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uncertain promise of tommrow...

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this word you'll never know...

(1/30/04)6:08pm PT

i truely do hate my mom, with my life.. to her, she is never wrong.. and it makes her look soo stupid.. she has to be miss independent..and it pisses the shit outta me, because i am so much better at almost about everything.. hell i drive better and faster than her.. I JUST FUCKING HATE HER.. i really do hope she will burn in hell..

besides that, lol... after lauren, i was almost positive that i wasn't going to like someone or not go out with them... i have finnally realized, that i really like someone... but shes all i think about.. all day.. lol... lovestruk

(1/29/04)7:02pm PT

..tired, and have nothing to say.

(1/27/04)5:49pm PT

I'm filling up inside, like I need to open wide, and pour my heart out to you, but I'll just get denied, and all I wanted was someone to hear, what I'm going through...

Everytime that I need you around, you're never there (never there), you're never there (never there), because in my life is where I need you now, but you're never there (never there), you're never there (never there)...

You were supposed to see, all the signs I left to read, in front of your face, you were supposed to be, the closest thing to being me, but you're the furthest away, that's because...

Everytime that I need you around, you're never there (never there), you're never there (never there), because in my life is where I need you now, but you're never there (never there), you're never there (never there), you're never there, you're never there...

And I doubt that I will ever find out if there's a way to get out of feeling all alone cause latley I've been thinking maybe that no one's going to save me I'll do it on my own on my own, on my own

Everytime that I need you around you're never there (never there) you're never there (never there) because in my life is where I need you now but you're never there (never there) you're never there (never there)

(1/26/04)8:27pm PT

I really wanna call you, but I know that it's not right. I probably shouldn't tell you but I dreamed of you last night. I guess I'm not prepared to say... Goodbye, so long, farewell, I won't be seeing you again Until next time that he goes away.

You told me that you loved me, I started tearing down those walls. I really started to trust you but you set me up to take the fall. I guess I'm not prepared to say... Goodbye, so long, farewell, I won't be seeing you again Until next time that he goes away.

I guess that I'm wrong for falling in love, But you're still the one that I'm dreaming of. I guess that it's you I want to hold onto,

But you're holding onto someone else.

(1/26/04)6:52pm PT

this was a picture of me just about to break my wrist. notice a couple things..

1) There is no landing anywhere near..[because i overshot it but like 10feet]

2) The angle of my bike.. [probally at a 75 or 80 degree angle]

3)I was in 4th gear pinned [4th gear = around 35mph.. and from 35mph to 0mph in about 2 secs.. and having a 150lb bike land on ur back..]

4)jordan is in the backround in the right hand cornor on the oposite side of the track. watching as i went down [Ironic, i saw jordan go down also and break his leg]

5) but give me credit.. i tried to save it.. and i had great forum.. leaning all the way back and hitting the throttle all the way..[except for the .001 of a second before i hit the ground..]

hope you enjoi..

just a close up on it..

(1/25/04)8:19pm PT

i had a good weekend.. i went to augustos house today.. N' saw austin, moe, sasha, and emilie.. it was kewl.. i can't wait to get this fuckin cast off.. erk.. it feels like i'm missing something in my life.. just can't figure out what..

dig my toes into the sand// The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds strewn across a blue blanket// I lean against the wind// Pretend that I am weightless// And in this moment I am happy...happy

I wish you were here

I lay my head into the sand// The sky resembles a backlit canopy with holes punched in it// I'm counting UFO's// I signal them with my lighter// And in this moment I am happy...happy

I wish you were here

The world's a roller coaster and I am not strapped in// Maybe I should hold with care, but my hands are busy in the air

I wish you were here

(1/24/04)11:35am PT

ehh.. sorry i haven't updated in a while.. i just haven't had enough time.. i have been gettin a lotta bad news and ok news.. well eairlier on this last week.. I went to the orotapedic, and they had cut off my cast Blah blah blah.. and they took x-rays of my wrist.. when the doctor came back, he had said "what the hell have you been doing." I said i went dirtbiking once, but not really. He said that the bone wasn't in place, and that it may never be the same.. then they gave me another cast. the next day i was feeling kinda sick.. but later that day, my dad decided to take me to a differnt orthapedic for a second opinion.. he said that it was out of place.. and that it could possibly grow back.. but if it doesn't than.. i will have surgery on it.. i guess thats a plus.. but to tell u the truth.. i really don't want surgery on it.. i hate surgerys... but it's better than it being messed up forever. newayz.. here's some pics from like a week ago or so.. injoi...

is there something wrong in this picture? i'll give you a hint.. look in the back.

just a picture of the commons which i thought was kewl.. i'll post more pics later..

