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25 May 2003
That was a long round! It seems no family managed to get and keep all artefacts for 48 hours, so the round ended after a month, without a winning family.

The new round will start the 27th at 16h GMT. Records from previous rounds are now kept, viewable from empires pages, and there will be several other improvements in the next days ( thanks for Sogil for his various code contributions! ). Minor gameplay adjustements could be announced shortly.

24 April 2003
Congratulations to family #7 players, who managed to gather and keep all ancient artefacts for 48 hours, winning the round!

The family #7 members are : Xxit, Ius, Greatic, Devilsempire, Gos, Exorcist, Radio Active, NewRadicals, The Killer and Wilbo.

Registration for the new round started, time will begin Saturday the 26th at 20h GMT.
New round changes

Oh, and we finally have a domain name.

18 April 2003
The front page was getting a bit too heavy, some content has been moved to Contact and Hall of fame pages. A FAQ has also been added, and Starfury's guide has been updated.

This last beta round is going well, with newly implemented spells, races and aretacts. I'm planning to start the new round the 27th April, assuming no family gathers all six artefacts before then.

5 April 2003
Registration for the new round started! Time will start the 6th at 16h GMT.

1 April 2003
The round will end next week-end, Saturday the 5 april at 16h GMT. All spells and races will be implemented for the new round ( I promise ;) ), starting 24 hours later. Although most of the game will be complete, the round will still be considered beta as adjustments could be necessary.

31 March 2003
I sincerely apologize for the down-time which lasted about 24 hours... A cable has been recognized guilty and sentenced to being thrown in the garbage. Finally, the last agents operation, High Infiltration, has been implemented.

27 March 2003
A status page has been added, in case anyone is interested. New operation of the day : Military sabotage.

26 March 2003
Special operations are currently being implemented, these are already available : Spy Target, Observe Planet, Network virus, Infiltration, Bio Infection and Energy Transfer. Spells are next on the to-do list, followed by races.

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Guides written by the players
An Ectroverse guide by Starfury
An Ectroverse guide by Mortis

First items on the development to-do list :
- Planets bonuses
- Ghost ships units
- Layout improvements