellent choice for holding corridors against large numbers of enemies.
Default Weapon - M30 Autocannon
The Sentry Gun is equipped with a rapid-fire autocannon capable of massively damaging large numbers of lightly armored aggressors.
Characteristics - Active Cloak Detection
Every Sentry Gun has an active sensor system capable of defeating Predator cloaking. The information collected by this sensor is automatically relayed to the visual support sustems of nearby soldiers, enabling them to see cloaked Predators as if they were uncloaked.
Upgrade - Huntbuster Revision
After early field experience with the Predators, the USCM hastily upgraded the standard Sentry Gun so that it could protect soldiers from Predator snipers. A Hunterbuster Sentry Gun has a built-in counterballistics system that calculates the source of incoming fire and uses a tightbeam cloak-defeating scanner to "light it up". The Huntbuster maintains a lock on an enemy once revealed, enabling its rapid-fire sniper rifle to dissuade it from continuing to attack.
The Sentry Gun excels at defending an area long enough for a commander to respond with reinforcements. Its toughness and ample hitting power make it an excellent distraction for enemies that might otherwise focus on softer targets. When upgraded, the Sentry Gun becomes the combatant of choice for counteracting long range Predators. Clever commanders often lure these enemies into attacking a target within range of a Huntbuster, in order to reveal them for counterattack by snipers and the AURORA.
The most significant drawbacks of the Sentry Gun are that it cannot move without assistance and that it is heavy enough to require a Synthetic for repositioning. This limits the weapon's effectiveness during highly mobile missions. Less obvious, but almost as important, is the Sentry Gun's inability to penetrate the armor of tougher opponents. This is particularly true of its sniper rifle, which is designed for long range and rapid fire rather than penetrating power.

Predator Bestiary

Reinforcements And Upgrades
Predators order and pay for reinforcements and upgrades at their mobile Shrine. If the Predators lose their last Shrine, they cannot reinforce or upgrade themselves.
Earning Credits
Predators can earn credits in two ways: 1) by killing enemies and 2) by collecting the skulls of their victims. Different enemies provide different sized rewards, generally depending on their combat prowess. Collecting the skull of a victim is typically worth more than killing it, but some enemies do not have skulls. Predators that can behead their enemies are automatically considered to have collected their victim's skill upon decapitation.
Combat Honor
Predators have a strong sense of honor and value hard-earned triumphs over easy ones. This directly affects their ability to generate credits, since the overseers of a hunt scale their kill rewards to the overall strength of the hunt's active members. In short, expensive hunting packs earn fewer credits than cheaper ones.
All Predators have an energy level that they can use to power their cloaking field of cure damage and various crippling side effects caused by enemies. A Predator can recharge its energy by turning its cloaking field off and waiting or by moving near a Predator Shrine. The latter option recharges a Predator's energy much more quickly.
All Predators can cloak when necessary, preventing them from being seen by many kinds of enemies. Maintaining the cloaking field requires energy, so a Predator can temporarily lose its ability to cloak if it runs out.
Being Fully Detected
Some enemies have sensors that give them the ability to completely defeat cloaking, enabling nearby enemy forces to treat the cloaked Predator as if it were seen normally. These include Synthetics, Sentry Guns, Aliens that can emit spores, and enemy Predators with the PredTech vision upgrade.
Being Partially Detected
Certain actions, such as attacking, pulling skulls, and healing, cause a cloaked Predator to become temporarily detectable by enemies. Enemy attacks that ignite, irradiate, or cause acid burns also have this effect, since they cause ongoing consequences that are observable outside the cloaking field. When a Predator is detected in one of these ways, it takes reduced damage from attacks relying on accuracy; enemies have only a general idea of where it is and cannot deliver aimed hits.
A Predator can heal by spending energy and using its Medicomp. There is a direct correlation between energy spent and damage healed, but this is modified by whatever side effects a Predator might be afflicted with. The Predator Medicomp attempts to heal those afflictions for which it has sufficient energy before trying to heal damage. Healing Alien acid scarring is particularly energy consumptive, however, and only occurs after other afflictions have been eliminated.
Extended Vision Modes
All Predators and their robotic support platforms have the ability to detect enemies beyond normal line of sight when upgraded with extended vision modes. Enemies seen via these modes show up highlighted and may be interacted with as normal. There are three kinds of enhanced vision: thermal, electro, and PredTech. Thermal vision detects humans and wildlife, electro vision detects Aliens and Marine technology, and PredTech vision detects Predators and their equipment, whether cloaked or not.
Robotic Support Platforms
Predators rely upon two robotic support platforms: the Shrine and the PredGun. These platforms cannot cloak and do not heal themselves like normal Predators. They are immune to many enemy side effects, however, and automatically regenerate at high rates when not under attack. Robotic support platforms do not generate bounties for their kills, though credits may still be acquired by collecting the skulls of the enemies they have slain.
Generally speaking, Predators are the toughest and most powerful of the species. They have a balance of melee and ranged attackers, along with the best long range attack options and the best ability to damage multiple targets simultaneously. Of course, they can also cloak and use their enhanced vision systems to spy on enemies, making them matchless in the act of assassination.
Predators are fewer in number than other species and are therefore vulnerable to being overwhelmed by their more numerous opponents. It is also possible to stop a Predator hunt cold by destroying all of the Shrines supporting the operation. Predators rely on the credits gained by kills in order to continue the hunt, so if a clan cannot win its early battles, the hunt often stops immediately.

Health: 500
Population: 1
Medium Raw Damage
Light Kinetic Armor
Light Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Very Fast
Attack Range: 0.75
Speed: 6
Visual Range: 10 / 18
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 500
Population: 1
Medium Raw Damage
Light Kinetic Armor
Light Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Very Fast / Very Slow
Attack Range: 0.75 / 0.75
Speed: 6
Visual Range: 10 / 18
If a Predator has great strength, speed, and endurance, it trains to become a Brawler. The Brawler is both a tireless scout and vicious front-line fighter. It is revered for its bravery and its ability to successfully attack any kind of foe at close range, no matter how dangerous it might be.
Default Weapon - Wrist Blades
As a matter of pride and honor, the Brawler relies upon one weapon only - its wrist blades. To many Predators, this is a humble weapon, but in truth, it is quite formidable, possessing a sharpness and strength achieved by no species save the Predators. Through its wrist blades, a skilled Brawler is a whirlwind of destruction, slicing, dismembering, and gutting enemies with alarming rapidity.
Characteristics - Channeled Fury
Once a Brawler starts attacking an opponent, it uses its training to channel its battle rage into an unrelenting stream of ruthless, cleaving blows. Only the largest, most skilled, or most heavily armored opponents can withstand this attack and actually fight back. Lesser enemies can only try to survive the assault or run from it, but not counterattack.
Characteristics - Lightning Reflexes
The Brawler is quick enough to strike leaping Facehuggers mid-flight. This knocks the Facehugger away and often kills it in the process. While a Brawler's reflexes are quick enough to protect it from any number of uncoordinated Facehugger attacks, they cannot protect the Brawler from being overwhelmed by multiple Facehuggers attacking simultaneously.
Upgrade - Glory Strike
The veteran Brawler develops an uncanny ability to deliver the perfect blow amid its furious onslaught. Such a strike does extreme damage and is frequently accompanied by the Brawler's hallmark battle cry. When a Brawler delivers a killing blow in this way, it is often spectacular - Brawlers are known to decapitate their enemies in a single strike as a method of demoralizing their subsequent victims.
The Brawler is an excellent all-around combatant. Its savage assault prevents most smaller enemies from counterattacking or escaping and its armor-slicing claws are potent against larger, more heavily armored opponents. In numbers, Brawlers can bring down almost any enemy, though sometimes without the cost efficiency of more specialized Predators. The Brawler's speed and durability also make it an excellent scout; it can often survive surprise encounters with even heavy resistance.
For all its strength and speed, the Brawler is still only a conventional melee fighter, and one that is frequently outnumbered by its enemies. It can be overwhelmed by multiple melee attackers engaging it simultaneously. Experienced Brawlers are particularly wary of even small groups of close assault Marines, such as the Infantry and the Flamethrower Marine.