(1/20/04)4:26pm PT

yesterday was my birthday.. yay! lol .. i went out to starwest in perris.. And i pretty much watched my friends ride. Sept when my little sister let me ride her xr70.. hehe, thier was a lotta block passing on the mini track, lol.. no major causuaties.. Most of my friends fell, expect micheal. Vince ate it and bent his bars and tor his pants pretty bad. Jason was throwin it down a couple times on the main track, simple no handers and no footers.. I was wishin that he'd do his no footer to no hander lander. sidez that it was pretty kewl. I got alpinestars "tech 8's", tool case w/toolz, gmo wind breaker, and a HJC helmet... very kewl stuff.

today i woke up at like 10:00, cuz i had to go to the doctor.. it took a couple hours all together. In the waiting room and just waitin around and what not.. by the time we got outta thier it was about 12:45.. and my mom didn't want to drop me off at skool, what a shame.. lol. Let me throw down some wrench time on my bike with my new tool case and toolz.. I finnaly re-jetted my bike and emptied tha trans oil and fix the shift shaft seal.. pretty fun stuff.. hopefully i didn't miss anything important.. later tonight i'm going out to sushi with my dad.. and that was pretty much my day.. sometimes i wish i was home-schooled, so i could work on my bike more, and go riding more often, but it looks like that won't be happening anytime soon..

(1/17/04)9:32pm PT

JEESH.. Today is just a bad day for proride. hondaracer2 broke his collar bone. Slayer66 is out with a broken leg, arm and one vertibre. Than on Top of it Jordan broke his tib and fib. He broke it today at LACR on the vet track. From where i was, it seemed as if he cleared it and as he was landing he looked back. Than his bars like twisted and he did a 90 degree turn all in the instant. Than the bike landed on him. Luckly he wasn't going that fast, but unfortunatly he land in the right spot to shattering his tip and fib right above the growth plate. He will be out of commission for 6 weeks. JUST an OVERALL BAD day for the board. Everyone wish him a quick and speedy recovery on my guestbook. He often reads it. It will make him feel better.

To a quick recovery, and hope you get back on your bike soon.

(1/15/04)8:00pm PT

(1/13/04)8:36pm PT

"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not agsence of fear." -Mark Twain

"He can who thinks he can, and he can't who thinks he can't. This is an inexorable, indisputable law." -Orison Swett Marden

Desire: "This force, which is the best thing in you, your highest self, will never resopnd to any ordinary half-hearted call, or any malk-and-water endeavor. It can only be reached by your supremest call, your supremest effort... You must back up your ambition by your whole nature, by unbounded enthusiam and a determination to win which knows no failure." -Orison Swett Marden

"Some people dream of worthy accomplishments, while others stay awake and do them."-unknown

"The first principle of sucuss is desire, knowing what you want, Desire is the planting of your seed."-unknown

- - - - -

Just a bunch of random quotes that i really like. Quotes i like to live by, Determination and Desire are key.

(1/12/04)4:40pm PT


I push myself because i have a fear of losing.

It's NOT a fear of losing money.

It's a FEAR of losing pride.

Losing hurts me deep inside my gut. I know that there are other riders who have more natural talent than i do.

They may have more Talent.


More Desire and Determination.

I hate not being able to defend my supercross title. I have never lost a title defense.

But Rest Assured...


Ricky Carmichael

I wish i had wrote that.. words of wisdom from my favorite motocross rider...

School Is ok.. it's gettin better... Life has been pretty blah.. kinda weird.. i hate having a cast i want it off.. so that i can get back to dirtbiking, and the rest of my life.. it's seems like everything is on hold.. but the day seems to past by so fast. It doesn't seem to bother me.

