At the moment, we are under contruction. We all know the word "Contruction" on any website is very demonous, but we promise to complete this website as soon as possible, without abanoning it. Guaranteed.
Feel free to cruise around, and if you have any questions, just contact us/add via MSN messenger(click here to go to contacts). If you want us to add any of you pictures to our website(they have to relate ie. pics of you/friends)just send them to our email so we can add them to the picture section. If there is anything else, or you just feel lonely and wanna chat, don't be scared, email is free.

Any Updates or Events will be posted on our mini message board located on the right of your screen ->
If you wish to add any important events/reminders feel free to let us know so we can add it.

If you wish to become an Affiliate and want to become apart of our "special links" just contact us and we will add your site to ours and keep the funk alive. If you are suppose to be on the links list, but are not or the link does'nt work or its wrong, contact us and we will fix the problem.

If you wish to sign our guestbook, please do, we are not begging you like the rest of those damn teenage website hosts. If you want to, do it, if not, screw it.
Joke of the Week:
What do you call cheese that is not yours?
Na-Cho Cheese
How many Birthdays does the average man have? 1, Only one birthday, but many birthday parties.
- Got a really good joke or riddle? Send
it over to us.
March 9, 2004
Went off To Hawaii
Ya, Went to hawaii. It was really great. Took a bunch of pictures and you can check em out. We did quite a bit of things and have really nice stories to share. Hope we can go again next year....We Miss you Hawaii. See pictures..

April 26, 2004
Jenn's Birthday!
17 Years ago, the cutest baby was born, and shes still damn cute. Party is being planned. No official plans made out to the public. Pictures Coming Soon

May 14, 2004
Prom 2004
Prom is coming up and all the girls are going crazy about the dresses, while the guys are going crazy about cheap motels and limos services. Hope to see you there! Pictures Coming Soon
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