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11 Aug, 03 > 17 Aug, 03
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Ashley's site
Monday, 11 August 2003
Nature lesson by Brian Coble
Antifriedfood: i was about to ask if you were going to go to church tomorrow
Antifriedfood: but i guess not if you're working
tightE07: no im not allowed
Antifriedfood: not allowed?
Antifriedfood: bc of work?
Antifriedfood: or..
tightE07: ya jesus told me so
Antifriedfood: pssht
tightE07: wat is pssht
Antifriedfood: a sound
Antifriedfood: pa--shhh--iii--ttt
Antifriedfood: pssht
tightE07: oh i get it pa shit, or mayb i dont get it
Antifriedfood: yeah you get it
Antifriedfood: i think
Antifriedfood: say it all together thoguh
Antifriedfood: psssshhhhhhht
tightE07: what was it suppose to mean
Antifriedfood: lol
Antifriedfood: "riight"
Antifriedfood: or "whatever"
Antifriedfood: something like that
tightE07: ok we'll use that from now on
Antifriedfood: like, i'm sure jesus told you not to come to chuch
Antifriedfood: okay, fun
Antifriedfood: lol
tightE07: he sure did
Antifriedfood: riight
Antifriedfood: pssht
tightE07: hes my homeboy
tightE07: we like this "x"
Antifriedfood: mkay
Antifriedfood: but why would he tellyou not to go to church?
Antifriedfood: i don't comprehend
tightE07: idk, i dont question the lard
Antifriedfood: are you sure the right Lord told you that?
Antifriedfood: Jesus as in Christ,, not hey-zues ?
Antifriedfood: lol
tightE07: lol
Antifriedfood: i think you're confused
tightE07: ya im sure
tightE07: no im not
tightE07: lol
Antifriedfood: mkay
tightE07: he said "if yee shall ever go to another church, I shall smite thee with all of my crazy bad stuff".... so i said "ya....whateva", and then he hit me, and i was like "ouch man that hurt", and he was like "awright then listen when i talk to you....punk", so i was like "whatever u say dude", so now were cool
Antifriedfood: that's the craziest thing taht god's ever "said " to someone..
tightE07: we play playstation together sometimes
Antifriedfood: you even beat out Chris lile
tightE07: hes awesome at dance dance
Antifriedfood: haha
Antifriedfood: chris is? or jesus?
tightE07: jesus.... man he can tear it up, even on hard mode
Antifriedfood: haha
Antifriedfood: what does jesus look like? he doesn't resemble fagan, does he/?
tightE07: and you know what..... he doesnt really have a beard like everybody thinks, he told me that it was just dirt that got caked onto his chin from that whole desert thing
Antifriedfood: riight
Antifriedfood: i get what you're saying, but i' m still not sure what you were smokinmg
tightE07: and hes pretty swole for a jew
Antifriedfood: that's cool
Antifriedfood: you'll have to introduce me sometime
Antifriedfood: to this man you call jesus
Antifriedfood: ;p;
tightE07: and he said that passover was just a practical joke that got a little outa hand
Antifriedfood: lol
Antifriedfood: where do you get this stuff?
tightE07: in the bowl at communion
Antifriedfood: ?
Antifriedfood: the grape juice/wine
tightE07: na the bread
Antifriedfood: oh okay
Antifriedfood: so you have bread taht has some sort of drug in it
tightE07: apparently his body was laced with some sorta narcotics
tightE07: it has different effects on different people
Antifriedfood: riight
tightE07: thats why the guys had so much fun at the last supper
Antifriedfood: LOL
Antifriedfood: you'
Antifriedfood: re so full of it
Antifriedfood: it's great
tightE07: im glad ur havin fun
tightE07: lol
Antifriedfood: oh i am
Antifriedfood: you weirdo
Antifriedfood: lol
tightE07: hey man i just tell it like it is
Antifriedfood: or like you think it
tightE07: same difference
Antifriedfood: aren't you catholic, too?
Antifriedfood: true
tightE07: life is all about perception
Antifriedfood: true
Antifriedfood: and that's onme intersting perception
tightE07: well i read it how i see it
Antifriedfood: that's cool
Antifriedfood: whatever floats your boat
Antifriedfood: or sinks your ship
tightE07: or my arc
Antifriedfood: lol
Antifriedfood: nice one
tightE07: theres alot more where that came from
Antifriedfood: yeah there is
Antifriedfood: pretty much anyhitng can be considered biblical, or at least related
tightE07: thats what it all about
tightE07: everything is biblica
tightE07: l
Antifriedfood: yup
Antifriedfood: and we're all related... because of Noah adn teh arc
Antifriedfood: i'm related to you
Antifriedfood: lol
tightE07: his name wasnt really noah by the way
Antifriedfood: what was it?
tightE07: ya it was steve
Antifriedfood: oh really?