Now i can't taste

the war that i've been fighting

start to fall

but i'm still standing here

behind the wall of dying flame

i can't forget

the fight is growing stronger

face to face

with hopes of longer days

to feel asomething we should save

i stand alone i'm on my own

my hands will bleed

i'm holding on to what is gone

what's left of me?

i'm falling down

but i should find my strength in this

a light

the push to reconnect my heart

for what it's meant to give

i stand alone

i'm on my own

my hands will bleed

i'm holding on

to what is gone

what's left of me?











i stand alone

i'm on my own

my hands will bleed

i'm holding on

to what is gone

what's left of me?


(1/8/04)5:38pm PT

well.. skool is kinda gettin better.. but it's still small.. bored.. and have nothing to say.. out-


wow i really really hate the new skoowl.. being mad is pointless..


today was the best day in my life that i have ever had in a LONG time.. I went to the anaheim 1 thq supercross. I had soo much fun there.. we got there around 3. that walked around in the pits and saw a couple people. like ricky carmichael, chad reed, ezra lusk, mike brown, travis pastrana, mike larocco, kevin windham, grant langston, and lots of other riders... than we watched the races.. the highlgihts of the night were.. tyler evens hit grant langston in the cornor off the track.. than grant got back on his bike and just fuckin hauled ass and cought up to tyler.. and fuckin hit him in the berm off his bike and finished 3rd.. it was soo great.. as me and jordan were walking threw the stands to go get something to eat. i saw brian deegan it was soo kewl.. than i got him to sign my cast.. and later i saw jesse james.. than i saw some kid from skool forgot his name but whatever.. i also saw the joel.. he was kinda.. lets just say kinda "tipsy".. lol neways i had a great time..

I thought i would post some pics from hungrey valley before i got all busted up.. lol and some pics of tha supercross! enjoi-


brian deegan's sig. /METAL MULISHA/

Anaheim THQ Supercross map

THQ AMA Supercross souvenir yearbook..

me(in the red)and jordan(in the yellow) messin around on the circle track..




me at a tabletop

jordan at a tabletop

(1/1/04) 12:25am PT

it's a new year. feels all the same to me, yet last year.. 2003. was filled with so many emotions, friends, memories. memories, that are now a thing of the PAST. past, which brought so many memories that will not be remembered, but hurtfully remembered. Remberance, of all the good and bad i so greedily shared. The memories now will only be known as feign, and will only be misunderstood. so the use of telling our stories of the yesteryear will be vain. the hard part of growing up is knowing that we are not going to live forever. grasping this fact will not clear, nor will it be immediate. keep it that way. Make this new year of 2004 the by far the best year you ever had. Let nothing hold you back, forget about the past. For once in your perpetual whril of multifarious emotions just... LET GO... no if's, and's, or's, but's, past, him, her.. just let go. you desearve it. all i am asking is for just ONCE to let go of your anxieties and focus on whats most important, having fun. It's your life, why worry about stupid little things? even tho those little things are useless, that doesn't mean you have to make your life that way. make all of this.. your new year of 2004 your resolution and make 2004 the year you won't ever forget..

Love, Brandon T. Lippincott 1:08am PT

P.S.: sign my guestbook, with your name,take the time and tell me what the new year means to you. and what your new year resolution is.

(12/29/03) 4:50pm PT

today is a new day, no different than yesterday.. yet yesterday has been filled with misremembered recollections of december 28th 2003... will i feel the same way about today, tommrow. Time is of consequence, nevertheless i abhorrence time for it is only a illusion. A dream that feigns our affections. Feigns the way we love, live, see, feel, and die... trust is phantasm of assurance waiting to collapse under the weight of mixed emotions as the day passes. today is tommrow and yesterday is december 29th 2003. i will feel the same way about today, tommrow. When will this infinite cicrle of lies end..


... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ..

love, now its too late

(love) to turn this off

alone is all we are

even when we we feel this close

it's just a lie we believe

these are the words that escape from our lungs,

rupture the wall ive built around my heart

i've been shaking

you can't save me

im turning off

we can't find a way

out of this moment

were lost in a dark hallway


(12/28/03)7:58pm PT

i love december,

yet it brings insecurity to even the closest..

faith is lost,

but necessity is the only thing that detains superficial amity from perplexing..

never lose site of who you are,

don't ever compromise your believe..


