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Legend Farm Horses
It's a SIM WORLD - no way real !
My Horses

Legend Farm Horses

All horses owned by Jamie Cinq-Mars
Welcome to my page of my wonderful horses at my barn. I have a few stallions who are always ready to breed and make that new champion in your barn. Feel free to look around, and if you have any inquiry's, just let me know!

All of our horses are on a very specific scheadule. Each horse gets turned out in the morning. Our mares and geldings go out in separate groups, and our stallions go in individaul paddocks. Our babies go out after the stallion in those same paddocks. Each horse is on a well balanced diet. Each horse has a specific amount and kind of grain they get. Every horse has fly sheets with there name embroidered on the left flank. We take good care of our horse. We treat them like how they wanted to be treated.

Every horse here gets shod every 6 weeks. We take careful precaution to each horse to make sure they are comfortable as possible. Our jumpers get the light aluminum jumper shoe, our western pleasure horses get the pleasure show, our reining horses get the light aluminum shoe with studs, our racehorse gets the light racing shoe and our eventer gets the jumper shoe. Each horse gets a trim at the same time the shoes are done!
2003 Foals
2003 2nd Crop Foals
Minature Horses
Creditation Points
Money Records


If you would like to breed to any of my stallions, then please Email me with your mares name, Age, breed, coloring, and discipline and I will get back to you as soon as I can! Thank you!




Horses For Sale

Page Last Updated September 17th, 2003