*~!Rachel's Webpage!~*

Hey! You've obviously come here to learn about me. Well, theres plenty here for you to look at, take a look around, enjoy yourself, and sign the guestbook! On here you'll learn a lot about me..Me includes, my friends and my church..my interests and things that tick me off..also I'm NOW starting TODAY (12-02-01) starting a CAST YOUR THOUGHTS page. You email me your thoughts on a certain topic..whatever you want...and I'll post it. I'm gunna start out with MY opinion of the belief of friendship.:) Look back often, I update whenever I can! *~Last updated 12-02-01~*




*All About Me*


*Midnight Mania pictures*


*Other pics, including DANE*

*sEnIoRs Of 2002*

*__Wisconsin Pictures__*

*mY tHoUgHtS*

*fRiEnDs FrOm ScHoOl*

*~other people~*

*Church Pix*

*Random Pictures of my friends*

*_cEdAr PoInT pIcS_*

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Email: grumpie2003@yahoo.com