(12/27/03)9:28pm PT

A0001 --RESTART--

deleteing a the good and bad times we had together, going back to, and where i started... i have been at an emotional all time low, and this is not where i want to be, but happy to be here..////end!1100

haven't listened to this band ina while.. good song tho-

i know you'll never lose

what's lost inside you

you're burning down the bridges

you've crossed

and you're still around

so nothing's certain

just let go

we deserve it

if i could chose to start it over

i'd exercise more discretion

the lies are abound

and nothing's certain

do you have good intentions?

come on

let go of those affectations

you don't fool anyone

come on

let go

if you want to take on

the years won't say what happened to you

what gains have you earned

what friends have you trampled over

when you're around

nothing's certain

just let go

we deserve it

come on and let go,

come on and let go



well i broke my wrist.. so this sucks.. call me if u need me..


I thought i'd post this song.. because it's soo true.. and a good lesson...

True friends stab you in the front

keep you from getting what you want

when one more fix could kill you

they help you realize that


you're more and less than you first had believed

you've so much to give and there's so much you need

shortcuts through graveyards and a brand new way to


three thousand miles just to learn,

all that's gold does not all shine...

and helping words aren't always kind,

when one more kiss could kill you,

they help you realize that


you're more and less than you first had believed

you've so much to give and there's so much you need

shortcuts through graveyards and a brand new way to


three thousand miles just to learn.


how to let my guard down

accept the fire that has spread among us.

and if you're feeling all right,

you've got to play it again,

you've got to play it again.





I'm so happy it's winter break.. no school for 2 weeks or whatever it is.. yesterday mat, oliver, jordan, and I went to the topanga mall.. something different besides the fucking commons.. i hate going thier now.. we needed somewhere new to go.. so we went to topanga.. we're going to try new places each weekend.. next weekend were probally gonna hit northridge.. monday- fairplex mx.. for my sisters birthday.. that track is real fun..

I love being the guy everyone hates...

it infiltrates,


it feigns at love,

betrays our trust

in what we've known,

since we were born.

the truth we've found in all we see


points to design,

still our chests swell,

we'll never find

true answers from a wishing well.


so feed us all

another lie,

to still our thoughts,

appease our pride,

so we wont have

to chance the way we see, we live, we love, we die,


our lust precedes

our blasphemy,

our logic reads

like notes from tainted autopsy.


our souls they speak of something more,

but we cant look beyond ourselves.

we implore empty skies because

our heats hold room for no one else,


we extend our

claws to grasp at shadows of the

ideals we have,

lost causalities of a subtle dagger,

buried to the

hilt in our hearts, blood on our hands.




YAY!! ONE MORE DAY till BREAK! and thank god i don't have to see everyone from school, although i do admit i will miss some people.. the rest can go to hell.. and i'm going to your house and i'm going to shit under your tree.. or jew bush or whatever the fuck it's called.. guess what?!?

i HATE acs middle school incrowd>>>.. I really do

i hate conceited people.. which is AEW/ACS.. so if your one of those self-centered people.. and you think your life is terrible.. FUCK YOU.. because your a fucking asshole.. there are people and a worst condition than you, and your just being a whiney bitch.. so get over YOURSELF.. and think about others for once in your piece of shit life.. ASSHOLES!!!

have a wonderful day... > Rev. Brandon T. Lippincott

and may satan be with you...


2 more days.. so short, but seems forever..

I find it very humoruos... when one of the most conceited person i know calls me conceited... i almost bursted out in laughter reading it just read this passage

"... i used to be able to trust you, and i really thought i knew you. you've turned into a common aew/acs/calabasas conceited jack ass..."(megan)

I wanted to cry it was soo stupid and retarded.. it was soo funny.. one of my petpeaves is when people call people other things when they don't really know what it is..

For The Record

The Word Conceit Means

...A favorable and especially unduly high opinion of one's own abilities or worth (

I don't care if you have to look up the word, but make sure you know what your talking about, because anyone who really knows me.. knows that i do not give a fuck about myself.. i am ANTI-SELFCENTERNESS.. which also brings to a very important moral...

treat others, how you would like to be treated and..