Health: 400
Population: 1
Medium Raw Damage
Light Kinetic Armor
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 16
Speed: 4
Visual Range: 10 / 18
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 400
Population: 1
Heavy Raw Damage
Medium Fire Damage
Light Kinetic Armor
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 16
Speed: 3
Visual Range: 10 / 18
As its name implies, the Hunter excels at attacking its prey from range. It is dangerous whether playing the lone assassin or providing massed fire support for front line combatants. Predator vision mode enhancements are particularly useful for the Hunter, since they allow it to take maximum advantage of its long range plasma caster and strike targets from beyond their field of view.
Default Weapon - Plasma Caster
The plasma caster is a long-range energy projector capable of guiding armor-penetrating plasma bolts at distant targets. Moreover, the weapon's bolts explode in a burst of plasma shrapnel that damages other enemies near the point of impact. By default, the weapon's attack range is greater than the Hunter's visual range. Predator vision modes change this relationship, however, enabling the Hunter to act as a sniper.
Upgrade - Omni Caster
A bio-scanner and a multi-barreled firing mechanism enables this weapon to analyze targets and attack them with various types of plasma munitions. There are three kinds: 1) burst plasma, 2) fire plasma, and 3) dark plasma. Burst plasma is identical to that fired by the plasma caster. Fire plasma ignites targets. And dark plasma causes a controlled energy reaction that correlates its damage to the mass of a target, enabling the weapon to kill any enemy with a limited number of hits.
The Hunter is best used with Predator vision upgrades. With them, it can attack enemies from well outside their visual ranges - ideal for preemptive elimination of enemies that nulify the advantages of Predator cloaking. When upgraded, the Hunter's dark plasma is devastating against heavier "tank" enemies; no known opponent can survive more than ten shots from this munition. The weapon attempts to keep its target on fire, while striking it with whatever plasma causes the most damage.
While the Hunter is an excellent choice when used from standoff range, it is less useful in close combat. The Hunter has neither the rate of fire nor the armor to survive long against close range melee attackers. It should be particularly wary of Runners, since they are able to get into melee range quickly. Against Marines, the Hunter should strive to remain undetected as much as possible. Massed Marine fire at range can make short work of a Hunter that has been caught off guard.

Spear Master
Health: 450
Population: 1
Medium Kinetic Damage
Heavy Fire Armor
Light Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Fast / Variable
Attack Range: 2.5 / 2.5
Speed: 6
Visual Range: 8 / 16
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 450
Population: 1
Light Raw Ramage
Medium Kinetic Damage
Heavy Fire Armor
Light Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Fast / Variable
Attack Range: 2.5 / 2.5
Speed: 6
Visual Range: 8 / 16
Among Predators, the Spear Master is recognized for its superior combat agility, mental focus, and dedication to craft. A Spear Master is one with its weapon, wielding it with a sublime grace seemingly impossible in the imperfect world of practical reality. It can keep a single enemy at bay indefinitely, send a horde of attackers hurling backwards with a single blow, or assassinate prey by surprise with a single, perfectly placed impalement attack.
Default Weapon - Spear (Combistick)
The Spear Master wields a single weapon - its spear. It is exceedingly sharp and resilient, though it does not have the armor-cleaving abilities of a wrist blade. The spear's advantage is that it can parry melee attacks, smacking aside claw and tooth as if they were hardly relevant. This only works on less skilled or smaller opponents, however - a sweeping Ravager hull blade simply cannot be stopped by a creature as small as a Predator no matter how skilled it might be.
Characteristics - Whirlwind Battle Method
When a Spear Master is surrounded by attackers, it executes its whirlwind battle method. This sweeping, spinning attack lands a blow on each enemy around the Spear Master - a blow of sufficient strength to parry most attacks and send smaller targets flying. However, it requires a fair amount of room to execute without causing collateral damage, so the Spear Master refrains from performing it when too close to more than a handful of allies.
Characteristics - Impalement Battle Method
If the Spear Master attacks an enemy while undetected through cloaking, it is able to deliver a critical strike of unmatched strength. The Spear Master relies on its extensive training to deliver a deep, impaling blow in a way that sidesteps its opponent's armor entirely. Whether through an eye slit or a soft juncture between chitinous plates, this blow often kills its opponent outright.
Characteristics - Phoenix Armor
As a rite of passage, every aspiring Spear Master must kill a Vy'drach (Phoenix) with only a spear. This winged beast lives in the infernal deserts of the Predator homeworld, surviving hear and radiation strong enough to bake most life forms. If the Predator kills the Vy'drach, its hide is fashioned into armor its nemesis wears for life. Like the Vy'drach itself, this armor is uniquely resilient to fire, energy, and radiation.
Characteristics - Conductive Recharge
A special armor-working process applied to the conductive vessels in Vy'drach scales enables the Spear Master to recharge its energy supply when struck by fire or energy-based attacks.
Characteristics - Lightning Reflexes
The Spear Master is quick enough to strike leaping Facehuggers mid-flight. This knocks the Facehugger away and often kills it in the process. While a Spear Master's reflexes are quick enough to protect it from any number of uncoordinated Facehugger attacks, they cannot protect the Spear Master from being overwhelmed by multiple Facehuggers attacking simultaneously.
Upgrade - Plasma Glaive
Veteran Spear Masters acquire the deadly plasma glaive as a symbol of their status. This double-bladed weapon seethes with white hot plasma that burns through enemy armor, giving it greater penetrating power than a standard spear. The plasma glaive automatically increases its power output in proportion to the number of enemies it is striking. During the execution of a whirlwind battle method, this power output calibration can add significantly to the overall damage inflicted.
Against Aliens, the Spear Master is the premier "crowd control" combatant. It is able to wade into a sea of lesser Aliens and leave a trail of dead in its wake. Against Marines and Aliens alike, the Spear Master is useful for safely killing small numbers of enemies with hit-and-run assassination attacks. The Spear Master's phoenix armor also makes it ideal for countering Flamethrower Marines and upgraded SADAR Troopers. The Spear Master is feared by some Predators for its near immunity to plasma weaponry.
The Spear Master lacks the strength to deflect the strikes of any Alien larger than a Warrior. These enemies make quick work of the Spear Master, particularly when attacking in numbers. The Spear Master should also avoid transbreed Aliens that have been frenzied by a War Empress. They are abnormally strong and cannot be fended. Against Marines, the Spear Master is vulnerable to massed fire and often cannot inflict casualties fast enough to prevent terminal retaliation.

