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Dear Girls,


I hope that you¡¦re taking good care of yourself and your family, and making good use of your time. Revise your books well as there won¡¦t be a lot of time after the Easter holidays.


As for myself, I¡¦m reading a lot and watching lots of DVD (Western movies only). And of course, I miss all of you and hope that classes will resume asap.


Let me come to the point. I meant to tell you about this project but since classes were suspended, I could not do this. As I have mentioned before, we¡¦re (you¡¦re to be exact!) going to put on a play. The details are as follows:


Script: One or two people will write a script based on ¡§The Pearl¡¨, ¡§The Open Window¡¨, ¡§To Kill a Mockingbird¡¨, ¡§The Nightingale and the Rose¡¨, ¡§Lamb to the Slaughter¡¨ (Concentrate on one or two scenes for ¡§The Pearl¡¨ and ¡§To Kill a Mockingbird¡¨; do not attempt to stage the whole book. Also, you could change some of the details and the ending but the focus is that there must be a message or a relevant theme). Or you can create a story of your own but there must be a theme e.g. social injustice, racial discrimination, poverty¡Ksomething we covered in class.


Grouping: 5 to 8 people (no more and no less than this)


Date of performance: the second week after the Easter holidays


Length of performance: Within 20 minutes


Scoring criteria: (30% of the accumulative marks)

1.      Production: script, acting, staging (good use of stage), directing, props, costumes, voice, theme

2.      Team work (co-operation) and effort: this is not assessed by me, but by the group members and yourself

3.      Written reflection: the details will be announced later as this should be done after the performance


Please form your groups these few days and e-mail your name list to Stephanie at before next Wednesday (10th April, 2003)

If you have any problems, please e-mail me at