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Alan Jordan’s Collected Freewrites and Essays

“Untopia, detopia, dystopia, negative utopia”


UPDATE 5/06/03 Sorry things haven’t been steady – the site keeps crashing for some reason and I have no idea why. I’m computer illiterate, that’s probably it. If there’s a problem, just e-mail me at I hope I can help as much as I have in the past.

UPDATE 4/15/03 Welcome back to my dystopia website! For those of you who used to visit me at my old address (, here it is, once again. I’m gradually re-uploading everything as I find them. Hope I can start helping people out with their essays again. I wouldn’t be oding this if it weren’t for the great amount of feedback I got last time. Just remember to cite me if you want to use my ideas. Oh, and please, don’t ask me to write you papers. I did these a couple years ago for my Western Society class, and I had enough of it then.


P.S. my knowledge of the internet is limited, obviously. Everything you see here is a word document saved as an HTML file. Like I said, I don’t have time.


In Literature

-         A Brave New World

-         1984

-         Fahrenheit 451

-         Animal Farm

-         The Giver

-         Blade Runner (a.k.a. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep)

In Film

-         Blade Runner

-         Metropolis

-         Gattaca

-         1984

-         Dark City

-         The Matrix

-         Starship Troopers

-         The Terminator


Last updated 5/06/03 by Alan R. Jordan. Contact here.