Health: 350
Population: 1
Heavy Kinetic Damage
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 20
Speed: 3
Visual Range: 12 / 27
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 350
Population: 1
Heavy Raw Damage
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 20
Speed: 3
Visual Range: 12 / 27
The Stalker is the Predator equivalent of the Marine Sniper; it has the largest range of any Predator and it is the stealthiest, in that it can maintain cloaked status for far longer periods than the others. Like the Hunter, the Stalker strongly benefits from enhanced vision mode upgrades, since its weapon significantly outranges its default field of view.
Default Weapon - Spear Gun
The Stalker's spear gun is an unusually potent weapon. First, it enables the Stalker to fire at opponents from extreme range. Second, its strike is hard to trace to its firing point - the weapon's impact reveals firing direction, but little else. Third, it produces no detectable phenomena at its firing point, enabling the Stalker to fire at enemies from close range without fear of being detected.
Characteristics - Deep Infiltration
The Stalker wears a unique low-energy suit with microweave optical channeling that enables it to stay cloaked for far longer than if it used the conventional Predator cloaking mechanism. This benefit comes at a price, however, as the suit is fragile, provides no armor, and prevents the Stalker from moving quickly.
Characteristics - Telescoptics
The Stalker gains significantly greater benefits from vision mode upgrades than other Predators, enabling it to scout for prey at extreme distances.
Upgrade - Bleeder Spears
When upgraded, the Stalker's weapon becomes a monstrous thing, designed to enhance the drama of the hunt at the cruel expense of its victims. Standard spears are replaced with "bleeder spears", hideously barbed harpoons that drain their victims' vital fluid levels to just above the point of death. This makes prey more satisfying to hunt; bringing once mighty prey to a pathetic state, bleeding profusely, almost crawling to escape - to many Predators, this is the essence of an epic hunt.
When commanded properly, the Stalker is devastating. It can severely degrade enemies from long range while cloaked, all but eliminating their ability to respond in any meaningful fashion. The upgraded Stalker is even better at this role, since it can slay an entire platoon of Marines on its own, by bleeding them to just above the point of death before delivering a round of finishing blows.
While exceedingly powerful in many ways, the Stalker has weaknesses to match. It has no armor, moves slowly, and is the most physically frail of Predators. Its spears are deadly, but they have little ability to penetrate even moderately hardened armors. Robotic enemies are quite dangerous to the Stalker, since they typically have hard armor and ignore weapons that cause bleeding in organic creatures. Cloak detectors are also a danger, as detection often means death to the Stalker.

Disc Master
Health: 400
Population: 1
Medium Kinetic Damage
Medium Kinetic Armor
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 10
Speed: 4
Visual Range: 12 / 20
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 400
Population: 1
Heavy Raw Damage
Medium Kinetic Armor
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 10
Speed: 4
Visual Range: 12 / 20
Predators giften with exceptional intelligence and focus become Disc Masters, warriors that mentally command their discs to strike multiple targets simultaneously. When basking in the full glory of battle, a single Disc Master routinely keeps three discs aloft at once, each of which can attack three targets before returning home. While other Predators are attacking a single target, the Disc Master is attacking nine, a feat that does not go unnoticed by its fellow clan members.
Default Weapon - Disc
The Predator disc is dangerous because of its capabilities against large numbers of enemies. It has a razor sharp edge, unerring mental guidance systems, and the ability to continue flight after its initial impact. Because of these attributes, a competent Disc Master can be expected to quickly damage many targets, no matter how agile they might be. Moreover, the disc is initially thrown with sufficient force to drive back those opponents without substantial armor or large size.
Upgrade - Nanovibronic Edge
When upgraded, the Disc Master gains a set of nine nanovibronic discs. These discs possess a high-speed molecular chainsaw around their circumference that can tear through even hardened composite armors. Worse, each Disc Master is trained in the art of Ka'Ri, or "death from within". This involves embedding three nanovibronic discs in an armored opponent and activating each disc's "haywire mode". Needless to say, few enemies fare well with berserk ripping machines embedded in their internals.
The Disc Master is best employed in a support role against enemies that are easily disrupted by the initial impact of each disc. Most Marines and all Aliens less powerful than a Predalien fall into this category. When upgraded, the Disc Master becomes an excellent all-around support Predator, stunning or tearing apart light and heavy enemies alike. This capability only magnifies in numbers - a large group can unleash a veritable hurricane of discs few enemies can penetrate.
For all its skill at degrading throngs of enemies in combat, the Disc Master is actually fairly weak in one-on-one or front-line combat. It is not as tough as other Predators, and its standard discs have little ability to damage or stun armored opponents. It is for these reasons that Disc Masters are taught to rely upon peers for defense. That, and the hard-earned battle wisdom that it is better to kill one enemy than damage ten, since the dead one cannot strike back....

Statistics / Upgrade Statistics
Health: 500
Population: 1
Heavy Raw Damage
Medium Kinetic Damage
Medium Fire Armor
Light Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Slow
Attack Range: 2
Speed: 4
Visual Range: 10 / 18
A clan's most seasoned close combat veterans become Vanguards. The Vanguard has both the honor and the responsibility of leading the clans melee assaults. Unlike other melee Predators, the Vanguard is well armored and carries an advanced weapon of awesome potency: the plasma scythe. The scythe's energy blade cannot be stopped by normal matter - a crucial attribute - given that the Vanguard is honor bound to directly engage the clan's most dangerous enemies.
Default Weapon - Plasma Scythe
According to Predator law, this eminently dangerous weapon can only be wielded by those who have earned the right to bear it. When it strikes, its blade leaves wounds filled with seething dark plasma. Dark plasma triggers a controlled energy reaction that causes damage in proportion to the mass of the target, enabling the weapon to kill any enemy, regardless of its power, with no more than four hits.
Upgrade - Killscreen Generator
Given its duty to lead the charge against even technically advanced enemies, the Vanguard requires a defensive system to protect against enemy fire. That system is the killscreen generator. This projection spines on this weapon emit unstable streams of dark plasma particles that vaporize incoming enemy projectiles. The killscreen can only vaporize so much mass per unit time, however, enabling enemies to overwhelm the system with large numbers of projectiles.
The Vanguard is best used to attack large or heavily armored targets like purebreed Aliens. Regardless of strength, no enemy can withstand four closely timed plasma scythe strikes. Hence, four Vanguards make for a particularly lethal heavy assault force, since they can kill any single enemy almost instantly. When upgraded, the Vanguard additionally becomes an excellent defensive choice, shielding other Predators from enemy fire and even leaping Facehuggers.
While its weapon does massive damage, it is heavy and requires great effort and time to swing. As such, the Vanguard is ill-equipped to deal with large numbers of lighter fast-attack enemies. And though the killscreen is an excellent defensive mechanism, weapons with high fire rates or large projectiles can easily overwhelm it. In fact, combat shotguns and torrent cannons fire so many projectiles that the killscreen does not even attempt to counter them.

Statistics / Upgrade Statistics
Health: 650
Population: 2
Heavy Raw Damage
Heavy Kinetic Armor
Heavy Fire Armor
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Fast
Attack Range: 14
Speed: 3
Visual Range: 12 / 20
The Hydra is a military-grade heavy assault Predator, designed to wade into fierce engagements and methodically crush enemy resistance. Because its guided electroshock missiles are particularly damaging to enemies with advanced sensors, the Hydra is an excellent shock trooper, in that it excels at killing enemies that counteract Predator cloaking.
Default Weapon - Electroshock Missile Battery
The Hydra's weapon is its back-mounted personal missile battery, which rapidly fires guided electroshock missiles at enemies within a 360 degree arc. These missiles unerringly seek their target before delivering an armor-penetrating electroshock plasma warhead. This warhead jolts the sensory systems of whatever target it hits, causing extra damage to non-Predator enemies with particularly advanced detection capabilities.
Characteristics - Hydra Shock Barrage
If a Hydra is engaging more than a handful of enemies, it may determine that it is necessary to unleash a full-scale missile barrage. When this happens, the Hydra fires a missile at every target within its visual range, frequently resulting in a truly overwhelming storm of projectiles. Given the energy requirements it places on the Hydra's systems, this maneuver can only be performed periodically, and even then, only when the Hydra is not cloaked.
Characteristics - Tactical Supremacy Armor
Like all military-grade Predators, the Hydra wears tactical supremacy armor. This widely feared protective suit provides its wearer with substantial defenses against kinetic, fire, and acid damage. Its exceptional hardness also deflects outright any projectiles not specifically designed to penetrate armor. Consequently, enemies must make a concentrated effort to defeat any Predators possessing this defensive system.
Upgrade - Warhead Swarm
When upgrades, the Hydra fires electroshock missiles with multiple warheads. When a missile nears its target, it checks to see whether other enemies are within range of its warheads. If so, the missile splits into as many as three seperate sub-missiles, each capable of independently striking a different target. This upgrade can cause a Hydra shock barrage to release a mind-boggling number of independent warheads.
The Hydra is a dangerous combatant in most circumstances, though it excels at attacking groups of tough enemies from range. Its tactical supremacy armor gives it excellent staying power when outnumbered, and its shock barrage naturally inflicts tremendous amounts of damage in these situations. The Hydra is also an excellent shock trooper, using its electroshock missiles to destroy cloak detectors and thereby enable other Predators to engage in a sustained, invisible assault.
Like other heavy combatants, the Hydra is vulnerable to enemies specifically designed to fill the "anti-tank" role; Snipers, SADAR Troopers, and Ravagers are all dangerous to the Hydra. While enabling surprising agility given the protection it provides, tactical supremacy armor still slows its wearer down, meaning that the Hydra often cannot escape if odds turn against it. The Hydra cannot fire while moving either, making fleeing particularly dangerous.