Antifriedfood: what Bible di you read?
Antifriedfood: did*
Antifriedfood: did/do*
tightE07: never read a page
tightE07: dont intend to
tightE07: dont need to
Antifriedfood: so you get this all from the man you call "jesus"?
Antifriedfood: you're quite confusing at times mr coble
tightE07: well i call him dude, but ya
tightE07: dude says, "confusion is like taxes...dont worry about it"
Antifriedfood: alright...
Antifriedfood: you are one strange duck
tightE07: and thats straight from the source
Antifriedfood: what source?
tightE07: i guess i could b a duck
tightE07: dude
Antifriedfood: oh okay
Antifriedfood: you'd make a good duck
tightE07: ya, i think id make a pretty good capibara too
Antifriedfood: what is a capibara?
tightE07: the largest marsupial in the world
Antifriedfood: now remind me what a marsupial is once again...
tightE07: like a kangaroo
Antifriedfood: oh, okay
Antifriedfood: yeah i could see that
tightE07: or mayb a squirel
tightE07: with big nuts
Antifriedfood: haha, i'd try to ru you over
Antifriedfood: lol
Antifriedfood: run*
Antifriedfood: boys and nuts..
tightE07: preferably acorns
tightE07: squirels really like acorns
Antifriedfood: oh really?
tightE07: the bigger the better
Antifriedfood: i'll remember that
Antifriedfood: i figured they'd be more of a hassel
Antifriedfood: if they were huge
tightE07: ya but the meat is worth it
Antifriedfood: oh okay
Antifriedfood: we're still talking about squirrels, ight?
Antifriedfood: right*
tightE07: what else would we b talkin about
Antifriedfood: ummm
Antifriedfood: lol
tightE07: i was just sayin that if i was a squirel, i would want to have some really big nuts
Antifriedfood: oh i know
tightE07: that way if i wanted to share with another i would b more than capable of it
Antifriedfood: but i figured big nuts would be more of an inconvience because smaller nuts would be easier to deal with and would get in the way less often
tightE07: well it may b an incovenience but it feels great when u know that uve helped someone by letting them eat on ur nuts
Antifriedfood: i've been deprived of that feeling
tightE07: or just suck on em, some squirels just do that
Antifriedfood: i've learned a lot about squirrels this evening
tightE07: they like to take the nuts and just suck on em, for a long long time
tightE07: now beavers are different thouhg
tightE07: though
Antifriedfood: that's interesting, i figured they''d get straight to the good part
Antifriedfood: oh really?
tightE07: ya they like to chew on wood
Antifriedfood: why wood hough? i figured nuts would taste better
Antifriedfood: though*
tightE07: and u can always tell when there happy, cause they put their tail up n the air
Antifriedfood: hah
Antifriedfood: i wonder why people dont have tails
tightE07: well nuts taste good, but sometimes u just gota have some wood
Antifriedfood: oh i see
Antifriedfood: balance it all out
tightE07: yes....wood and nuts
Antifriedfood: what do the squirrels do hen they're happy?
Antifriedfood: do they puit their tails up as well?
tightE07: well sometimes, but most of the time they just like to suck on their nuts
tightE07: i have done extensive research n this field
tightE07: so i know
Antifriedfood: oh i'm sure you have
Antifriedfood: just scking on nuts? no physical way with their boidy to tell they're happy
Antifriedfood: like teh
Antifriedfood: the beavers*
tightE07: well sometimes they hump things
Antifriedfood: oh okay
Antifriedfood: that makes sense
tightE07: yes yes it does
Antifriedfood: i'm glad i understand it all now
Antifriedfood: thank you for teaching be about the beavers adn the squirrels tongiht
tightE07: well u r more than welcome
tightE07: if there is any more "wild animals" that u may b interested in, just let me know and ill c what i can tell u about that particular species
Antifriedfood: okay, i'll keep that in mind
Antifriedfood: gracias
tightE07: perhaps the sea cucumber
Antifriedfood: ?
tightE07: thats a particularly interesting species
Antifriedfood: i didnt know it even existed
tightE07: oh yes
tightE07: like its name implies, it is shaped much like a cucumber
tightE07: it has a long shaft
tightE07: and is particularly supple
Antifriedfood: un huh...
