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Nick's Home Page

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Hello You!

Guess who's back, back again Shady's back, tell a friend Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back Guess who's back... Eminem

Yep, I'm back I'm afraid. Until something interesting happens the photos and my web log wont be updated again, although if you haven't had a look since, oh I dunno about October, you might want to check out the photos from Japan and a few others from the real Asia.

In the only other news of note... I have a new mobile phone with a new number.

07841 033220

It takes photos and everything!

The hotmail email address ( is now my main email address and since Bill Gates deigned me worthy of more web space it can now receive pictures and attachments and stuff.

Who says life doesn't move on eh? What progress!

Ta ta


More links...
Who am I? | Various Pics | Snowboarding Pics | Harvey Pics Page