Statistics / Upgrade Statistics
Health: 650
Population: 2
Heavy Fire Damage
Heavy Kinetic Armor
Heavy Fire Armor
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 16
Speed: 3
Visual Range: 12 / 20
The Blazer is a military-grade heavy support trooper capable of rapidly turning its surroundings into a raging firestorm. Its arcing inferno beam ignites most enemies it touches, causing severe fire damage. No other known personal-scale weapon system has the ability to achieve the overall damage output of which the Blazer is capable.
Default Weapon - Blazer
The blazer is a shoulder-mounted energy projector that fires a sweeping inferno beam. Hotter than many stars at its core, an inferno beam works by instantly heating objects it touches to the point of spontaneous combustion. Given this ability, the weapon is designed to hit as many enemies as possible by sweeping in large arcs across its primary target. Since it does not need to be aimed with much precision, the Blazer can continue to fire even while on the move.
Characteristics - Tactical Supremacy Armor
Like all military-grade Predators, the Blazer wears tactical supremacy armor. This widely feared protective suit provides its wearer with substantial defenses against kinetic, fire, and acid damage. Its exceptional hardness also deflects outright any projectiles not specifically designed to penetrate armor. Consequently, enemies must make a concentrated effort to defeat any Predators possessing this defensive system.
Upgrade - Dual Blazers
When upgraded, the Blazer Predator mounts a set of two linked blazers, one on each shoulder. The dual blazers coordinate their fire in order to maximize the damage they inflict, by keeping as many enemies on fire as possible. With this upgrade, a single Blazer Predator can set an entire enemy platoon on fire in seconds.
The Blazer excels at spreading large quantities of damage across multiple targets. This works particularly well against ranged enemies, since they often arrange themselves in ways that are easy for the Blazer to strafe. The Blazer's ability to fire on the move is critical for attacking melee enemies, since it enables the Predator to run from them while continuing its strafing. Finally, tactical supremacy armor ensures that killing even a single Blazer requires sustained, coordinated effort.
Since its attack is heat based, the Blazer is less than effective against enemies with fire resistance. It also has trouble with tight clusters of enemies, since its heat beam cannot pass through targets and therefore often fails to reach behind the front lines. Like the Hydra, the Blazer is vulnerable to enemies that have powerful "anti-tank" capabilities.

Health: 1000
Population: 2
Heavy Raw Damage
Medium Kinetic Armor
Medium Fire Armor
Medium Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Slow
Attack Range: 14
Speed: 2
Visual Range: 10 / 18
The PredGun is an autonomous mobile defensive platform used by the Predators to guard their Shrine. To succeed in its role, the platform mounts a heavy plasma cannon capable of inflicting substantial damage on the largest and most armored of enemies.
Default Weapon - Heavy Plasma Cannon
The heavy plasma cannon fires oversized, armor-penetrating plasma bolts capable of causing extreme damage to whatever target they strike. Like other burst plasma bolts, the projectiles from the heavy plasma cannon detonate upon impact, showering the surrounding area with damaging plasma shrapnel. To achieve its remarkable hitting power, this weapon trades away some of the fire rate and range of the standard plasma caster.
Characteristics - Autonomous Redeployment
A key advantage of the PredGun over the Marine Sentry Gun is its ability to pack itself up, move to a new area, and redeploy there - all without any external intervention. Like the Sentry Gun, however, the PredGun cannot fire while in its packed state.
Characteristics - Integrated Self Healing
The PredGun is made of "smart" materials that are capable of healing themselves when coordinated by the platform's regeneration management subsystem. This healing cannot occut while the PredGun is sustaining damage, but proceeds with surprising speed when the PredGun remains unmolested for any length of time.
The PredGun is designed to protect the Predator Shrine by complementing the Shrine's offensive capabilities. While the Shrine is capable of inflicting sustained damage across a number of lighter enemies, the PredGun is designed to stop heavier attackers. Like the Hunter's plasma caster, the PredGun benefits greatly from enhanced Predator vision modes. With them, the PredGun can outrange many cloak-defeating sensors, enabling cloaked Predators stationed behind it to remain undetected.
The PredGun has several weaknesses. First, it cannot counterattack while moving, making it vulnerable during transit. Second, the PredGun moves slowly, making it less successful at operating on highly fluid front lines. Third, its slow fire rate makes it vulnerable to being overwhelmed by large numbers of lighter enemies.

Health: 1250
Population: 4
Medium Fire Damage
Light Kinetic Armor
Heavy Fire Armor
Light Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Extreme
Attack Range: 10
Speed: 2
Visual Range: 10 / 18
The Shrine is an autonomous support platform that Predators rely upon to call in reinforcements. It is mobile, reasonably well armed, and very tough.
Default Weapon - Fireliner
The Shrine is equipped with a fireliner, a multi-beam heat weapon related to the blazer. Unlike the blazer, the fireliner focuses small "beamlets" on different enemy weak points, heating them to the point of combustion. Overall, the fireliner spreads its pool of beamlets across as many enemies as possible, to maximize the number of opponents suffering from ongoing burns. Like the blazer, the fireliner can fire on the move.
Characteristics - Drop Site Transceiver
The Shrine enables Predators to call in reinforcements and field upgrades so that they might continue the hunt after suffering losses. In addition to transmitting requests to an orbiting HuntMaster ship, the Shrine serves as a drop site beacon, so that Predator drop pods can land in an area immediately relevant to an ongoing hunt. Since Predators consider requiring rescue more than vaguely dishonorable, clan leaders are keenly aware that losing their last Shrine often means failure and death.
Characteristics - Energy Infuser
The Shrine can rapidly recharge the energy supply of nearby Predators from an internal pool of energy it maintains. It has sufficient output to sustain several cloaked Predators without loss, but more will cause it to slowly lose its energy store until it eventually runs dry. The Shrine can refill its own energy supply at a much higher rate if there are no ongoing drains on its charging system, meaning that it is far more energy efficient to periodically recharge Predators than to continually sustain them.
Characteristics - Integrated Self Healing
Like the PredGun, the Shrine is made of "smart" materials that are capable of healing themselves when coordinated by the Shrine's regeneration management subsystem. This healing cannot occut while the Shrine is sustaining damage, but proceeds with surprising speed when the Shrine remains unmolested for any length of time.
The Shrine is best kept well protected and at a safe distance from heavy combat. While tought and powerfully armed, it is the Predators' sole means of acquiring both reinforcements and field upgrades. In the eventuality that it is attacked, the Shrine is best used to assist supporting PredGuns by degrading nearby enemies with its fireliner. When sufficiently protected, the Shrine serves well as a forward operational base by delivering reinforcements very close to the point of need.
The primary weakness of the Shrine is that it is a single point of failure for the Predators' ability to maintain field strength while on the hunt. As such, veteran Predator clan leaders typically deploy multiple PredGuns for protection and sometimes even order spare Shrines to remain prepared for contingencies. Besides its inherent criticality, the Shrine has two other weaknesses: 1) its slow speed, and 2) the fireliner's inability to completely dispatch multiple enemies quickly.

