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Help the Labour Party of Pakistan to fight the terror of religious fundamentalism and American Imperialism's war on Afghanistan

Dear friends,

This is a formal appeal from the Labour Party Pakistan to help the party in this crucial juncture of Pakistan's history. The LPP National Executive Committee in its three days meeting at Lahore from October 4-6 decided to launch a peace movement in Pakistan. The main slogans will be, No to War, No to Imperialists' aggression, No to the terror of religious fanatics, and for a peaceful, democratic Pakistan.

There will a peace demonstration on October 15 in Lahore. The demo will start from the Lahore Press Club and go to Charing Cross at 3.30pm. We are publishing posters and leaflets for a mass fly posting and distribution. Rallies will also be held at other places including Hyderabad, Karachi and Islamabad during this month. The dates will be announced this week.

The LPP is organizing these peace rallies in a very hostile atmosphere where religious fundamentalists are taking the streets every day. They want to go for a Jihad (Islamic War) against Americans, who were once their best friends politically and economically. Religious fundamentalists are the new kind of fascists and must be opposed in every aspect. The LPP believes in no compromise or alliance with these religious fanatics on any issue. It boycotted the All Parties Conference called by the religious fundamentalist Jamaat-I-Islami on 21st September on the question of restoration of the constitution. The LPP and Bhutto's Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) were the only parties which announced a boycott despite being formally invited. This was in line with the policies of the LPP. Unfortunately, the PPP is siding with US imperialism at this time.

The LPP has a very proud record of fighting in practice for its agreed principals of peace, democracy and socialism. Every week it prints Workers Struggle, the only weekly that brings up the issues that the capitalist media try to distort or ignore.

Over 100 activists of the LPP have gone to jail during the last two years for fighting for the restoration of democracy and workers' rights. All the main leaders of the LPP have been in jail during this time.

Now once again the LPP has taken up the challenge to fight the imperialist war and religious terrorism. We need your support in all aspects.

We are in a very difficult situation now. Our peace movement and rallies will take place in a very hostile atmosphere. We have felt the need to take more security measures for the party and for the party's press. We have received threats from the religious fundamentalists, and without extra financial assistance we won't be able to properly organise the peace movement or guarantee the security of our members and supporters.

1. Please makes a donation to the LPP on the following account

Education Foundation Donations
Foreign currency account (US dollars)
Account number 1161774808090
Standard Grindlays Bank, Gulberg Branch
Main Boulevard, Gulberg
Lahore, Pakistan

2. Please take a subscription of the Weekly, if you can read Urdu

Weekly Mazdoor Jeddojuhd,
40 Abbot Road Lahore Pakistan
Pakistan Rupees 300 for a year
Outside Pakistan $50 for a year
Send your amount to the above account as well

3. Please visit our website for update information

Please ask for more information,


Farooq Tariq
General secretary Labour Party Pakistan

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