Don't Judge others, and plus it shows poor character... i think it's time we all grew up.. please

Rev. Brandon T. Lippincott


heh.. life is ok.. FUCK EVERYTHING!!


faith, is not something that i grasp its something that i fake, as I'm slipping, as I'm falling through the cracks, faith without actions is a mask, for making the same mistakes as I'm slipping as I'm falling through the cracks.

somehow i find beauty in our failings, somehow i find meaning in these lies somehow I'm made perfect in this fracture, your back is begging sweetly for my knives,

I'm spilling blood, glancing down to hide my face, i walk with eyes closed tight through monuments of grace,

somehow i find beauty in our failings, somehow i find meaning in these lies somehow I'm made perfect in this fracture, your back is begging sweetly for my knives!

my faith is a front, I'm spilling blood, glancing down to hide my face, I walk with eyes closed through monuments of grace, I'm spilling blood glancing down to hide my face i walk with eyes closed through monuments of grace

isn't it sweet how, trusted with angels, and how so quickly i break my promises? isn't it sweet, isn't it sweet, isn't it sweet, isn't it sweet?


It was a regular ride home from school today.. We stoped by my dads to pick up a check.. we pulled out of hidden hills.. i put on my cd player.. and i start listening to thursday.. the old cd "the full collapse" since i hadn't listened to it in a while.. we come to a red light, and a car wants to get by.. i think nothing of it.. so my mom stops so the car can cross. as the song nears and as the last words of the song play out.. "I'll never understand, Understanding in a car crash..." the car starts moving.. and a car from the lane next to us going about 40mph slams into the car.. .. it as if everything was going in slow motion.. i saw the driver of the car that was making the turn slam his face on the steering wheel spilling blood on to the concreate.. and across the inside of the windshield.. as the other car sweaves to the left sliding.. than hitting the light post.. and instantly the air bags pop out.. and engine parts go fliying.. smoke almost instantly spilled from the hood. we pulled over to the side of the road.. and my mom and i jumped out of the car.. we rushed to the aid of the driver and the passanger of the car that hit the pole.. they were a married couple in there early 60's.. the driver of the car apeared to be ok.. the older lady in the passenger seat seemed to be extreamly shooken up.. and the first words out her mouth were to see if her husband was ok.. she seemed very faint.. i walked her to the sidewalk and held her up since she was very unstable and about to pass out.. her husband clamied to be alright.. but he had a huge bruise on his cheast.. and only cared about his wife.. the other kids that were driving the other car seemed scared shitless.. the diriver of the car was 16.. his mouth was gushing blood... the blood had been sprinkled over the car and his cloathes.. he said he was ok.. but he could barely stand up.. and his friends were scared shitless.. barely speacking a word.. a couple minutes later the ambluance arrived.. they checked blood preasure and took the older lady on to the streatcher.. away into the ambluance.. the police arrived a couple minutes later asking for a bunch of information... after everyone was taken away safely we left.. I wasn't really scared more shaken up.. but i haven't been able to get the mental images of them crashing over and over.. it is soo freash and vivid in my mind.. i think i might have troubles sleeping to night.. and i wish only the best to the the drivers and passangers..


i still hasn't fully dawned on me that christmas is coming up.. i'm aware of it tho.. and the year 2003 has almost come to an end.. 2003 will only be a memory. it's kinda weird.. it seemed to have past really fast.. but at the same time.. this year has been the best year of my life.. i can't even recall everything i have done.. but i just now there was a lot of time passed away with the people i love.. and i have changed soo much.. and grown up in soo many ways.. yet I still haven't grown far from who i started as.. i just hope that 2004 will be as good as 2003.. and 2004.. i'm going back to the basics.. who i was when i started.. this christmas i'm going to reflect on who i am.. and who i want to be.. and where i want to be.. and who i want to be with.. everything... nothing will be passed over this time.. live and learn.. and all it needs now.. is time..

(12/fuck i don't know but it's saurday/03)

I love lauren soo much.. with all my heart.. aww today was kewl we went to lacr.. it was kewll.. the jumps were soo nice.. tommrow i'm going riding with my family.. for my sisters birthday since she was off to vegas.. but it should be fun.. CHRISTMAS IS COMING UP!! and i need to get things done.. argg.. I feel soo stressed.. and lost.. so manny emotions that i can't sort out.. AHH..

I love you lauren.. .


everyone feel free to add a special date below

PAGE 2 sun sets and broken hearts