Antifriedfood: supple?
tightE07: yes, fairly firm, yet soft to the touch
Antifriedfood: oh, okay
Antifriedfood: what all does it do?
tightE07: when agitated, by friction, the sea cucumber emmits a sticky white stringy substance from its head
Antifriedfood: and how does this sticky white substance get into the head?
Antifriedfood: what does it eat in roder to get it?
tightE07: it uses photosenthesis, the sticky substance is formed by millions of tiny glands barried within the shaft
tightE07: beavers do not like it
Antifriedfood: what particular agitates it? oh really, and why do you think that is?
tightE07: usually friction from other creatures, i think the beavers dont like it because this sticky substance can be very hard to get rid of, and they may be stuck with it for the rest of there lives
Antifriedfood: oh really? i figured it would wash off
tightE07: well sometimes this substance can find its way into hard to reach places, it can b almost impossible to simply wash off
Antifriedfood: that is interesing knowledge right there
tightE07: yes yes it is
Antifriedfood: do you like the discovery channel?
Antifriedfood: lol
Antifriedfood: (i know these are not from there)
tightE07: yes i especially enjoy the mating ritual eppisodes
Antifriedfood: i presumed you would
tightE07: everything i told u is true though
tightE07: nature is very interesting
Antifriedfood: seriously?
tightE07: ya
Antifriedfood: it's all actually "nature"
tightE07: ya
Antifriedfood: human nature by any
tightE07: its amazing how some things can b compared
Antifriedfood: the "sea cucumber" is actually an animal? not a body part
tightE07: ya there really is such a thing
tightE07: and it really does all that
Antifriedfood: wow, i'll take your word for it, or look it up eventually
Antifriedfood: so you really egt allthis from the discovery channel?
tightE07: look it up
Antifriedfood: oh i will
tightE07: no
tightE07: the sea cucumber i found out about on jackass
Antifriedfood: lol
Antifriedfood: that sounds more like you
tightE07: O:-)
Antifriedfood: haha
Antifriedfood: riiighyt
Antifriedfood: although, you're probably moer of an angle than many
tightE07: oh im harmless
tightE07: im like a dog with no teeth
Antifriedfood: haha.... how
tightE07: all bite
Antifriedfood: hahah
tightE07: more like a teddy bear really
Antifriedfood: without the
Antifriedfood: a skinny teddy bear
tightE07: ya of those really soft ones
Antifriedfood: true
Antifriedfood: with a nice stomach
tightE07: that u just love to cuddle up with
Antifriedfood: lol
tightE07: oh u think i got a nice stomach
Antifriedfood: if only i
Antifriedfood: umm, yeah, i do
Antifriedfood: most of us think you have a nice stomach.. you know you do
tightE07: awww shucks
Antifriedfood: lol
Antifriedfood: you know you're a ladies man
tightE07: oh its a lady
Antifriedfood: lol
Antifriedfood: yes, yes it is
tightE07: now ur talkin
Antifriedfood: that i am
tightE07: nething else u wana know about nature?
Antifriedfood: hahah
Antifriedfood: anything else you want to share that will humor me?
Antifriedfood: i relate things whether i should or
tightE07: well idk
Antifriedfood: i have adirty mindset, if you haven't noticed yet
tightE07: ya i caught that
Antifriedfood: lol
tightE07: u didnt even believe me about the sea cucumbers
Antifriedfood: i did, but umm...
tightE07: no u didnt
Antifriedfood: yeah, i believe you
Antifriedfood: lol
Antifriedfood: i think i will still look it up theou
Antifriedfood: thoguh*
Antifriedfood: though*
Antifriedfood: this all started because i said you were one strange duck
Antifriedfood: lol
tightE07: u started it
Antifriedfood: i know
Antifriedfood: i started it all
tightE07: dont mess with me
Antifriedfood: but you always start teh initial conversation-bc i hardly do w/ anyone
Antifriedfood: oh i but i like messing with you
Antifriedfood: hmm
Antifriedfood: i think i'm going to go to bed
tightE07: Scientifically called holothurians, class of the phylum echinodermata (from the Greek word echinos, a hedgehog, and derma, meaning skin), they have elongated tubular bodies that are rubbery and without bony skeletons. There are more than 500 species of sea cucumbers, and some of the larger species are considered delicacies in the Orient and are used in the preparation of soups and some other delicate specialty dishes. When cooked, it is soft, cartilaginous, almost transparent, absorbing all the flavors of the sauce and the other ingredients. It is certainly a must-try for the adventurous taste buds, and for the Asian cuisine-intrigued cooks.

