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My Swing!!!

Last summer I asked my dad if I could build a sing that swung into my pool, he wouldn't let me.  Well... this last weekend my parents were out of town... and well... I built it!!!

It took 18 man hours, 180 pounds of cement, $200 in lumber, 50 screws, 70 staples, and a little Mormon named Colter. 

There were two uncertainties during the construction of the swing: 1)  Would it work.?  We weren't quite sure if we could build it strong enough to support just anyone, and if it broke it'd be a disaster.  2)  If my dad was going to kill me when he came back?  Well despite many different theories, my dad didn't castrate me, but simply said, "Good for you son!"  And that was good enough for me, plus I still have my manhood.

Well without further adieux , here's the finished product:








