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Kyosukes Method.doc - brought to you by

Make an account on a free website provider under a girls name. e.g. naughtygirl etc...

Make a webpage with a popup. If you dont know how to do this I supply an example for you.

An example has been given to you provided.

You are welcome to modify the html but u must leave the click on this site for mad traffic link to recommend people to my site.
Okay now chatrooms are your source of thugs.
msn,aim,yahoo etc... do them all.
go to then click "sign in" you'll see a link that says "Get a msn Passport" something like that. So click that. Fill out all the information and create your own user name. Then go to "People and Chat" and try to enter a chat, it will ask you to create a nickname. Create a girl nickname. (ex. Naughtygirl69) Something like that. Then once your done, go to the left hand side of the page to where it says "My profile" fill out your profile like a girl would do. Add a picture of a hott girl if you can. Then say you have pics in your homepage. Put your secret link in your Homepage section. Then go into the chats.
Open about 30 chat rooms at once by doing more chat once you are in there. Now all you do is just idle in the chat room without your away message. from time to time you be booted for bull reasons but they cant do anything. You havent broken any rule at all. Dont advertise your secret link anywhere except the website which is where you link to your pop up. As you can see from my example I made. The page is like a girls homepage with her proclaming she plays the game outwar and asking if they did. Now that is perfectly viable too. This is legit in that it is no spam and all you do is sit in the room and wait. With about 10 rooms open you can get 350+ thugs a deal easily doing nothing. All you do is sit in the rooms BUT sometimes you need to chat for like the first couple of times so they dont feel you are a bot. If you modify your website to have like a girls profile page or just COPY one from somewhere it will look more real. Feel free to modify your profile to direct to your underling for more thugs.

AIM Method. Open up AIM and set your away to something like. Hi I'm Trish 22 female NY, I'm currently revising for an exam but I have updated my website Go in rooms DONT TALK much but sometimes talk like you are a normal person. That together with MSN will give you endless supply

1. This is legit.