tightE07: look at that
Antifriedfood: interesting
Antifriedfood: where's that from?
Antifriedfood: where do you get these things from?
tightE07: just looked it up
Antifriedfood: interesting
Antifriedfood: learn something new everyday
tightE07: It can grow 3 to 4 inches thick, ranging in length from 1-inch to almost five feet,
Antifriedfood: whoa
tightE07: ya ouch huh
Antifriedfood: uh huh
Antifriedfood: glad yo're not 5 feet? lol
tightE07: mayb
Antifriedfood: that make sfor an interesting visual
tightE07: ya i cant imagine only bein 5 ft tall
tightE07: hahaha
Antifriedfood: riiight
Antifriedfood: lol
tightE07: riiiight
Antifriedfood: psht
tightE07: psht
Antifriedfood: pssht
Antifriedfood: lol
tightE07: lol
Antifriedfood: niice
tightE07: i bet if it were 5ft long it could make a lot of that sticky stuff
Antifriedfood: ewww
Antifriedfood: i would bet so
Antifriedfood: miles of it
tightE07: prolly cover an entire human body
Antifriedfood: grody
Antifriedfood: depends on how big the body is
Antifriedfood: lol
tightE07: but only if u rubbed it the right way
Antifriedfood: there are some huge opeople out there nowadays
tightE07: haha
Antifriedfood: true, have to have the right type of friction
Antifriedfood: that's what it's all about
tightE07: thats right nothing to it but to do it
Antifriedfood: but for how long?
Antifriedfood: lol
tightE07: i just keep going and going and going
Antifriedfood: like the energized brian coble
Antifriedfood: lol
Antifriedfood: oh goodness
Antifriedfood: but i seriously doubt you're five feet
tightE07: no im 6ft
Antifriedfood: right
Antifriedfood: of course
tightE07: i am
Antifriedfood: i knw
Antifriedfood: know
tightE07: thats what the doctor said
Antifriedfood: we're pretty much the same size
Antifriedfood: lol
tightE07: ya isnt that weird, and neither one of us shave our legs
Antifriedfood: lol, that is kinda strange
Antifriedfood: it'd be weirder thoguh if we were the ones
tightE07: ya it would
Antifriedfood: how strange
Antifriedfood: now all i need to complete the pictue is a guy shorte than ,e who shaves their legs
Antifriedfood: then we'd be a completely messed up
tightE07: ya itd b perfect
Antifriedfood: haha
Antifriedfood: i'll start looking
tightE07: greg fagen
Antifriedfood: haha, i htink he's taken
tightE07: i can fix that
Antifriedfood: and do you know he shaves his legs for sure?
tightE07: lol
Antifriedfood: lol
Antifriedfood: i don't want a guy that bad...haha
tightE07: but hes awesome at dance dance
Antifriedfood: true
Antifriedfood: but are his legs hair free?
tightE07: i dunno...never touched em
Antifriedfood: MC Hammer is on Praise the Lord... channel 58
Antifriedfood: oh i figured you'd know for
Antifriedfood: I'm hingry
Antifriedfood: hungry*
tightE07: well i always say, "if ur hungry then u should probably eatin somethin"
Antifriedfood: yeah, it's a good saying, but it means that i have to go all the way downstairs
Antifriedfood: i amy jst go to bed that's easier
tightE07: u could get a peice of cardboard and slide down the stairs
tightE07: that would b pretty easy
Antifriedfood: but how would i get back up?
tightE07: u could just sleep on the couch
Antifriedfood: true
Antifriedfood: you're so smart.. haha. good with ways to be lazy
tightE07: shampoo and conditioner n one
tightE07: drive thru carwash
Antifriedfood: oh i dothe first one, and i generally only wash my car when i HAVE to
Antifriedfood: bc it'll just get dirty again
Antifriedfood: " Guys leave im not wearing a bra. "
tightE07: me neither
Antifriedfood: haha
tightE07: or underwear
Antifriedfood: good to
tightE07: or shorts
Antifriedfood: just skin?
tightE07: perty
Antifriedfood: best way to be
tightE07: only way to b is free
Antifriedfood: i agree to the fullest
Antifriedfood: okay, mr happy naked boy, i think i'm going to actually go to bed
tightE07: ok
tightE07: goodnight

Posted by pro/antifriedfood at 6:42 PM EDT
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