Alien Bestiary

Transbreed Versus Purebreed
Drones, Runners, Warriors, and Predaliens are known as "transbreed" Aliens. Different types of hosts produce different transbreeds, many of which possess attributes and abilities superior to those found in their hosts. Aliens such as Praetorians, Queens, Carriers, and Ravagers, however, are considered to be "purebreed" Aliens. They can spawn from any host and more purely represent the multi-species interstellar parasite that is the Aliens. While transbreeds enable Aliens to adapt to a target species, purebreed Aliens enable them to overpower it.
Creating More Transbreed Aliens
Aliens create more of their kind by infecting other species. To do this, Aliens typically attack an enemy until it becomes unconscious, so that a Facehugger can safely attach itself. After this, a Chestburster is born, which subsequently cocoons itself before turning into an adult Alien. The type of adult Alien created typically relates to the type of victim that was impregnated. Generally speaking, more advanced species produce better Aliens.
Creating A Queen
The Aliens can spend infestation points to morph a Praetorian into a Queen. The Praetorian is the basal "purebreed" Alien, and it is able to turn into other advanced Alien species besides the Queen. To create a Praetorian, the Aliens must morph an Egg into a "Praetorian Egg". This kind of Egg produces a "Praetorian Facehugger", which can create a Praetorian from any host. Both creating Praetorian Eggs and morphing a Praetorian into a Queen require small infestation point expenditures.
Creating Other Purebreed Aliens
To create Carriers and Ravagers, the Aliens must expend infestation points and morph available Praetorians. This activity may only be performed when a Queen already exists and only after the Praetorian subspecies has been upgraded.
Upgrading Aliens
An Alien hive may upgrade all the instances of a particular subspecies through the Queen. The Queen alone can access the vast genetic database evolved by the Alien species to select the appropriate counter-evolutionary response to threats currently being experienced by the hive. Naturally, rapidly evolving her brood in this way costs infestation points.
Earning Infestation Points
Aliens earn more infestation points by rendering active enemies unconscious, whether by attacking or facehugging them. Unlike other species, Aliens do not need to spend infestation points on ordering reinforcements; instead they spend them on upgrades, creating Hive Nodes, and morphing Eggs and Praetorians.
All Aliens can regenerate when in contact with the hive web, the repulsive black secretions found in Alien hives. The Runner and the Predalien, however, have advanced metabolisms and can regenerate whether near hive web or not. This latter kind of "roaming regeneration" does not occur while a Runner or a Predalien is actively taking damage. It "stacks" on top of standard hive-based regeneration though, enabling these organisms to regenerate quite rapidly when in the hive.
Spore Sight
Hive Nodes, Runners, Praetorians, and Queens emit spores. Spores coat living organisms and grow upon them for an extended period of time. Spores have numerous sensors and relay what they "see" by encoding this information on ambient radiation that bounces off of them and finds its way to other Aliens. This "spore sight" enables the hive to track hosts long after they have left the vicinity of any nearby Aliens. Naturally, spores defeat Predator cloaking.
All Aliens had blood that is remarkably caustic. Unsurprisingly, several Alien subspecies have adapted to use their blood as a weapon. After striking an enemy, Alien acid damages it for some time before neutralizing, causing horrendous, semi-permenant wounds on organic targets. Furthermore, kinetic armor is less effective while being burned by acid and Aliens instinctively leverage this effect by purposely tearing into the sizzling wounds of their victims. All Aliens are fully immune to the effects of their acid.
The Aliens are easily the most numerous of species, since they are able to infect most life forms of dog-size or larger, and, unlike other species, can replenish their numbers free of cost. They are also tough physically, with Alien subspecies like Predaliens, Ravagers, and Queens capable of becoming nearly unstoppable juggernauts. Of all the species, the Aliens are the most difficult to cut off from fresh reinforcements and upgrades; killing a Queen in her hive is no small feat.
Aliens must work hard to generate reinforcements, frequently needing complete victory in combat to ensure readily available hosts. If a hive falls behind in its growth, it may become unable to win further battles and therefore unable to recover from losses. Aliens also have few ranged attacks, causing them to rely on overwhelming numbers and brute force. Lastly, Facehuggers and Chestbursters are easy to kill and hence a vulnerable link in the Alien reproductive cycle.

Hive Node
Health: 500
Population: 1
Spore Sight
Heavy Kinetic Armor
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: N/A
Attack Range: N/A
Speed: 0
Visual Range: 10
The Hive Node creates hive web in a circular area around where it grows. The Hive Node is produced by the Drone and by the Queen when she lays her egg sack.
Characteristics - Hive Web Creation
The Hive Node is a living creature that steadily grows acid-secreting tendrils into whatever it is attached to. These tendrils leech nutrients from surrounding materials and use them to grow a web of living encrustations around the Hive Node. This "hive web" packages nutrients for easy absorption by nearby Aliens, enabling them to regenerate when touching it. When a Hive Node dies, its ability to supply nutrients dies with it, causing hive web around the node to wither and die.
Characteristics - Spore Emission
Hive Nodes produce Alien spores. Spores coat living organisms and grow upon them for an extended period of time. Spores have numerous sensors and relay what they "see" by encoding this information on ambient radiation that bounces off of them and finds its way to other Aliens. This "spore sight" enables the hive to track hosts long after they have left the vicinity of any nearby Aliens. Naturally, spores defeat Predator cloaking.
The Hive Node is armored and regenerates quickly. It can be placed close to combat areas to enable wounded Aliens to replenish their health quickly. This is particularly useful for extending the movement range of Facehuggers, which might otherwise run out of energy when moving to distant locations. Because the Hive Node is a spore emitter, is also makes an effective spotter and early warning system for the hive.
While physically tough, the Hive Node has no ability to attack on its own. It is particularly susceptible to armor-piercing and fire-based weapons.

Health: 200
Population: 1
Medium Kinetic Armor
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: N/A
Attack Range: N/A
Speed: 0
Visual Range: 6
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 200
Population: 1
Medium Acid Damage
Medium Kinetic Armor
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: N/A
Attack Range: N/A
Speed: 0
Visual Range: 6
The Egg stores and protects the Facehugger(s) it contains from enemies, harsh enviroments, and the passage of millenia. When an infectable host wanders close to an Egg, it awakens its contents and hatches. Once an Egg has disgorged its contents, it dies. Only the Queen can lay Eggs.
Subspecies - Praetorian Egg
The Queen can stimulate the production of Praetorians by spending the resources of the hive to metamorphose an Egg into a Praetorian Egg. As its name implies, the Praetorian Egg produces Praetorian Facehuggers, each of which is capable of producing a Praetorian from any kind of host.
Upgrade - Adaptive Hyperfertility
Since they contain multiple Facehuggers, hyperfertile Eggs are swollen and oversized. When they hatch, they releast their contents under pressure and direct them towards nearby hosts. This behavior also happens reflexively on death, in a violent acid-drenches explosion. Hyperfertile Eggs automaticall scale their size to relative hive strength. In other words, when the hive is weak, the Queen instinctively produces larger hyperfertile Eggs, and when the hive is strong, the reverse is true.
Standard Eggs are typically best kept close to the hive, where they can provide extra protection for the Facehuggers they contain. Hyperfertile Eggs, however, can be used as a kind of static defense to guard key areas, since they hurl Facehuggers at attackers - even if killed from standoff range. Hyperfertile Eggs are also somewhat resistant to Predator melee attackers because of the acid they release upon death.
Enemies that are invulnerable or resistant to Facehuggers excel at killing Eggs; Eggs have no power to defend themselves outside of their ability to release their deadly cargo. Enemies than can attack from extended range are also good at killing Eggs, since they can complete their work without fear of reprisal.

