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~My Atkin's Journey~

I hate this picture of me... I look pregnant and I'm SO NOT PREGNANT! This was a big eye opener for me as well.. This picture was taken the weekend my husband graduated from Air Force basic military training (June 2003) This is all New to me.. I'm basically making this page as a spot to keep my Low Carb information organized for the time being and hopefully in the short future post some "AFTER" pictures of my own! I am no expert on low carb dieting. I am a former LOW calorie dieter but I plan on learning as much as I can in my journey to a new me! I highly recommend anyone else just starting to vist FITDAY right now and open a free account to keep up with your carbs, cals, fat, weight loss, journal, ect. Its a great site and very helpful! Wish me luck as I attempt to create this site and actually make it into something!


days to make it to goal weight 140!

~Great Links~

Atkins Homepage
Low Carb Friends
Plateau Busters Checklist
Lynne's Lowcarb Page
Low Carb Support Site
Low Carb Recipes
Whoosh Friends
Way of Life Eating
Inspirational LC weight loss stories
Induction Forum (for Newbies!)
