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One of my favorite parts Nadira: I told you to kidnap important people But NOOOO! You had to get me a busload of noisy little Brats Gulto: Can I Eat one of them Pleeease? Nadira: NO! Not till I get my money. ----"Daddy can I get a new dress?" ---"I'm trying to watch my shooow." ---"A Mutant with cash is my kind of Mutant." ---"I do love these latest fashions." ---"hmph shows what you know." Another Good part Nadira: Who do you think you are? SliverG: We are the Sliver Guardians. You are under arrest Nadira: You must be joking LOSER! Power RangersRed: Nadira Power RangersPink: wait! Nadira: How dare you spoil my shopping spree Soilders: Holt!! Nadira: No one tells me to stop. Solider: Fire! Nadira: Now you'll pay Power RangersPink: Cyclobots are all gone. Nadira: (looks around see Rangers) You'll all pay Good Part Nadira: Daddy were did that mutant come from I never seen him before Ransik: I don't know my Dear but I tend find out (Freks freaks out) Ransik: Making your self useless as always Freks Freks: Yes yes that’s me Nadira; Hmmm If I did not know better I say you were up to something Freks: Oh don't make me laugh Nadira you know robots are not programmed to be that smart Nadira: Oh (smiles) that’s right whatever was I thinking (Her and Ransik walk out laughing) Facts about her ---She hates Hotdogs just like me --- She has the same stuffed Leopard that I have ---She really loves money ---She loves leopard print stuff just like me ---Has really long nails ----She is a very good whistler Well know Info Nadira is from 3001 and Ransik is her father. She is a spoiled brat that has Pink hair. Kate Sheldon plays her