Statistics / Upgrade Statistics - Facehugger
Health: 15
Population: 1
Instant Death
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Variable
Attack Range: 4
Speed: 4.5
Visual Range: 10
Statistics - Praetorian Facehugger
Health: 25
Population: 1
Instant Death
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Variable
Attack Range: 6
Speed: 4.5
Visual Range: 10
The Facehugger propogates the Alien species by parasitically attaching itself to the facial area of a host life form and impregnating it with a Chestburster. This is easiest when prey has been incapacitated and moved someplace safe by adult Aliens, but the Facehugger can also scuttle after prey and leap onto it, if necessary. Hosts do not remain conscious when "facehugged" in this manner, and there are no recorded instances of hosts surviving once they have been impregnated.
Characteristics - Impregnation
The Facehugger is unique in its ability to infect hosts. Since this process incapacitates the victim instantly and permanently, it can be used to remove powerful enemies from combat without heavy losses. The type of Alien that is produced by a Facehugger's impregnation typically depends upon the type of host.
Characteristics - Reactive Dormancy
The hatched Facehugger has the unusual habit of cannibalizing one of its internal organs for energy. Accordingly, the Facehugger loses health as it exerts itself. It can repair this organ by regenerating on hive webbing, like other Aliens, or by clutching the riding spines of a Carrier. This unusual sustenance mechanism appears to enable the Facehugger to have an unlimited lifespan while inactive. In other words, the creature is short-lived while active, but immortal while dormant, making it an ideal stowaway on long interstellar flights.
Subspecies - Praetorian Facehugger
There is a larger, more armored version of the common Facehugger that produces Praetorians no matter what type of host it impregnates. This "Praetorian Facehugger" is tougher, has a longer roaming range, and can leap farther than the common Facehugger.
Upgrade - Binary Parasitism
The Facehugger develops a chemical trigger that causes the Chestburster it carries to split into twins when producing simpler Aliens, such as the Drone and the Runner. The Aliens can use this ability to jump-start hive growth in wilderness areas.
The Facehugger is best used on prey rendered comatose by adult Aliens. It can also be used in large numbers, or in conjunction with other Aliens to take down prey otherwise capable of defending itself. When combined with a Carrier, multiple Facehuggers can become a powerful ranged weapon, able to quickly incapacitate large numbers of enemies.
The Facehugger is small enough that it can be killed in one shot by most attacks and in large numbers by high fire rate weapons like the Smartgun. Some melee Predators are trained to strike a leaping Facehugger mid-flight, making them difficult targets while conscious. Furthermore, robotic enemies are immune to impregnation altogether, as are certain heavily armored opponents such as the ExoSuit. Finally, the unique design of the Flamethrower Marine's "ape suit" renders him immune to facehugging while conscious.

Health: 200
Population: 1
Light Kinetic Damage
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Fast
Attack Range: 1.5
Speed: 5
Visual Range: 8
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 200
Population: 1
Light Kinetic Damage
Light Acid Damage
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Fast / Normal
Attack Range: 1.5 / 6
Speed: 5
Visual Range: 8
As the "worker bee" of the Alien hive, the Drone performs a variety of utility roles, including dragging hosts back to the hive for impregnation and moving Eggs about the hive itself. Other adult Aliens can perform these tasks as well, but it is the Drone that is most cost efficient in this role. The Drone is unique among Aliens for its ability to create Hive Nodes. These, in turn, create hive web, which Aliens use to regenerate. Drones are produced by infecting Oswocs.
Characteristics - Hive Node Creation
The Drone is uniquely capable of manufacturing embryonic Hive Nodes inside its body. It places these nodes within the hive to extend its reach or in in remote locations to enable more combat-oriented Aliens to recover from the ofter dangerous task of securing hosts. Hive Nodes are genetically complicated enough that generating them requires spending precious infestation points.
Upgrade - Cystic Acid Spittle
The Drone develops a cyst-filled acidic froth that it spits on potential hosts. The cysts invade the body through the resultant acid-induced wounds, whereupon they cause tumors that use the host's body to generate nutrients beneficial to transbreed Chestburster development. Accordingly, adult transbreed Aliens from cystically infected hosts are tougher than usual. These "cystic" Aliens have a red streak running along the dorsal region of the head. A red circle beneath cystically infected hosts signifies their plight.
The Drone is useful in a support role, since it can create Hive Nodes that enable other Aliens to regenerate. When it is upgraded, and when the Facehugger is upgraded, the Drone develops into a useful combatant. It becomes one of the few Aliens that can attack at range, it strengthens the brood in victory, and it is frequently available in large numbers, many of which are often cystically enhanced.
Whether upgraded or not, the Drone has no armor and is vulnerable to almost any weapon. An upgraded Medic can heal cystic infections, as can all Predators via their Medicomp - meaning hit and run infection tactics are inadvisable. Robotic enemies cannot be cystically infected, nor can the pilot of the hermetically sealed ExoSuit. Finally, cystic acid spittle is useless against enemy Aliens, forcing the Drone to revert to its claws against them.

Health: 250
Population: 1
Spore Sight
Light Kinetic Damage
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rage: Fast / Variable
Attack Range: 1.5 / 7.5
Speed: 8
Visual Range: 10
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 250
Population: 1
Spore Sight
Medium Raw Damage
Light Kinetic Damage
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rage: Fast / Variable
Attack Range: 1.5 / 7.5
Speed: 8
Visual Range: 10
The Runner is a light-weight, high-speed Alien built for scouting and raiding. Thanks to its abnormally high-output metabolism, this Alien conjures images of a rapid terrestrial cheetah - but one that never tires and can leap onto prey with the force of a sledgehammer. Moreover, it emits spores and has a skeleton that explodes violently when overheated, making it a powerful suicide weapon against enemies that use fire. The Runner is produced by infecting Kurn or Kriltics.
Characteristics - Biohydraulic Lunge
When a Runner is far enough away from a target, it can lunge toward it at tremendous velocity. The Runner commonly leaps at its victim's neck, which it strikes viciously on impact. This causes damage that is often unexpectedly severe from a creature of the Runner's size.
Characteristics - Pyroreactive Cartilage
The Runner is unusual in that is contains a cartilaginous framework throughout its body that expands inward when exposed to heat. This creates enormous pressures inside the beast's skeletal system that are suddenly and violently released by an automatic neurological trigger should the creature die while overheated. In turn, this causes the cartilage to shatter along jagged internal faultlines, resulting in a high-speed burst of razor-edges biological shrapnel that strikes everything nearby.
Characteristics - Metabolic Overdrive
The Runner has an unusually high speed metabolism that enables it to heal at truly astounding rates. This regeneration does not occur when the Runner is being attacked, as its body must cope with the internal system shock produced by penetrating wounds. This coping period is short, however, after which biological repair happens so quickly that it is observable with the human eye.
Characteristics - Spore Emission
Runners produce Alien spores. Spores coat living organisms and grow upon them for an extended period of time. Spores have numerous sensors and relay what they "see" by encoding this information on ambient radiation that bounces off of them and finds its way to other Aliens. This "spore sight" enables the hive to track hosts long after they have left the vicinity of any nearby Aliens. Naturally, spores defeat Predator cloaking.
Upgrade - Virulence
The upgraded Runner develops a large number of subcutaneous stinger-tipped venom sacs across its extremities. On contact with a victim, the stingers inject high concentrations of Alien spores that multiply in sufficient quantity to turn bodily fluids black and soupy, sickening and nauseating the host organism in the process. Needless to say, Aliens can use these spores to track prey that has become weakened by the sickness the spores induce.
The Runner is best used as a scout or a raider, particularly since it can detect even cloaked enemies and quickly recover from otherwise crippling encounters. Its upgrade reinforces its role as a raider, as Runners can sicken their targets and then back off to let them weaken. Sickened enemies frequently find their combat effectiveness reduced by uncontrollable vomiting, making them easy prey for more powerful Aliens. Give its pyroreactive cartilage, the Runner also excels at eliminating fire-wielding attackers.
Despite its many abilities, the Runner is one of the physically weaker Aliens. It has no armor and its claws have a hard time penetrating armor. As such, it cannot withstand prolonged combat with most enemies. Also, the Runner cannot benefit from its innate regenerative abilities while irradiated by enemies like the upgraded Flamethrower Marine and the upgraded Smartgunner.

