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The Marine fired instinctively towards the inky blackness at the screech, half expecting the severed torso of a xenomorph to explode forth from the void. There was nothing but the sound of his rounds pulsing wastefully into the brick wall twenty meters opposite him. Then he saw the source of the squeal: a small rat scurried along and dropped down into the gutter just near the edge of his field of vision. He sighed and wiped cold sweat from his brow. He was hunting only one creature, a task which seemed simple enough, but this one creature had plagued the earth for some time. She was smart, maybe more than a bug should be, and fast. Damn was she fast.
They called her Hippie Chick.

He checked his motion detector, which was reading nothing, not even the rat that had scared him so (though he wouldn't admit to it). He then slid the vision intensifier over his head, coating his view with a green tint, but allowing him to see much better, to the far wall that had previously escaped his sight. He felt more secure with the goggles on. He backed up a bit, and turned slightly to the right, searching for the Alien.

She had dropped her lithe, jet-black form directly behind the human, and stood still for a moment. Saliva drizzled down from her slack jaws and made a gentle dripping sound, which alerted her prey. It was what she wanted, the acrid scent of fear rolling off the human was so powerful she could almost taste it. He turned, and his eyes widened as the glistening exoskeleton of the bug crowded his vision, tinted dark green by his goggles. He raised his gun in defense, but the Alien merely knocked it away with a swipe of one of her powerfully muscled, yet deceivingly small, clawed limbs. The Marine was frozen by fear as well as common sense as his gun clattered to the ground behind him. Trying to outrun a xenomorph in the open was a death wish.

Hippie Chick did not move at first. Her sightless head, eloquently elongated and smooth, tilted in his direction, seeming to regard him. Maybe she's not hungry... the Marine thought. Then he thought he saw her remorseless jaw, filled with silver glinting fangs, curl into a malevolant grin. He was unaware as the Alien's lengthy tail curled behind him and swept backwards sharply, knocking him onto his back. She was on top of him in an instant, her second set of jaws revealed as she gave a hiss. Her saliva began to drip onto his face, and the Alien smelled fouly of death. She gave that grin again, the evil looking grin, and her jaws separated. The Alien's second set of jaws exploded out at a speed unimaginable to a human, broke thorugh the Marine's skull as if it was made of paper, and dug into the brain. Then there was darkness.

Hippie Chick wiped some of the human's blood from her splattered mouth with the back of a claw. She peered down at the Marine, with his skull now caved in, then stood quietly. She latched her claws into the soft armour of the dead human, slicing it thoroughly, but getting a good grip on the carcass. She began to drag it, leaving a bloody trail for a distance before the blood supply dried up. Taking it back to her Hive, Hippie Chick chuckled to herself. When will those things ever learn...