Health: 300
Population: 1
Medium Kinetic Damage
Medium Acid Damage
Light Kinetic Armor
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 1.5
Speed: 6
Visual Range: 8
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 300
Population: 1
Medium Raw Damage
Medium Acid Damage
Medium Kinetic Armor
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 1.5
Speed: 6
Visual Range: 8
The Warrior is the primary Alien assault organism. It is fast, reasonably tough, and a savage combatant. Even in death the Warrior is dangerous, bursting apart when killed and drenching nearby enemies in acid. The Warrior is created by infecting humans.
Characteristics - Pressurized Bloodstream
When an Alien Warrior is killed by weapons that cause massive physical trauma, its pressurized bloodstream causes the creature of explode, showering the surrounding area with acid. This typically does not happen if the Warrior is on fire, however, since fire causes the creature to harden into a charred mass.
Upgrade - Onslaught Genome
When upgraded, the Warrior becomes suitable for heavy assault. First, it develops hardened chitinous ridges that enable it to penetrate tougher armors. Second, it develops redundant life support systems, enabling it to continue operation even after sustaining crippling damage such as limb loss. Third, it improves its capacity to repair itself via hive web. The latter two abilities combine to enable the creature to regenerate lost limbs and return to perfect health through sustained healing at the hive.
The Warrior performs well in many situations. Large numbers of Warriors are good for wearing down biological enemies, given that acid causes wounds that are very difficult to heal. Additionally, the upgraded Warrior's redundant vascular systems can spray acid twice - first when the Warrior is crippled and then when it is killed. Even so, the upgraded Warrior has a good chance of surviving hard fought battles because it can often crawl back to the hive in a crippled state and regenerate itself back to full health.
The Warrior is particularly vulnerable to fire. Flame often so thoroughly bakes the Warrior, that it prevents the creature from showering the surrounding area with acid upon death. It also prevents the upgraded Warrior from returning to operation; burns are often pervasive throughout the creature's entire body, defeating its redundant life-sustaining systems.

Statistics / Upgrade Statistics
Health: 550
Population: 1
Medium Kinetic Damage
Medium Acid Damage
Heavy Fire Armor
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Normal / Very Slow
Attack Range: 1.5 / 1.5
Speed: 5
Visual Range: 8
The Predalien is one of the hive's heavy assault organisms, as it is tougher than the Warrior and capable of inflicting more damage. While it does not have the protective armor of the Warrior, it constantly secretes a flame retardant coating that makes the creature impossible to ignite and generally resistant to heat damage. Naturally, a Predalien emerges from an impregnated Predator.
Characteristics - Digestive Bite
Periodically, the Predalien bites its prey and injects it with acidic saliva. The Predalien then quickly drains and consumes the nutrient slurry that results, replenishing its health in the process.
Characteristics - Advanced Metabolism
The Predalien has a powerful enough metabolism that is can automatically heal itself, even when away from the nourishing touch of Alien hive web. This automatic regeneration is not nearly as quick as that of the Runner, but it is similar in that it does not occur while the Predalien is suffering physical trauma.
Characteristics - Fire Retardant Secretions
Given that Predators come from an arid death world, it is not surprising that the Predalien has natural heat resistance. Its secretions absorb heat and evaporate, creating a flame-extinguishing cloud around the creature. Accordingly, it cannot be set on fire, and it sloughs off most heat damage.
Upgrade - Predatory Growth Response
The Predalien has an unusual adaptation that enables it to better subdue Predator populations. As the creature engages in combat, it accumulates growth hormones in its body. When enough hormones have accumulated, the creature can pause to molt when unthreatened. The Predalien that emerges is tougher than before, sporting extra bony protuberances on its back as an indication of its overall power. A Predalien that has survived numerous combats can become exceedingly tough as a result of this adaptaion....
Even a moderately sized ground of Predaliens is a force to be reckoned with. They are hard to keep at bay with any kind of suppressive fire, they largely ignore heat-based weaponry, and they can heal anywhere after battle. If kept alive across several battles after being upgraded, such a force can become extremely tough to resist in a head-on conflict, as it becomes impossible to bring them down before inflicting heavy damage.
The Predalien's primary vulnerability is its lack of any kind of armor. This means it can most easily be brought down by massed kinetic weaponry. It is also quite vulnerable to radiation, since this prevents the creature from regenerating when not on hive web.

Statistics / Upgrade Statistics
Health: 750
Population: 1
Spore Sight
Medium Raw Damage
Excellent Acid Damage
Medium Kinetic Armor
Light Fire Armor
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Normal / Very Slow
Attack Range: 1.5 / 3
Speed: 5
Visual Range: 10
The Praetorian is the basal purebreed Alien strain, from which all other adult purebreed Aliens spring. It can be created from any type of host via the Praetorian Facehugger. In terms of its combat abilities, the Praetorian is a powerhouse, possessing incredible durability, a hardened exoskeleton, armor-piercing claws, and the hideous ability to disgorge vast quantities of acidic blood on its enemies. The Praetorian's distinctive head crest is also a source of Alien spores.
Characteristics - Royal Transformation
If a newly created hive does not yet have a Queen, or if a hive's Queen has been killed, a genetic trigger inside the Praetorian enables it to cocoon itself and emerge as the hive's new Queen. There can be only one Queen, however, so remaining Praetorians genetically "de-trigger" after this happens. Of all the purebreed Aliens that a Praetorian can transform into, the Queen is the most genetically similar, making transformation cost relatively inexpensive.
Characteristics - Vascular Disgorgement
The digestive and vascular systems of the Praetorian are not separate entities as in most life forms. This enables the Praetorian to vomit vast quantities of its own caustic blood when it determines that its current combat situation warrants such an act - typically when the Praetorian's enemies are vulnerable to acid and either numerous or particularly powerful.
Characteristics - Spore Emission
Praetorians produce Alien spores. Spores coat living organisms and grow upon them for an extended period of time. Spores have numerous sensors and relay what they "see" by encoding this information on ambient radiation that bounces off of them and finds its way to other Aliens. This "spore sight" enables the hive to track hosts long after they have left the vicinity of any nearby Aliens. Naturally, spores defeat Predator cloaking.
Upgrade - Speciated Metamorphosis
When upgraded, the Praetorian can transform into two other types of purebreed Aliens: the Carrier and the Ravager. The genetic imperative to ensure that there is a Queen to manage the hive is irresistable, however, so the secondary transformations available to an upgraded Praetorian can only happen if a Queen already exists. The different types of transformations require varying quantities of infestation points, depending on the type of Alien subspecies being created.
The Praetorian's armor-piercing claws and acidic disgorgements are best put to use against heavily armored targets. The Praetorian is always available to the hive no matter what kind of hosts are nearby, making it easy to ensure that the hive has a force of Praetorians it can draw upon in an emergency. Should the Queen and all Eggs and Facehuggers be slain, transforming a spare Praetorian into a new Queen may be the hive's only chance for survival.
The Praetorian is more expensive to produce than any of the transbreed Aliens, in both time and infestation points. This causes Praetorians to be fewer in number, which leaves them vulnerable to being overwhelmed by large groups of enemies. Weapons that are good at penetrating heavy armor are also dangerous to the Praetorian.

Health: 1500
Population: 1
Spore Sight
Heavy Kinetic Damage
Medium Kinetic Armor
Light Fire Armor
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Fast
Attack Range: 1.5
Speed: 4
Visual Range: 12
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 1500
Population: 1
Spore Sight
Heavy Kinetic Damage
Heavy Kinetic Armor
Light Fire Armor
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Fast
Attack Range: 1.5
Speed: 4
Visual Range: 12
The incontestable ruler of the hive, the Queen is relentless in her drive to expand the brood, and her will is executed by her offspring as if it were a biological imperative. She is the one Alien that creates Eggs, the entity from which all other Aliens eventually develop. A hive may only have one Queen at a time and all Queens come from a Praetorian that has undergone royal transformation. While the Queen normally avoids combat, she is extremely dangerous when cornered.
Characteristics - Genetic Determination
The Queen is unique in her ability to control the genetic configuration of the hive. She alone can spend infestation points to unlock the massive database contained in all Aliens, and thereby evolve the creatures of the hive into more capable forms.
Characteristics - Egg Laying Abdomen
The Queen can expend infestation points to distend her abdomen and cause it to spawn Eggs. While this "egg sack" fixes the Queen in place, she can rip free at any time. This forces the Queen to create a new egg sack to continue Egg production, however, so she chooses this course only when threatened or when all nearby hosts are consumed. The process of creating an egg sack also spawns a Hive Node nearby, so that Eggs can get its nutritional benefits.
Characteristics - Smashing Blow
The Queen is a huge beast, capable of striking enemies with bone-shattering blows that send most man-sized creatures hurtling through the air.
Characteristics - Spore Emission
Queens produce Alien spores. Spores coat living organisms and grow upon them for an extended period of time. Spores have numerous sensors and relay what they "see" by encoding this information on ambient radiation that bounces off of them and finds its way to other Aliens. This "spore sight" enables the hive to track hosts long after they have left the vicinity of any nearby Aliens. Naturally, spores defeat Predator cloaking.
Upgrade - War Empress
When the hive is engaged in all out war with a host species, the Queen can upgrade herself, improving her combat abilities in three ways. First, she becomes far tougher. Second, she grows hardened chitin that deflects all but heavy munitions. Third, she develops the ability to will nearby transbreed Aliens into a combat frenzy. In this state (signified by a green glow), transbeed Aliens inflict notably more damage than normal and their blows cannot be turned by opponents usually capable of such a feat.
The Queen is best used as an engine of hive growth, continually creating Eggs so that the hive can add new members. When the hive is directly threatened at its heart, the Queen also makes a powerful last-ditch defender. With her upgrade, the Queen can go on offense, spearheading mass assaults of unparalleled visciousness. This latter option is not without risk, however, as the Queen cannot lay more Eggs while on the more or if killed.
While attached to her egg sack, the Queen cannot attack and must remain stationary. This makes her an easy targer for long range bombardment. Also, while her attack is unquestionably powerful, it relies more on concussive impact than any kind of armor-penetrating effect. As such, heavily armored opponents are more likely to survive her strikes. In all other cases, the Queen is a hard target that can only be neutralized with overwhelming force.

Health: 400
Population: 1
Medium Kinetic Damage
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 2
Speed: 4
Visual Range: 8
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 400
Population: 1
Medium Kinetic Damage
Medium Acid Damage
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 2
Speed: 4
Visual Range: 8
The Carrier spreads the Alien infestation to outlying regions by serving as a Facehugger transport. While riding a Carrier, Facehuggers do not expend energy, enabling them to reach farther areas than their limited energy supply would otherwise allow. In combat, the Carrier is an extraordinarily dangerous enemy, since its carge does not hesitate to leap on nearby gargets when threatened. Like all purebreed Aliens, the Carrier comes from a morphed Praetorian.
Characteristics - Facehugger Transport
Facehuggers (normal or Praetorian) can leap onto the Carrier's spines of their own accord, or the Carrier can call them to itself. Once riding the Carrier, Facehuggers are protected from most weapons by the shape and disposition of the spines. Facehuggers can also feed from tiny filaments on the Carrier's spines to replenish their fixed energy supply. By default, a Carrier can serve as a transport for up to six Facehuggers simultaneously.
Characteristics - Launching Spines
When the Carrier attacks an enemy, any Facehuggers riding on its back automatically leap with uncanny accuracy towards the faces of all potential hosts that are within range. In the right circumstances, a single Carrier can bring down an entire group of enemies in seconds via this mechanism.
Characteristics - Exadrenaline
The Carrier feeds the Facehuggers it transports with a biological stimulant known as exadrenaline. This substance causes Facehuggers to continue operating even after sustaining normally terminal damage. The Carrier saturates riding Facehuggers with the substance, effectively rendering them temporarily invulnerable. Once a Facehugger leaves a Carrier, however, further damage causes the Facehugged to rapidly consume its exadrenaline store. Remaining exadrenaline passes from the Facehugger to any Chestburster(s) is produces.
Upgrade - Supercarrier Genome
An upgraded Carrier, known as a Supercarrier, can bear twelve Facehuggers instead of six, enabling it to perform it utilitarian transport role more efficiently. The Supercarrier has an added defense mechanism - when killed, a neurological trigger causes the creature to burst apart violently, spewing its deadly cargo and vast quantities of acid. Facehuggers launched in this way have an uncanny knack for flying straight at their attackers. Fire prevents this explosion, however, by charring the beast solid.
The Carrier is useful for carrying Facehuggers to victory sites and obviating the need to drag hosts back to the hive. When screened from enemy fire by other Aliens, the beast can be devastating in close combat if fully loaded. Entire squads of enemies can become Alien hosts, as Facehuggers automatically leap at vulnerable opponents nearby. Exadrenaline ensures that Carrier-borne Facehuggers and the Chestbursters they produce have a far better chance of surviving combat.
The Carrier trades the strength and toughness of the Praetorian it morphs from to become a utilitarian beast capable of nurturing Facehuggers. As such, it has no armor and can fall to enemy attacks quite quickly. It is highly vulnerable to fire, both because fire heavily damages its cargo and because it prevents the upgraded Carrier from exploding on death. Finally, the Carrier is not particularly good at attacking enemies that are immune or otherwise resistant to being facehugged.

Health: 1000
Population: 1
Heavy Raw Damage
Medium Kinetic Armor
Light Fire Armor
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 2.5
Speed: 4
Visual Range: 8
Upgrade Statistics
Health: 1000
Population: 1
Heavy Raw Damage
Heavy Kinetic Armor
Medium Fire Armor
Heavy Acid Armor
Attack Rate: Normal
Attack Range: 2.5
Speed: 4
Visual Range: 8
The Ravager is presumed to be the Alien evolutionary response to the heavier military equipment brought to bear by more advanced species. This massive beast towers above other Aliens and is a uniquely terrifying presence in battle. Instead of hands, its upper extremeties terminate in "hull blades" capable of slicing through even advanced armors. A Ravager comes from a Praetorian that has morphed at a considerable infestation point cost.
Characteristics - Hull Blades
The Ravager possesses two diamond-hand chitinous blades that are sharp enough to slice through starship hulls. No terrestrial armor is capable of resisting them, making the creature adept at tearing apart even heavily armored targets. Worse, the Ravager intelligently strikes the weak points of its enemies, meaning that it typically seeks to decapitate bipeds. The Ravager is unique among Aliens in that it kills its prey outright, instead of rendering it comatose for subsequent impregnation.
Upgrade - Colossal Resilience
Upon upgrade, the Ravager develops two new features: 1) a hard chitinous shell that deflects even medium caliber weapons fire and 2) the ability to perform a rapid internal restorative process called regenesis. Regenesis causes a severely damaged Ravager to enter a cataleptic state instead of dying. If a cataleptic Ravager avoids sufficient additional damage, it rapidly rebuilds itself and returns to battle at half strength. Fire and extreme terminal damage prevent regenesis.
The Ravager excels at dismantling anything it encounters, even heavily armored targets. Since the Ravager kills prey outright, it is a particularly good choice for use against enemies that cannot be impregnated. When upgraded, the Ravager is best used in conjunction with other Aliens. This way, enemies must focus on a number of targets, often enabling slain Ravagers to successfully complete the regenesis process and return to battle.
The Ravager kills its prey rather than rendering it comatose, so it is a poor choice when the hive is in dire need of viable hosts. The Ravager should avoid fire, since it prevents the creature from triggering regenesis when upgraded. Predator Vanguards are also to be avoided, since their plasma scythes can frequently kill a Ravager quickly enough to prevent it from undergoing regenesis.